September 26, 2024
KCNA Pyongyang Times

Eighth Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea opens in Pyongyang

Date: 06/01/2021 | Source: Pyongyang Times | Read original version at source

The Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea opened in Pyongyang on Tuesday 2021 amid the great interest, expectations and aspiration of all the Party members, other people and service personnel throughout the DPRK.

The WPK Central Committee convened the congress, the eighth of its kind in the sacred history of the Party, in order to comprehensively and strictly review the work of the Party Central Committee, clearly reconfirm the correct orientation and duty in its struggle for winning a greater victory in the socialist cause and take measures for substantial improvement, as required by the times witnessing a new upsurge and great turn in the development of the Korean revolution.

The convening of the Party Congress, which will indicate the path ahead of the new struggle in the Korean revolution, is an expression of the firm self-confidence of the WPK determined to lead the socialist cause to a victorious next stage and a political event of great significance to be etched in the glorious Party's history of struggle.

In the period under review, the WPK waged a dynamic struggle to enhance its leadership ability and fighting efficiency, achieve the great cause of building a prosperous country with a strong army and more thoroughly apply the people-first principle to all fields of the revolution and construction, guided by great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism.

The Eighth Congress of the WPK will discuss and decide on a new line of struggle and strategic and tactical policies for bringing about a radical leap forward in the development of the Party and socialist construction based on a scientific analysis of the trends of the developing revolution and the prevailing situations in existence.

The Korean people, who have absolutely supported and trusted the WPK, the ever-victorious guide, and faithfully upheld its idea and determination, are paying highest tribute and extending warm congratulations to its historic Eighth Congress which will indicate the orientation of new development and progress in accomplishing the revolutionary cause of Juche.

At 9 a.m. Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, the great head of the WPK, the DPRK state and the Korean people and outstanding leader of the Juche revolution, took the platform of the congress together with the members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

All the participants broke into stormy cheers of “Hurrah!” in reverence for Kim Jong Un who is confidently leading the Party and people to shining victory and glory with his gifted wisdom, outstanding leadership, immense courage and strong will.

Under the outstanding and seasoned leadership of the Party Central Committee led by him, the revolutionary features of the WPK as the guiding force of the revolutionary cause of Juche has been demonstrated more clearly, a new era of self-dependence and prosperity, a brilliant era of our state-first principle, has been ushered in and the dignity, international prestige and overall power of the DPRK have been put on a remarkably high level in the period under review.

The single-hearted unity of the Party and the revolutionary ranks has been strengthened in every way and the absolute superiority of Korean-style socialism with the people-first principle as its lifeblood and the brave spirit of Juche Korea advancing under the uplifted banner of independence and self-reliance have been demonstrated to the world in the course of devotedly upholding the leadership of the Party Central Committee and enduring and combating the unprecedentedly harsh ordeals and difficulties.

The congress was attended by the members of the leadership body of the Seventh Party Central Committee and the delegates elected by Party organizations at all levels.

Kim Jong Un made an opening address.

He paid the noblest respect and offered the highest glory to President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il in reflection of the boundless loyalty of all the delegates, all other Party members and other people and service personnel of the Korean People's Army.

Taking a solemn oath on behalf of all the delegates that the congress would consistently remain faithful to the revolutionary ideas and cause of the President and the Chairman, the great leaders who founded and built up the Party, he declared the Eighth Congress of the WPK open.

The national anthem was solemnly played, instilling fresh enthusiasm for the revolution and struggle into the participants who were full of boundless emotion.

Upon authorization by the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, Kim Jae Ryong presided over the congress.

The congress elected its presidium.

It elected Kim Jong Un to the presidium by reflecting the unanimous will and desire of all the Party members and other people and service personnel across the country.

The participants in the congress burst into enthusiastic cheers of "Hurrah!" as a token of their ardent trust in and loyalty to Kim Jong Un.

The presidium also included Choe Ryong Hae, Ri Pyong Chol, Kim Tok Hun, Pak Pong Ju, Pak Jong Chon, Kim Jae Ryong, Ri Il Hwan, Choe Hwi, Pak Thae Dok, Kim Yong Chol, Choe Pu Il, Kim Su Gil, Thae Hyong Chol, O Su Yong, Kim Hyong Jun, Ho Chol Man, Pak Myong Sun, Jo Yong Won, Kim Yo Jong, Kim Jong Gwan, Jong Kyong Thaek, Kim Il Chol, Im Chol Ung, Ri Ryong Nam, Kim Yong Hwan, Pak Jong Nam, Yang Sung Ho, Ri Ju O, Tong Jong Ho, Ko In Ho, Kim Hyong Sik, Choe Sang Gon, O Il Jong, Kim Yong Su, Ri Sang Won, Ri Yong Gil, Kim Myong Gil and Kang Yun Sok.

The congress nominated members of the platform.

The platform was taken by the presidium members of the Eighth Congress of the WPK, members of the Party’s central leadership body who worked hard to fulfil their duty in their efforts to implement the decisions made at the Seventh WPK Congress during the period under review and exemplary officials of principal units amid warm applause from the participants.

Invited to the platform were Pak Yong Il, chairman of the Central Committee of the Korean Social Democratic Party, Ri Myong Chol, chairman of the Central Committee of the Chondoist Chongu Party, and Pak Su Chol, chief of the Pyongyang Mission of the Anti-imperialist National Democratic Front.

The congress elected its secretariat.

It approved the following agenda items:

First, review of the work of the WPK Central Committee

Second, review of the work of the Central Auditing Commission of the WPK

Third, on amendments to the Rules of the WPK

Fourth, election of the central leadership body of the WPK

The congress entered into a discussion on the first agenda item.

Kim Jong Un started delivering a report on the work of the Seventh Central Committee of the WPK.

All the participants attentively listened to the historic report on the work of the Party Central Committee.

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