July 19, 2024
KCNA Pyongyang Times

Party rules revised at Eighth Congress of WPK

Date: 10/01/2021 | Source: Pyongyang Times | Read original version at source

The Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea discussed the third agenda item "On amendments to the rules of the WPK" at its fifth-day session on Saturday.

The Party Central Committee modified and supplemented some contents of the Party Rules in line with the development and principle of Party work to meet the requirements of the developing revolution and according to the new fighting tasks facing the Party, before referring them to the Eighth Congress of the WPK for discussion.

The Eighth Congress of the WPK adopted resolution "On Amendments to Rules of the WPK" with unanimous approval.

The revised rules of the WPK further highlighted great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, eternal guiding ideology of the WPK, clearly defined the supreme programme of the Party and the basic political mode of socialism, and modified and supplemented some forms of organization of the Party and the norms of its activities.

Some contents of the preface to the Party Rules have been adjusted by focusing on further clearly identifying the revolutionary nature of the WPK.

The preface defined that Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is an encyclopedia of the revolution and construction which has been systematized in an integral way on the basis of the Juche idea, and a revolutionary and scientific idea whose truth and vitality have been proven in the practical struggle for realizing independence of the masses of the people.

It specified that Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism shall be held high as the eternal banner of the revolution and construction. It also defined on the modelling of the whole society on Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the supreme programme of the WPK to bring into bolder relief the revolutionary nature and mission of the Party.

It formulated the people-first politics as the basic political mode of socialism in reflection of the requirements of the developing revolution in which the prestige and might of the DPRK has been fundamentally boosted and it is advancing dynamically toward a greater victory.

Part of the contents related to the immediate fighting tasks of the Party was modified and supplemented in the preface.

Supplemented in it were contents on accelerating the complete victory of socialism while firmly consolidating the material and technical foundations of socialism and giving further play to the advantages of the socialist system, and on steadily building up the armed forces of the DPRK politically and ideologically and in military technique.

It newly specified contents on safeguarding the democratic national rights and interests of overseas compatriots, rallying them firmly under the banner of patriotism and arousing their national dignity and patriotic enthusiasm.

In the part related to the fighting tasks for national reunification, it clarified that military threats should fundamentally be eliminated by powerful defence capabilities to safeguard the stability and peaceful environment in the Korean peninsula.

The Party Rules were modified and supplemented in chapters and articles defining the working rules of conduct, mode of activities and norms to be observed by Party organizations and members.

It was supplemented that Party congress shall be held every five years and modified that a notice on the convention of Party congress shall be issued several months earlier.

Contents about reviewing the work of the Party Central Auditing Commission and electing it were deleted, and it was specified that it shall be elected at the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

The office regulations of chairmen and vice-chairmen of Party committees at all levels were changed into chief secretaries, secretaries and deputy secretaries, and the Executive Policy Council changed into Secretariat and Executive Policy Office into Secretarial Office.

It was also supplemented that a department (including non-permanent organization) shall be set up in the Party Central Committee and when necessary the Party Rules shall be modified and executed and then submitted to the Party congress for approval.

It was supplemented to the article stipulating the duty and power of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee that the Political Bureau convenes the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

It was defined as an article that the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee discusses and decides on the important issues urgently arising in politics, the economy and military and discusses the matters of appointment and dismissal of important officials of the Party and the state, and that members of the Presidium can preside over the meeting of the Political Bureau upon authorization by head of the Party.

It was newly supplemented that the meeting of the Central Military Commission of the Party can be convened with attendance of necessary members only in disregard of presence rate, according to the character of the agenda. This has provided a practical guarantee for ensuring promptness in the discussion of urgent military affairs.

It was specified in the Rules that the Inspection Commission of the Central Committee of the Party is dissolved and its function is transferred to the Central Auditing Commission of the Party.

As the Party Central Auditing Commission is vested with stronger power, the power of the provincial, city and county Party auditing commissions has been raised and an article regarding it was newly created.

It was also supplemented that conference of secretaries of cells of the Party and conference of secretaries of primary Party committees shall be convened every five years.

Clearly stipulated are the nature of the People's Army as the revolutionary armed forces of the WPK and the duties of Party organizations at all levels within the People's Army.

The issue of changing the name of the youth league will be decided at a future youth league congress.

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