October 07, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Cuts Tape for Completion of Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory

Date: 02/05/2020 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

The Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory has been built as a creation of our struggle to achieve prosperity by dint of self-reliance, another step forward in the grand march of all the people for opening up the new avenue of socialist construction true to the Party's grand plan while braving severe hardships facing the revolution.

Demonstrating the invariable belief of the Workers' Party of Korea and the people that as the hostile forces become zealous in bringing head wind, our red flag will flutter in it more vigorously, a great chemical industry base of the country was excellently completed as the first victory out of all the fronts of building a powerful socialist state this year that started with the advancement of the great idea of launching an offensive for making a breakthrough head-on.

A completion ceremony of the factory, which has been built as the production base of Juche fertilizer was splendidly held on May Day, the international holiday of the working people of the whole world.

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, attended the ceremony.

The factory, a proud creation of the great era of the Workers' Party and another eternal asset for building a thriving country, is a model and standard one in the field of the chemical industry as it has been built thoroughly on the basis of Juche and as required by modernization and it is perfect in the aspects of production, architecture and protection of ecological environment.

With the building of the Juche-based phosphatic fertilizer industry based on our own efforts, indigenous technology and locally available materials under the wise leadership of Supreme Leader of the Party, state and armed forces Kim Jong Un, a breach was made so that we can add eternal shine to the immortal feats performed by President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il for a solid foundation of self-supporting socialist economy all their lives and definitely increase grain production.

The completion of the factory, the first victory in the offensive for making a breakthrough head-on to implement the decisions made at the historic Fifth Plenary Meeting of the Seventh Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, greatly inspires us with confidence in victory that we can fully exalt the dignity and majesty of a powerful state when we strictly follow the idea and leadership of the Central Committee of the Party and give full play to the might of self-reliance.

Amid the welcome music, Kim Jong Un came out to the ceremony.

All the participants broke into thunderous cheers of "hurrah!" extending the greatest glory to the Supreme Leader who has brought about a new change in the development of Juche-based fertilizer industry and has led the grand revolutionary advance for strengthening self-supporting economy to a victory with his outstanding leadership.

Pak Pong Ju, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, vice-chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and vice-chairman of the WPK Central Committee, was present at the ceremony.

Also attending the ceremony were Kim Jae Ryong, member of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, member of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Kim Tok Hun and Pak Thae Song who are vice-chairmen of the WPK Central Committee, Kim Yo Jong and Jo Yong Won who are first vice department directors of the WPK Central Committee, officials of the WPK Central Committee, officials of the army and society who took part in the construction, builders, and officials of South Phyongan Province.

Pak Pong Ju made an inauguration speech.

He said that the completion of the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory becomes a great auspicious event which has brought great delight to all the agricultural workers and other people as it not only powerfully displayed the revolutionary spirit of the heroic working class of the DPRK determined to win a fresh victory in the socialist construction through courageous head-on breakthrough under the leadership of the great party, but also the tremendous might of our state.

He said that the Supreme Leader set forth the militant task to build the factory which mass-produces high-concentration ammonium phosphatic fertilizer urgently essential for the agricultural production in a modern and big way, and provided energetic guidance to build it as an icon factory in the field of chemical industry which has materialized the demand for Juche and modernity and as a labor-saving enterprise all the processes of which have been automated and streamlined.

He said that the builders, scientists and soldier builders who embodied the spirit of devotedly implementing the party policies waged fierce charge and 24-7 struggle of loyalty to accomplish the huge project ahead of schedule, settled our own way lots of scientific and technological problems arising in putting the phosphatic fertilizer industry on a Juche basis and made devoted efforts to accelerate the date of completion.

The completion of the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory which would drastically develop the fertilizer industry of the country and spur the economic front as a whole is the great victory of our party's idea of making head-on breakthrough and achieving prosperity by dint of self-reliance, and this proves once again the truth that we can certainly attain the fighting goals when we dynamically advance under the uplifted banner of self-reliance under the guidance of the party, he noted.

He called for getting rallied close around the Supreme Leader, further boosting the enthusiasm of the offensive for making a breakthrough head-on to continue to register admirable achievements of self-reliance and dynamically advancing full of faith in sure victory for the prosperity of the socialist country.

Kim Jong Un cut a ribbon for the completion of the factory.

All the participants again burst into thunderous cheers of "hurrah!" for the Supreme Leader who is commanding the all-people general march for accomplishing the great cause of prosperity by dint of self-reliance and demonstrating the might and dignity of socialist Korea on the highest level.

The Supreme Leader warmly acknowledged the builders and masses raising thunderous cheers.

He looked round several places including raw material processing process, yellow phosphorus production process, ammonium phosphatic fertilizer production process, and packing process, being briefed about the production processes of the factory.

Feasting his eyes on the general view of the wonderfully built factory, the Supreme Leader said with deep emotion that President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il who worked heart and soul to solve the food problem for the people would be greatly pleased if they heard the news that the modern phosphatic fertilizer factory has been built.

Now it has become possible for the agricultural workers to concentrate all their efforts on attaining the grain goal set forth by the party with assurances, he said, adding that the factory is a proud fruition created by those who absolutely follow the party policy by displaying the might of army-people unity. He highly appreciated the feats performed by all the builders, scientists and technicians.

He expressed satisfaction about the wonderful creation of the integrated production system of the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory by the teachers and researchers of Kim Chaek University of Technology in cooperation with relevant units, repeatedly stressing that talents are a great source and a motive power of the development of the country, and that training of talents is the policy issue to which the Party has attached most priority.

The completion of the Sunchon Phosphatic Fertilizer Factory is the first success after the 5th Plenary Meeting of the 7th Central Committee of the WPK and an important occasion for making the chemical industry of the country leap forward, he said, calling for more fiercely raising the flame of achieving prosperity by dint of self-reliance in all fields of building a powerful country with the valuable success as a seed.

He specified detailed tasks for the management and operation of the factory including the issue of taking thoroughgoing measures for the provision of raw materials for putting the phosphorus fertilizer production on a normal footing, the issue of further rounding off the integrated production system and putting the production processes under stable operation and the issue of paying special attention to environmental protection.

He set forth the tasks and ways for developing our chemical industry in a correct orientation as required by the new century including rebuilding and updating fertilizer factories as a whole, and building more chemical industrial bases.

He voiced expectation and conviction that the officials, scientists, technicians and builders would wage courageous offensive for opening up the new avenue of socialist construction in the same spirit and stamina with which they created the new industry relying on our own raw materials and technology and thus further demonstrate the might of the Party's great idea on waging head-on breakthrough.

All the participants in the significant and grand completion ceremony in the presence of the Supreme Leader were full of enthusiasm to further glorify this year marking the 75th founding anniversary of the glorious Party with proud achievements and continue to win new victories in the building of a powerful socialist country in the indefatigable fighting spirit and working style of self-reliance true to the leadership and ideology of the Party.

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