September 26, 2024

Sixth-Day Sitting of 8th WPK Congress Held

Date: 11/01/2021 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, January 11 (KCNA) -- The news about the 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea clearly indicating the orientation of the victorious advance of Korean-style socialism is instilling into the minds of millions of Party members and other people throughout the country the great pride in the great guidance and sagacity of our dignified Party and fresh confidence and courage.

Amid the high-degree political awareness and great enthusiasm of the delegates, the sixth-day sitting of the 8th Congress of the WPK was held on January 10.

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, symbol of all victories and glory of our people and outstanding leader of the Juche revolution, came out to the venue of the congress together with platform holders.

The congress discussed its fourth agenda item "Election of the Central Leadership Body of the WPK."

According to the rules of the WPK, the 7th Party central leadership body finished its term and the congress elected the 8th Party central leadership body.

As the congress entered a discussion of the important issue of electing the new central leadership body which will take responsibility for, organize and direct the party-building and overall revolutionary affairs in the new stage of struggle, a solemn and heavy atmosphere pervaded the venue of the congress.

Relevant articles of the "regulations of election of the central leadership organ of the WPK" were read out and the procedures of electing members and alternate members of the Party Central Committee began.

The nomination and election took place after rational methods of recommending the candidates for the members and alternate members were decided.

Delegate Jo Yong Won, upon authorization by the presidium of the congress, read the list of the candidates for members of the 8th Party Central Committee.

When he suggested the Supreme Leader as a candidate for member of the Party Central Committee, all the delegates broke into stormy cheers of hurray with loud applause.

All the suggested candidates were recommended as candidates for members of the WPK Central Committee with unanimous approval of all the delegates.

Delegates unanimously acknowledged that the recommended candidates are the comrades who have firmly armed themselves with the revolutionary idea of our Party, remained strong in their faith to dedicate themselves to the final victory of the revolutionary cause of Juche and devotedly struggled for the country and the people.

The congress carried out an election of the recommended candidates.

When the chair courteously proposed electing the Supreme Leader as a member of the Party Central Committee in reflection of the unanimous will and desire of all members of the Party and the delegates attending the congress, all the participants broke into thunderous cheers of "hurrah!" and applause in token of their full support.

By raising their delegate certificates, they expressed their approval to the election of recommended 138 candidates as members of the Party Central Committee and gave an enthusiastic applause to their election by a unanimous approval.

The congress elected alternate members of the Party Central Committee.

The delegates approved of the number of the alternate members and examined the qualifications of the recommended 111 candidates for alternate members.

All the recommended candidates were elected as alternate members of the Party Central Committee with the unanimous approval of the delegates at the congress.

Then the congress discussed the most important and responsible issue of crucial significance in the development of the glorious WPK and accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche.

All the delegates were greatly excited to enter the discussion of the most important issue of the election of the general secretary of the WPK, the head representing and leading our great Party.

Delegate Ri Il Hwan made a suggestion concerning the election of the general secretary of the WPK.

He referred to the great political significance of successfully electing the top leader of the party who takes the position as the leader, the top-intellect of revolution and center of leadership and unity, and plays a decisive role in accomplishing the revolutionary cause of the popular masses and the cause of socialism.

The philosophy that the greatness of the leader is just the one of the party, the mightiness of the country and nation and the invincibility of the revolutionary cause has been proved in the sacred history of the Korean revolution and the long world history of building revolutionary parties, he said, referring to the greatness and the peerless exploits of the Supreme Leader who have wisely led the WPK and the Juche revolution by successfully carrying forward the revolutionary cause of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il.

All the delegates unanimously acknowledged the undeniable truth of history that Kim Jong Un is the only one who will lead the WPK and the people only to victory and glory at the time of carrying forward and developing the revolution when a big stride should be made towards a new victory in the socialist construction.

Saying that it is the solemn demand of our times and firm faith of millions of Party members and other people to hold Kim Jong Un in high esteem as the head of the WPK, he courteously proposed electing Kim Jong Un as general secretary of the WPK in reflection of the unanimous will of the whole Party and all the people at the congress.

All the delegates expressed full support with stormy applause in great excitement.

The 8th Congress of the WPK unanimously adopted a decision on electing Kim Jong Un as general secretary of the WPK in reflection of the unanimous will and desire of all the delegates and other Party members, all the people and service personnel of the People's Army to achieve the development of the Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party and a fresh victorious advance of the revolutionary cause of Juche.

The moment all the participants broke into stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" in great excitement and joy of having Kim Jong Un as the head of the WPK again who is opening up an era of unprecedented changes and miracles with his gifted ideological and theoretical wisdom, extraordinary leadership and noble moral virtue, extending the greatest glory and warmest congratulations to him.

The election of Kim Jong Un, the most prominent political leader in the present era, as general secretary of the WPK is the biggest fortune and the greatest happiness of our Party and people and it also marks an epoch-making political event providing a decisive guarantee for victory of Korean-style socialism and promising its rosy future.

Fervent cheers of the delegates resounded through the venue of the congress for a long time, reflecting their intense loyalty.

The First Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK was held after the election of the Party central leadership body.

Upon the authorization by Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un, Delegate Kim Jae Ryong reported the decision made at the First Plenary Meeting to the congress.

The congress elected members of the 8th Party central leadership body to the committee for drafting the resolution of the Party Congress.

The resolution drafting committee will guide the inter-sector consultative meetings of delegates studying and discussing the issues of thoroughly implementing the tasks set forth in the report given by the Supreme Leader to the congress, and will give general consideration to the issues raised at the consultative meetings, make a draft resolution and refer it to the congress.

The congress continues. -0-

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