September 27, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

Report on Enlarged Meeting of 2nd Political Bureau of 8th C.C., WPK

Date: 30/06/2021 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

The current situation in which a fierce campaign is being conducted under the fighting programme set forth at the historic 8th Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) to win a fresh victory in socialist construction despite all the manifold challenges calls for revolutionizing cadres, the backbone of the country, and strengthening their ranks with select ones by more clearly preserving the militant nature of our Party advancing in struggle.

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee convened an enlarged meeting at the office building of the Party Central Committee on June 29 to roundly deal with some leading officials' dereliction of duty in implementing the major policy tasks of the Party and the state, and to provide a fresh turning point in the personnel administration within the Party.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK, guided the meeting.

Attending the meeting were members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, officials of the Party Central Committee, senior Party and administrative officials of ministries and national institutions, chief secretaries of the provincial Party committees, chairpersons of the provincial people's committees, chief secretaries of the city and county Party committees and industrial complexes and relevant officials of the armed forces organs and the state emergency anti-epidemic sector.

Prior to the discussion of agenda items, the respected General Secretary referred to the purpose of convening the enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau just after the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

He mentioned that senior officials in charge of important state affairs neglected the implementation of the important decisions of the Party on taking organizational, institutional, material, scientific and technological measures as required by the prolonged state emergency epidemic prevention campaign associated with the worldwide health crisis, and thus caused a crucial case of creating a great crisis in ensuring the security of the state and safety of the people and entailed grave consequences.

He analyzed in the strong terms that a major factor braking and hindering the implementation of the important tasks discussed and decided at the Party congress and plenary meetings of the Party is the lack of ability and irresponsibility of cadres, and called for conducting a more fierce Party-wide campaign against ideological faults and all sorts of negative elements being exposed among the cadres.

He presented agenda items to be discussed at the current meeting, saying that the real aim of the meeting is to disclose all the main obstacles and stumbling blocks in the way of the advance of our Party and the revolution, issue an alarm warning to the real state of the ranks of cadres and open up a prelude to an intensive and continued Party-wide struggle.

The Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee unanimously approved the presented agenda items.

The enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau discussed as a major agenda item the issue of drawing a serious lesson from deeds detrimental to the Party revealed among leading officials of the Party and the state in implementing the decisions of the Party.

A data report was made at the meeting.

The report informed in detail about the dereliction of duty by some leading cadres who defaulted on carrying out the Party decisions and priority state tasks, betraying the great trust and expectation of all the Party members and people and falling short of bearing noble responsibilities and missions before the Party and the revolution.

And it sharply analyzed the gravity of their faults of not making strenuous efforts for the implementation of the decisions and instructions of the Party Central Committee, which are organizational intentions of the whole Party and its supreme orders, that require maximum circumspection, and of hampering the materialization of the Party's strategic plan, being seized with self-protectionism and passiveness and of bringing negative influence to stabilizing the people's living and the overall economic construction.

At the meeting sharp criticism was made of the cadres who revealed ignorance, disability and irresponsibility in implementing the major tasks discussed and decided at the plenary meetings of the Party Central Committee.

Members of the Party central leadership organ who made speeches analyzed and criticized with a keen political eye and on the Party principle the ideological root that caused poisonous aftermaths in realizing the plan and leadership of the Party Central Committee manifested by the senior cadres though they are obliged to unconditionally, thoroughly and devotedly implement the decisions made at the two Party plenary meetings which hold a key significance in firmly defending the authority of the historic congress of our Party and opening a sure prospect for carrying out the five-year plan.

They unanimously and severely pointed out that the senior cadres holding major posts of the Party and the state with the political trust and expectation from the Party Central Committee caused grave obstructions to the sustained consolidation of the state emergency epidemic prevention system on which hinges the security and future of the country and the people at present, and to the economic work of the country and stability of the people's living.

They hit out at the said cadres, branding their incapable and irresponsible work attitude of approaching the implementation of the state policies decided and issued by the Party plenary meeting in a distorted manner, as extreme negligence and deliberate idleness stemming from the lack of awareness and determination to throw themselves into resolving the afflictions of the Party and the state, not just simple business faults.

Learning a severe lesson that the self-protectionism, passiveness, subjectivity and arbitrariness of the officials are the main stumbling blocks hindering our advance and harming the interests of the Party and people, the participants in the meeting keenly felt once again the necessity to further strengthen the self-improvement and self-cultivation in the Party's spirit irrespective of positions.

At the meeting the data was informed about some officials in Pyongyang and other parts of the country who showed non-committal attitude and viewpoint on the Party's decisions and did not conduct the work assigned to them in a revolutionary way, being obsessed with defeatism. And a decision was approved on thoroughly examining and inspecting them in a Party and legal way and on taking relevant measures.

The respected General Secretary made an important conclusion.

Saying that the importance of the responsibility and role of senior officials including members of the Party central leadership organ and officials of units at all levels has become further salient after the 8th Congress of the Party, he referred to the necessity to put primary efforts into the work of building the ranks of cadres with select ones as the revolution advances and the situation gets grave, and to the major orientation of improving the cadres policy of our Party.

He expressed the opinion of the Party Central Committee concerning the seriousness of the acts alien to the Party revealed by the senior officials of the Party and the state.

He seriously pointed out that chronic irresponsibility and incompetence of cadres at present bring artificial difficulties to the implementation of the Party's policies and become a major brake doing tremendous harm to the development of the revolutionary work, stressing the need for the cadres to make increasingly exact demands on themselves and fulfill their responsibility and duty with high sense of extreme responsibility and practical ability.

He severely criticized the attitude of working like a flash in the pan, empiricism and old way of thinking generally revealed among cadres.

He said that if cadres do not make constant efforts to improve their political and practical qualifications and possess the revolutionary method and trait of work and if the Party organizations fail to strengthen the organizational control and education of cadres, it will result in weakening the traction power in implementing the decisions of the Party, let alone the correct implementation of the major policy tasks of the Party.

He said that benevolent politics and embracing policy our Party has held fast to since its foundation are not for cadres but for the ordinary working masses. He expressed the will to wage an offensive, ceaseless and strong struggle to rid the cadres of non-revolutionary fighting attitude, viewpoint and deeds, making it clear that the Party never reserves any right to cover those cadres who just pretend to work being only keen on maintaining their positions, not being sincerely solicitous for the country and the people.

He stressed the necessity to study and examine the Party's cadre policy again and also important problems based on the spirit of the current enlarged meeting of the Political Bureau.

Saying that now is the time to bring about a revolution in personnel administration before solving the acute economic problems, he noted that the revolution in cadre management which has always been regarded as of priority importance by our Party in the whole course of its development, is an important Party-wide task that has to be further intensified and strengthened on a priority basis to suit the current situation of our revolution.

He stressed the need to bring the system and method of personnel affairs in step with the needs of the developing reality, and called upon the cadres to continuously improve and temper themselves in a revolutionary way.

Saying that what is especially important is that cadres heighten their political awareness purposefully and consciously, he noted that if someone is a cadre, he or she has to be well aware of the Party's line and policy, correctly see through the situation and pending problems from the viewpoint of Party and the state and adopt the standpoint and work attitude of doing his or her part and striving for its implementation.

Noting that in order to raise the political awareness of the cadres it is necessary to strengthen refinement and tempering through Party life, he said that they have to honestly take part in the Party's organizational and ideological life, and improve and temper themselves in a revolutionary way, not just because they are monitored and asked to do by others, but for the Party and the revolution, for the high militant efficiency of their Party organizations and for their own political integrity.

Saying that Party's decisions are the organizational intentions and fighting programmes which illuminate the orientation of the advance of our revolution and that their implementation is weighed on cadres' shoulders, he called upon them to embody the revolutionary traits of thoroughly implementing the Party's decisions without fail.

Noting that what's taken note of by our Party in bringing about a revolution in the personnel affairs is the work style and moral traits, he said that all the cadres have to always bear in mind that our Party's prestige and image are mirrored in their work style and moral traits.

He put special stress on strengthening the ranks of cadres with select ones who are fully prepared in terms of loyalty, revolutionary spirit, popular spirit and competency at the Party organizations at all levels.

The meeting then dealt with an organizational issue.

It recalled and by-elected a member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee, recalled and elected a secretary of the Party Central Committee and transferred and appointed the cadres of the state organs.

The enlarged meeting of the 2nd Political Bureau of the 8th WPK Central Committee has become a significant occasion which demonstrated the invincible leadership ability and revolutionary discipline of our Party which is confidently opening up the period of a new upsurge of the revolution with greater fighting capacity and strenuous efforts despite manifold difficulties in the way of vigorous advance.

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