July 26, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

A Heinous Robber Shames a Robber

Date: 05/12/2021 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Some time ago, the U.S. Congressional Research Service, in its report entitled “Cyber Security: Selected Cyber Attacks, 2012-2021”, picked on China, Russia, Iran and our country as the ones that “threaten” cyber security.

The U.S., being lost to all sense of shame, is posing as a “cyber-police “even though it possesses the biggest capacity for cyber warfare in the world and keeps a record high of cyber-crimes. We call a country like the U.S. as a heinous robber who even shames a robber.

The U.S. is still in ill fame as “hacking empire”, “tapping empire” and a “country of secret larceny” as it was impudent enough to tap even the mobile phones of leaders of its allies.

Assange, the founder of Wikileaks confessed that the U.S., which developed more than 2,000 kinds of cyber-weapons, is the biggest cyber weapon state in the world. One international cyber security organization once exposed the fact that it is beyond any shadow of doubt that the CIA is currently masterminding the world’s most destructive hacker groups.

Most countries in the world share the recognition that the recently-revealed tapping incidents against dozens of foreign leaders and Internet surveillance plan called “Prism” would be only a part of the cyber battle waged by the U.S. The world is watching keenly with deep concerns the cyber arms race on the world which is being induced by the U.S.

Notwithstanding this, the U.S. is making a lot of noise about “cyber threat” from other country. This does not come from its real concern about cyber security. Its real purpose is to misuse this issue to carry out its strategy for world hegemony.

The U.S. is pursuing the cold war strategy and bloc-forming strategy even in cyberspace in order to extend its world hegemony which is already going downhill, and it is using the issue of cyber security as yet another pressure tool to deter hostile countries.

The wonder is that the U.S. Congressional Research Service, in its report, only found fault with those countries which oppose the unipolar world led by the U.S. and aspire to build an independent society. This fact alone is good enough to understand the true intention of the U.S.

It would be a fatal mistake if the U.S. thinks that it could form the cold war structure and seek hegemony even in cyberspace. This will only produce a result of finding itself to be caught in its own snare.

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