September 27, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

WPK General Secretary Kim Jong Un Sends Greetings to General Secretary of CPC Central Committee Xi Jinping

Date: 01/07/2021 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK), Thursday sent a message of greeting to Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and president of the People's Republic of China (PRC).

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un in the message extended sincere felicitations and warm comradely greeting on behalf of all members of the WPK and other Korean people and on his own behalf to the respected General Secretary Xi Jinping, all members of the CPC and other fraternal Chinese people on the occasion of the 100th founding anniversary of the CPC.

The message said that the founding of the CPC was a historic event of epochal significance in carving out the destiny of the Chinese nation and accomplishing the socialist cause of China.

The CPC achieved the victory of the revolution through a bloody struggle, built a new China governed by its people and brought about the prosperity of the state and people's happiness by weathering all tempests of history and pioneering the path of socialism with the Chinese characteristics, the message said.

The message stressed that since the end of the 18th Congress of the Party, General Secretary Xi Jinping has led the CPC and the Chinese people to achieve a decisive victory in the struggle for building a comprehensively well-off society and eradicating poverty completely and successfully tackle the global health crisis, thus remarkably increasing the overall power of the country and raising its international prestige.

The message noted that the 100-year-long history of the CPC characterized by the changes and miracles unheard of in the history of thousands of years proved that the party's leadership and socialism with the Chinese characteristics are the most correct option and guarantee for achieving the prosperity of the Chinese nation.

The message said that the WPK and the Korean people rejoice as over their own over all the successes made by China in socialist construction.

Noting that the CPC and the Chinese people have entered a new historic course for comprehensively building a modern socialist state under the uplifted banner of the socialist idea peculiar to China in the new era, the message said that hostile forces' vicious slander and all-round pressure upon the CPC are no more than a last-ditch attempt and they can never check the on-going advance of the Chinese people, rallied close around General Secretary Xi Jinping, toward a fresh victory.

Noting the WPK and the Korean people firmly support the cause of the CPC for accelerating socialist construction, protecting the country's sovereignty and territorial integrity and preserving global peace, the message stressed the WPK and the Korean people firmly believe that the Chinese people would continue to achieve good successes in the struggle for realizing the dream of China under the leadership of the CPC General Secretary.

The message said despite the complicated international situation, the two parties and the two countries, with firm faith in the justice of the socialist and communist cause, accelerate their advance toward a brighter future, tiding over difficulties and ordeals by dint of their militant friendship and bonds of kinship.

The WPK and the CPC are the true comrades and the comrades-in-arms that have shared life and death in the protracted struggle for opposing imperialism and building socialism, writing the proud history of friendship, the message pointed out.

The message said that the WPK, by its firm unity with the CPC, would raise the DPRK-China friendship to a new strategic point as required by the times and as desired by the peoples of the two countries, and powerfully encourage the socialist construction, the cause common to the two parties, to vigorously advance despite any change of the situation and challenges.

The message sincerely wished General Secretary Xi Jinping good health and greater success in his responsible work and the PRC and the Chinese people prosperity and happiness under the leadership of the CPC.

Rodong Sinmun

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