March 05, 2025

Let's Make Devoted Efforts for Strengthening Party Work and Developing Cities and Counties

Date: 05/03/2021 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, March 5 (KCNA) -- The first short course for chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees, the one of great significance in thoroughly implementing the Party's line on and policy of strengthening cities and counties as required by a new development stage of the socialist construction, continued on March 4.

The course went on amid extraordinary readiness and enthusiasm of the chief secretaries who are determined to have their work reviewed before the Party Central Committee and dynamically steer the comprehensive regional development of the country by arming themselves with the leading idea of the Party Central Committee.

Kim Jong Un , general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK), guided the course.

Speeches were made there.

Ri Hang Gol, chief secretary of the Yonthan County Party Committee, Ko Ju Gwang, chief secretary of the Hoeryong City Party Committee, Pong Song Gwon, chief secretary of the Hyongjesan District Party Committee, Ri Pyong Guk, chief secretary of the Huichon City Party Committee, Ri Yong Sang, chief secretary of the Jangjin County Party Committee, Ri Kyong Chol, chief secretary of the Ichon County Party Committee, and Sin Myong Son, chief secretary of the Unsan County Party Committee, in their speeches referred to the successes and experience gained in the Party work, economic work of their cities and counties, improvement of the people's standard of living and development of education.

The speakers said that when full play is given to the loyalty to the Party cherished in the hearts of our people and the people-first principle positively applied to the Party work, it is possible to remove obstacles, difficulties and backwardness and bring about clear changes in the development of cities and counties by dint of tremendous might and wisdom of the masses whatever difficult conditions and circumstances.

Hwang Yong Chol, chief secretary of the Unryul County Party Committee, O Tok Chol, chief secretary of the Munchon City Party Committee, Kim Myong Il, chief secretary of the Sunam District Party Committee, An Myong Sik, chief secretary of the Taedong County Party Committee, Kim Jin Sam, chief secretary of the Hwangju County Party Committee, Sin Myong Su, chief secretary of the Hyesan City Party Committee, Kang Myong Ho, chief secretary of the Songyo District Party Committee, Ri Kuk Song, chief secretary of the Yodok County Party Committee, Kim Sung Il, chief secretary of the Singye County Party Committee, Pak Il Nam, chief secretary of the Sinam District Party Committee, Paek Kwang Chol, chief secretary of the Phyonggang County Party Committee, Han Chol, chief secretary of the Pochon County Party Committee, Kang Ho Yong, chief secretary of the Chongdan County Party Committee, and Ho Myong Chol, chief secretary of the Maengsan County Party Committee, analyzed the shortcomings and deviations revealed in their work and in the work of their city and county Party committees in the past from the viewpoint of criticism.

They expressed their will to decisively renovate their Party work by overcoming such problems as having worked in an administrative and practical manner with disregard of the Party's internal work and work with people, having scratched the surface of the work for strengthening basic Party organizations, having failed to boost the economic life of cities and counties while talking big without giving proper Party guidance to the administrative and economic work, having failed to improve the people's standard of living due to the lack of the spirit of unconditionally serving the people and having failed to acquire mental and moral traits as befitting the officials of the WPK.

At the meeting, sharp criticism was given to the officials who have revealed serious mistakes due to irresponsibility for the work of their city and county Party committees.

Through the speeches and criticism, the participants keenly felt how grave consequences would have been entailed if they deviate from the demand of the Party Central Committee and the Party principle, seriously reflected upon the shortcomings latent in their work and made an in-depth study of ways for rectifying them.

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un made an important concluding speech.

Saying that improving the work of the city and county Party committees now presents itself as a more important issue in strengthening the entire Party, improving its leadership function and role and accelerating the development of cities and counties, he stressed that the overall work of the Party and the state can go well and the overall development of our own-style socialism be promoted only when the city and county Party committees across the country fulfill their missions and role.

He said that the Party Central Committee is the supreme General Staff of the Korean revolution, the city and county Party committees come to be the political general staff organizing and guiding every work in their areas, and thereby success of the work of the city and county Party committees holding such important position entirely depends on the ability and activity of their chief secretaries.

He set forth important tasks and ways for enhancing the role of chief secretaries in intensifying the Party work and developing cities and counties.

He, first of all, underscored the need to direct efforts into the Party's internal work to firmly cement our revolutionary position, class position.

Noting that the Party's internal work is an important part of the Party work for strengthening the Party organizationally and ideologically, training the officials and Party members to be fighters faithful to the Party and revolution and rallying all the people close around the Party to vigorously stimulate them to implement the Party's policy, he said that the chief secretaries should keep up the Party's internal work as iron rule and main task whatever difficulties.

Saying that special efforts should be directed into building up the ranks of cadres, he set forth detailed tasks for forming the ranks of cadres with elite ones devotedly defending the leader and the Party by strictly observing the Party principles, revolutionary principles in the personnel administration and, to this end, improving the personnel administration system in an innovative way.

He stressed the need to conduct the work of increasing Party membership and control over the Party ranks with responsibility, strengthen basic Party organizations and effectively organize and guide the Party life of officials and Party members.

He said that the chief secretaries should bear in mind the intention of the Party Central Committee which attaches importance to basic Party organizations, turn the work with primary Party committees and Party cells into the key concern of the city and county Party committees and thus lead well the basic Party organizations to improve their work as required by the developing reality.

He said that the city and county Party committees should let the basic Party organizations organize the organizational and ideological life of Party members like meeting for review of their life and study of the Party's line and policies in a regular and effective way, steadily improve the method of conducting Party meetings and thus raise the level of the Party life of officials and Party members, as it is a main link in the chain of the Party work and a guarantee for consolidating the Party ranks organizationally and ideologically to intensify the Party life.

He stressed the need in particular to intensify the study of the newly-amended Rules of the Party and the Descriptions of the Rules of the Party, establish the habit of thoroughly observing the rules within the entire Party and orient the organization of and guidance to the Party life towards the implementation of the decisions made at the Party congress.

Referring to the importance of consolidating the class position in the rural communities by strengthening the rural Party work, he added that the city and county Party Committees should build up the ranks of rural junior officials like secretaries of ri Party committees and management board chairpersons and strengthen the Party guidance to enhance their role and sense of responsibility.

He noted that the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees should not lay stress only on the farming in their guidance to rural areas, but put emphasis on propelling the three revolutions and boost the work of ri Party committees.

He stressed that the city and county Party organizations should make the revolutionary and sound way of life indomitably prevail in the society and make the masses turn the struggle for suppressing and eradicating anti- and non-socialist practices into the work of their own by ceaselessly seeking and applying the effective methods of educating and awakening them.

Noting that the chief secretaries should strengthen the guidance to and control over departments of the city and county Party committees to correctly organize and conduct every work of cities and counties as intended by the Party Central Committee and should inspire officials, Party members and other working people to successfully carry out the revolutionary tasks facing their cities and counties, he set forth concrete tasks to do so.

Saying that the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees should decisively enhance their political and practical qualifications and work ability and steadily improve their style of work and personality as they are Party officials chiefly responsible for the overall work of relevant areas, including politics, economy, military affairs and culture, he went on:

The most important criterion for the chief secretaries, the chief delegates of the Party Central Committee, is the high Party spirit and political and practical qualifications.

The chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees should become masters well versed in the Party's policies by making strenuous and purposeful efforts to have a thorough knowledge of the idea and line of the Party, and make the whole process of organizing and reviewing the work the educational one of implanting the Party's policies in the mind of officials as their faith.

At the same time, they should strive to be conversant with the actual affairs related to the Party work and acquire many-sided knowledge as well as high cultural attainments.

In the present times when we are going to develop all the cities and counties across the country in an independent and many-sided way, the qualifications of chief secretaries precisely mean the level of development of their cities and counties.

The chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees should make energetic and strenuous efforts not only to be well versed in the Party's policies and actual affairs related to the Party work but to acquire advanced technologies and knowledge about agriculture, industry, architecture, land management, education, public health and other fields, all of which are directly connected with the development of their cities and counties.

Noting that the people actually perceive the dignity and prestige of the Party Central Committee and the love and trust of the mother Party through the county Party committees, through the working method and style of their chief secretaries in particular, Kim Jong Un repeatedly stressed the need for the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees to definitely improve their working method, style and manner.

He said it is the most general and basic requirements for making our Party maintain its mode of existence and revolutionary Party discipline and realize the people-first politics that the county Party committees should become the parents' home where the people truly open their hearts, the ones which take root deeper among the people.

Severely pointing out that the practices devoid of loyalty to the Party and revolution, devotion to the people, respect for comrades and sincere attitude towards work are revealing in the work and life of some chief secretaries, he cleared up the ideological origin of such practices.

He instructed that the chief secretaries should temper and thoroughly cultivate themselves in a revolutionary way and become examples of cadres and Party members in displaying the loyalty to the Party and revolution.

He said that the chief secretaries should keep themselves in grasping and applying the proper method of Party work for rousing Party organizations and members to action and giving priority to political work and educate their subordinate officials with practical examples.

Kim Jong Un underscored the need for the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees to apply efficient methods of mass work.

He said that they should naturally become standard-bearers and models in applying our Party's popular character and people-first politics, calling on them to become honest Party officials who prioritize the work for tackling the difficulties in the people's living, treat everyone like their own parents and children, read their minds from their eyes, look and words and take due measures.

And he said that the chief secretaries should find themselves among the masses to depend on them, stimulate their mental power and wisdom and thus achieve successes in the work as instructed by our Party's traditional methods of mass work.

He said that the chief secretaries should become examples for the masses in all aspects including speaking, doing and moral features and to this end, respect their subordinate officials and people anywhere and anytime and honor revolutionary forerunners, not regarding themselves as the privileged.

He noted that the chief secretaries should become examples in observing the proprieties, always bearing in mind the dignity and prestige of the Party Central Committee, which dispatched them, and the revolutionary climate of the Party.

Saying that they should not abuse power and indulge in bureaucracy, irregularities and corruption but be honest in their work and life, he stressed the need for them to remain upright before the Party and the people, keep their families and relatives from seeking after selfish interests and hold under strict control all the officials in their counties not to abuse their power and indulge in bureaucracy, irregularities and corruption.

Noting that the chief secretaries should bring clear and actual results in the economic work of their cities and counties and improvement of the people's living standard by scrupulously planning and guiding the work for implementing the tasks set forth at the 8th Party Congress and the 2nd Plenary Meeting of the 8th Party Central Committee, he continued:

The primary economic task for the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees is to decisively increase the agricultural production.

They should always attach importance to vigorously rousing agricultural officials and workers to the struggle for carrying out the Party's agricultural policy and concentrate the efforts of the Party on it.

They should raise strong demands to make the cooperative farm management committees of their cities and counties map out farming plans in a scientific and detailed way in conformity with their regional characters and thoroughly carry them out, and help the management committees to substantially guide the farming of their cities and counties by supporting their authority in the work.

In particular, it is necessary to wage an intensive struggle for breaking the habit of talking big deeply rooted down in the agricultural field.

Saying that it is a duty proper to the chief secretaries to spruce up their counties and make their residents lead a happy life, he stressed that they should map out a realistic plan for sprucing up their cities, county seats and rural villages to be appropriate to the civilization level of the times and rely on their own skilled working forces and construction equipment in dynamically forwarding the local construction.

He called for taking the advantages of their own natural and geographical conditions to revitalize local industrial establishments and increase the production of consumer goods and improving the people's living standard by massively rearing the stock including grass-eating domestic animals and breeding fishes.

He told the chief secretaries about the detailed ways for working out correct strategy to develop their cities and counties and improve the people's living standard and tapping their economic foundations and potentials to the maximum.

He stressed that the chief secretaries shouldering the heaviest tasks in upholding our great people should certainly become genuine revolutionaries and communists and to this end, they should make ceaseless efforts for sharing the idea, intention and will with the Party Central Committee.

He expressed belief that the short course would be an occasion for the chief secretaries to further develop their discrimination and uplift their political consciousness and revolutionary zeal and thereby, they would take a fresh stride in turning their cities and counties into rich and civilized socialist paradises.

Noting that they should bear in mind that this year, too, we are faced with gigantic tasks, conditions are unfavorable and our people's expectation for our Party and their desire are very great than ever before, he added that it is high time to thoroughly maintain the correct line set forth by the Party Central Committee and realize the correct political leadership. That is why the responsibilities placed on the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees are very heavy yet important, he stressed again and again.

He ardently called upon the chief secretaries, who are full of surging excitement and fresh confidence, to join efforts to fight for our great Party and our great people.

When Kim Jong Un finished his concluding speech, all the participants broke into enthusiastic cheers of "Hurrah!" as a reflection of their humble reverence and gratitude for the outstanding thinker and theoretician, great teacher who specially organized the short course for the chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees and unsparingly dedicated his precious time to indicating the clear orientation and ways for the work of the city and county Party committees at a time when our revolution enters an important and vital period of its development.

The concluding speech he made at the first short course for chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees serves as an important guideline as it advanced the most clear policies and methods for enhancing the roles of the city and county Party committees and their chief secretaries in every way in the struggle for turning all the cities and counties across the country into powerful fortresses for building a highly civilized and prosperous socialism, as required by the era of shifting our revolution over to the next stage of victory.

The chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees, who received the precious instructions of the General Secretary as absolute truth of the revolutionary work and powerful weapon of struggle and innovation, are full of high confidence and enthusiasm to surely bring about clear changes and progress in developing the local economy and improving the people's standard of living by reinforcing the city and county Party organizations as powerful general staff leading the regional development, as befitting the deputies of and regional aides to the Party Central Committee.

The short course continues. -0-

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