July 16, 2024
KCNA KCNA.co.jp (En)

S. Korean Authorities Accused of Fully Opening Minutes of Inter-Korean Summit to Public

Date: 27/06/2013 | Source: KCNA.co.jp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- The spokesman for the Committee for the Peaceful Reunification of Korea issued an urgent statement on Thursday as follows:
The south Korean puppet group recently committed such reckless act as fully opening to public the minutes of the 2007 north-south summit, stunning the world people.

By origin, the summit minutes are handled as top secret in any country and they have been strictly kept secret as "minutes of president" in south Korea, too.

During the "presidential election" in 2012 the puppet conservative group raised the issue of opening to public the minutes, claiming that former president Roh Moo Hyun made remarks calling for giving up the "northern limit line" in the West Sea at the north-south summit in 2007, in a bid to turn the situation in the election favorable to the group, but failed to do so due to the strong rebuff of public opinion.

As the present regime is shaking to its very foundation due to the disclosure of the "case of the Intelligence Service's interference in the election," the present conservative group fully opened to public all of a sudden the summit minutes, taking issue again with the remarks made by Roh Moo Hyun in a bid to calm down public uproar.

Such rash action unprecedented not only in the history of the inter-Korean relations but in world history of diplomacy has driven south Korea into mayhem, and opposition parties, broad spectrum of people and media are strongly protesting it as "breach of state spirit unprecedented in history", "coup", "rebellion", "action above law", etc.

As known to everybody, the 2007 north-south summit was a great event of national history which ushered in a new phase of the development of inter-Korean relations and national reunification together with the June 15 era.

The summit discussed important issues of national reconciliation, unity, independent reunification, peace and prosperity in which the historic October 4 declaration was adopted.

The October 4 declaration was unanimously hailed and supported by all Koreans and the whole world.

What the present conservative group did clearly proves that it is a bandit of unheard-of depraved politicians and political gangsters who openly defile the historic October 4 declaration and abuse even the inter-Korean summit as a plaything for political strife. It also proves that south Korea's politics is a politics of most ignorant and childish philistines which can be seen only in a backward colonial country and reckless politics devoid of any common sense of politics and diplomacy and ethics of inter-Korean relations.

As far as the issue of the "northern limit line" in the West Sea touted by the conservative group is concerned, it is a bogus line because even its architect American master recognized it as an illegal one. It is, therefore, preposterous to vociferate about its "defence" and "preservation.”

Moreover, the October 4 declaration clarifies a reasonable way of peacefully settling the issue of the maritime demarcation line in the West Sea. Had it been sincerely implemented, it would not have posed any problem.

When the unheard-of plot to grab power was brought to light due to the "case of the Intelligence Service's interference in the presidential election" and broad spectrum of people have become vocal protesting and denouncing it, the conservative group made such last-ditch efforts as opening to public the summit minutes in a bid to divert elsewhere public criticism, weather the crisis of the regime and eliminate the pro-reunification democratic forces by branding them as "forces following the north".

Lurking behind this is a sinister intention to chill the desire of all fellow countrymen for inter-Korean dialogue and improved inter-Korean relations and kick off frantic rackets for confrontation with fellow countrymen in south Korea.

How can thrice-cursed gangster-like group properly approach dialogue for achieving the reunification of the country, the unanimous desire of all the Koreans, and improving inter-Korean relations as the group is using even the north-south summit, which candidly discussed the issue of the nation's destiny and the issue of inter-Korean relations, as a plaything for a political strife.

The conservative group's opening to public the summit minutes is the height of the treacherous acts for confrontation which can be committed only by the most despicable traitors who are unhesitatingly hurting the dignity and supreme interests of the nation to gratify their base political greed.

The group is often talking about "confidence" but it has no face to talk about trust as it is unhesitatingly using even the minutes of the north-south summit as a political plaything to meet its partisan interests, though they should be handled as the most sacred.

The group's unilateral opening to public the summit minutes without approval of the north is a mockery of the dignity of its supreme leadership and a grave provocation to the dialogue partner.

The Lee Myung Bak group keen on confrontation with fellow countrymen dared not open to public the minutes of the summit.

It is clear to everybody that the minutes could not be opened to public without the personal approval of the present chief of Chongwadae.

Given that "the case of the Intelligence Service's interference in the presidential election" and the opening of the minutes are directly related to the present regime of south Korea, it is needless to say that Chongwadae was behind the action.

In fact, if the issue of "following the north" should be called into question, none of the successive chief executives of south Korea who visited Pyongyang can be free.

Even under the situation where the minutes of the summit are abused for sinister political purposes, who can believe in the sincerity of another summit and "summit diplomacy?"

The army and people of the DPRK will never pardon the reckless action of the south Korean conservative forces.

The opened minutes irrefutably proved that the controversial issues raised by the group are nothing but far-fetched assertions contrary to facts. Finally, it reminds one of the adage that one who digs a pit for another falls into it himself.

One's evil doings will rebound on oneself.

The south Korean puppet group will not be able to escape the most shameful end in face of all Koreans' condemnation and denunciation.

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