March 13, 2025
KCNA Chongnyon Chonwi (EN)

General Secretary of WPK Kim Jong Un Guides Workshop

Date: 07/07/2022 | Source: Chongnyon Chonwi (EN) | Read original version at source

The Special Workshop for Officials in the Party Life Guidance Sections of Organizational Departments of Party Committees at All Levels of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) was held at the April 25 House of Culture on July 2-6.

The WPK Central Committee organized the special workshop to more definitely propel the strengthening of the whole Party and socialist construction by squarely impressing the officials in the Party life guidance sections of organizational departments of Party committees with the importance of their Party responsibility in further strengthening the Party as required by the new phase, in which the revolution develops and our Party's overall guidance is further deepened, and with the tasks and ways for improving the Party life guidance at present.

The special workshop, the first of its kind in the history of the WPK, is of important and practical significance in establishing the Party Central Committee's monolithic leadership system more thoroughly across the Party and society, realizing the organizational and ideological consolidation of the Party ranks in every way and markedly enhancing the leadership function and role of the Party.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, guided the special workshop.

When he took the platform of the workshop venue, all the participants broke into thunderous cheers of "Hurrah!", looking up to him who has led the Juche revolution only to victory while strengthening the WPK into an invincible revolutionary party with ever-victorious leadership.

Attending the workshop were Jo Yong Won, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and secretary for Organizational Affairs of the WPK Central Committee, Ri Il Hwan, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, Jong Kyong Thaek, director of the General Political Bureau of the Korean People's Army (KPA), vice-directors of the Organizational Leadership Department of the Party Central Committee and officials concerned of the provincial, city and county Party committees and other Party committees performing the same function and the political departments at all levels of the KPA.

There took place a two-day meeting and a three-day technical course to comprehensively review the work of the Party life guidance sections of the organizational departments of the Party committees at all levels and improve the Party life organization and guidance in a revolutionary way by decisively enhancing the political and practical qualifications and ability of Party officials.

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un declared the opening of the Special Workshop for Officials in the Party Life Guidance Sections of Organizational Departments of Party Committees at All Levels of the WPK and made an important conclusion illuminating the unique idea and theory on building the Party organizations at a new historic stage of our revolution.

The General Secretary said that today when our revolution has entered an important stage of laying a foundation for the overall development of socialist construction while squarely overcoming trials and challenges in all fields, whether we translate the fighting programme set forth at the 8th Party Congress into brilliant reality or not depends on the fighting efficiency, activity and leadership art of the Party organizations in relevant regions and units. To ensure the elasticity of organization and guidance on the Party life, the main function of the Party organizational departments, is important in enhancing the role of the Party organizations, he added.

He noted that the Party life guidance is the basis of the Party activities and the system of guiding the Party life of officials and Party members through the Party life guidance sections of organizational departments of Party committees at all levels is the main guidance line of the Party Central Committee for mobilizing the whole Party and enhancing the Party's leadership and fighting efficiency.

Saying that the Party life guidance sections of the Party organizational departments can be said to play the role of blood vessel and nerve gland firmly linking the Party organizations with the Party Central Committee as an organism, he stressed that the strengthening of the basic organizations and the unity of the whole Party by and large depend on the role of the Party life guidance sections since the Party Central Committee's revolutionary policies on the Party organizations' activities and the Party members' life are conveyed and assigned to the Party organizations through the Party life guidance sections and the results of overall activities of the Party organizations at all levels are concentrated on the Party Central Committee through the Party life guidance sections.

Noting that our Party has powerfully guided socialist construction while further cementing the political position and displaying its fighting efficiency despite manifold harsh trials and challenges, he said it would have been unthinkable without the activities of the Party life guidance sections of the organizational departments of the Party committees at all levels. He added it is none other than the Party life guidance sections that are responsible for grasping and propelling the execution of such important tasks assigned to the Party organizations as the tasks of applying the people-first principle, the main political idea of our Party, in the overall Party work, establishing a revolutionary Party climate of unconditional and devoted service to the people, making city and county Party organizations the powerful staffs steering their regional development, bringing about a revolutionary turn in cadres affairs, transforming the Party ranks into elites and further strengthening the primary Party committees, the main combat units in implementation of the Party policies, as well as turning the Party cells into healthy and viable ones closely knitted in the bonds of kinship.

Noting that it can be said that the Party life guidance sections of organizational departments of the Party are the main axis of implementing the idea and policies on Party building set forth by the Party Central Committee as regards the eternal guidelines for the Party and the revolution, he added that this is the definition of the position and duty of the Party life guidance sections in Party building and activities.

Saying that the more the revolution advances, the more the responsible mission and important role of the Party life guidance sections are highlighted in ensuring the Party Central Committee's guidance over the Party organizations, making our Party an integral organization with firm base and enlisting the masses in the implementation of the Party's policies, he stressed that it is the demand and principle kept in building our Party that its organizational departments should always take the lead in the work for strengthening the Party and the officials in the Party life guidance sections should be a standard-bearer in doing so.

He said it is the important work directly linked with the future-oriented development of the Party that the officials in the Party life guidance sections, who are the main force in enhancing the functions and roles of Party committees at all levels and improving the political and practical qualifications of party officials and are at the position of organizing and guiding the Party life of its members, are well versed in the method and the principle of Party work peculiar to our Party and possess high political and practical abilities and qualities as befits a genuine Party official. From this viewpoint, the Party Central Committee places great importance on the current special workshop and urges the officials in the Party life guidance sections to surely fulfill their leading, core and vanguard role in further enhancing the Party's fighting efficiency and guide and help the Party organizations and officials firmly preserve the revolutionary Party spirit and effectively implement the Party policies and thus make the good feature of the Party be always maintained, he stressed.

Referring to the purport of convening the current workshop with special care in the wake of several conferences and inter-section workshops held as part of the work for improving the Party work method of Party departments and sections in recent years, he said that to enhance the working ability of the officials in the Party life guidance sections is surely an essential and revolutionary process in the course of strengthening our Party into a promising, revolutionary and socialist ruling party with high fighting efficiency, adding that herein lies the significance of the special workshop.

Analyzing in detail the actual conditions in which the work done by the Party life guidance sections of the organizational departments of the Party committees doesn't meet the demand and intention of the Party Central Committee and their causes, he stressed that it is the purpose of the Party Central Committee which organizes the special workshop and the most important and core issue to be solved urgently in the development of our Party to rearm the officials in the Party life guidance sections in order to make the sections fulfill their duty, function and role in steadily strengthening the Party life guidance system peculiar to our Party and improve their political and practical qualifications and political awareness.

In his conclusion, he clarified the basic duty of the officials in the Party life guidance sections and major four-point principles and six-point tasks to be maintained in the Party life organization and guidance.

He called upon the Party life guidance sections of organizational departments of Party committees at all levels to creditably discharge their function and role as central departments, the nervous departments of the Party by becoming the nerve center thoroughly realizing the Party Central Committee's guidance over relevant areas and units and thus proficiently and thoroughly enlisting the Party organizations to the implementation of Party's policies.

He stressed that it is the main duty facing the Party life guidance sections at present to fully ensure the Party Central Committee's leadership by thoroughly grasping and controlling the Party organizations at all levels and intensifying the Party life organization and guidance over officials and Party members.

Saying that it is the Party life guidance to raise the Party members' political awareness, organize and mobilize them to implementing the Party's policies and train them thoroughly into the transparent revolutionaries, he stressed that when the Party life guidance sections of the organizational departments of the Party committees intensify the control and guidance to make sure that all the Party organizations arm the officials, Party members and other working people with the Party Central Committee's revolutionary idea, line and policy and arouse them to their implementation as the political staffs of relevant areas and units while moving as one and conducting dynamic activities, they can firmly guarantee the successful implementation of the decisions of the Party Congress and plenary meetings of the Party Central Committee and certainly realize the plan and determination of the Party Central Committee for our state's prosperity and development and the people's wellbeing.

He specially stressed that all the Party organizations should regard it as the main iron rule of Party life guidance to establish the discipline absolutely obeying the monolithic leadership of the Party Central Committee.

He said that the Party life guidance should be oriented to making sure that practical achievements are made in implementing the Party's policies, including the decisions of the Party Congress and plenary meetings of the Party Central Committee, and directed to thoroughly establishing the revolutionary Party life trait among officials and Party members, building up the Party ranks and consolidating the mass foundation of the Party.

He called for activating proper guidance and assistance to strengthen the ranks of cadres, thoroughly improve the working method and style of officials and decisively raise their political and practical abilities.

He said that the officials in the Party life guidance sections should be exemplary in further strengthening the Party organizational work, steadily improving the working method and cultivating pure fighting traits and style, and become genuine revolutionaries and true communists fully embodying our Party's revolutionary traits and commanding art.

Stressing again the importance of the responsibility and duty of the officials in the Party life guidance sections which is to reliably defend the banner of Juche and stubbornly guide the Party organizations and popular masses to the successful execution of our Party's action programme, the General Secretary said that the fighting efficiency of the Party life guidance sections is precisely that of the organizational departments and our Party.

Expressing the great belief that the participants in the workshop would fully play their core role in accomplishing the sacred cause of our Party, he ardently appealed all of them to more energetically and resolutely struggle for the fighting efficiency of the ever-victorious Workers' Party of Korea, the great Kimilsungist-Kimjongilist Party, and for the strengthening and development of the great people's Party, rallied close as one in mind and purpose around the Party Central Committee.

When he finished his conclusion, all the participants burst into enthusiastic cheers with boundless trust, ardent worship and burning pledge of loyalty to Kim Jong Un, the great teacher, peerlessly political thinker-theoretician and outstanding leader of the Juche revolution who provided more seasoned and original tactics and methodology for the Party political activities and an immortal great programme for the Party organizational construction in the new era to powerfully steer the new development phase of our-style socialism, constantly enhancing the fighting efficiency of our Party through his energetic ideo-theoretical activities for the party building.

His important conclusion is a classic document as it gave scientific answers to the theoretical and practical issues arising in turning the Party into an organizationally solid and powerful integral whole by improving and strengthening the work of Party life guidance sections as demanded by the important stage of our Party's struggle and the historic period for overcoming the unprecedented challenges and bringing a fresh victory on the overall fronts of socialist construction and clarified a new Party-building idea on realizing the leadership of a socialist ruling party, and it is also a strong motive force for the developing revolution, a weapon for practice and a banner of struggle.

At the workshop, Jo Yong Won, Presidium member of the Political Bureau and secretary for Organizational Affairs of the WPK Central Committee, made a report on the review of the work of the Party life guidance sections of organizational departments of Party committees at all levels and then there were speeches.

The report referred to the immortal feats of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un who provided more powerful ideo-theoretical and methodological weapons for the strengthening of the whole Party through his tireless Party-building ideo-theoretical activities.

The reporter stressed that it is a fundamental guarantee for the strengthening of the Party and the victorious advance of socialist construction to establish in the whole Party and society a steel-like organizational discipline moving as one under the unified leadership of General Secretary Kim Jong Un, thoroughly arm with his revolutionary idea and implement his unique Party-building idea and political ideology in the new era perfectly, correctly and comprehensively.

The report and speeches analyzed and reviewed in depth the work of the past period in accordance with the intention of the Party Central Committee to bring about a revolutionary turn in the Party life organization and guidance, the basis of the Party organizational work.

Presented to the workshop were the successes, experiences, deviations and lessons gained and revealed in the work for establishing the unified leadership system of the General Secretary more firmly across the Party and society, building up the Party ranks and enhancing the function and role of the Party organizations, strengthening the guidance over the Party life of officials and Party members, implementing the revolutionary mass line of the Party and grasping and guiding the execution of the Party policies.

At the workshop, the past work of relevant units and officials was estimated anatomically in positive and negative aspects. And emphasized was the issue for the officials in the Party life guidance sections to decisively enhance their political and practical level and work ability and fulfill their crucial responsibility and duty in the van of the struggle for strengthening the Party organizations.

At the technical course to firmly arm with the idea and policy set forth by the General Secretary in his important conclusion, the validity, scientific accuracy and vitality of the idea on building the Party organizations were explained theoretically and profoundly. It also dealt in detail with the ways for thoroughly applying in the practice of the Party work the tasks facing the Party life guidance sections.

The technical course importantly emphasized the matters of setting the work to more thoroughly establish the unified leadership system of the General Secretary as the life and basic mission of the Party organizational departments and steadily intensifying it, holding fast to the personnel work, the growth of Party membership and the Party rank control as the most important core affair for keeping the lifeline of the Party, conducting in a responsible manner the work with masses in accordance with the changeable environment and mentality of people to rally them closely behind the Party Central Committee, conducting the guidance work for implementing the Party decisions on the basis of correct methodology and working with the fighting spirit, revolutionary mettle and work style as befits a Party organizational department official.

Carefully listening to the lectures and watching video clips on the methods of operating and guiding a party meeting, the participants acquired the principle of the Juche-based party work and the knack of how to conduct party work.

The participants deeply grasped the ideas and theories of the Party Central Committee on the Party organizational construction, exchanging and sharing the multi-side opinions on the issues arising in the practice of the Party work with the speakers. They also actively cultivated their political and practical qualifications and ability, acquiring the methods for bringing about a decisive turn in the Party life organization and guidance one by one.

Through the technical course, the participants hardened their determination and readiness to bring a new improvement in the Party life organization and guidance over the officials and Party members as intended by the Party Central Committee, realizing once again their heavy responsibilities and duties in adhering to and augmenting the political leadership ability of the Party.

The technical course successfully proceeded amid the high political awareness and enthusiasm of all its participants to consolidate the foundation for the strengthening and unity of the entire Party by keeping in mind the precious teachings of the respected General Secretary as an absolute truth and decisively renovating the work of the Party life guidance sections and to vigorously step up the implementation of the Party policies with strong organizing and executive ability.

General Secretary Kim Jong Un made an address closing the special workshop.

Saying that the special workshop obtained its expected results amid high political awareness and redoubled enthusiasm of all the participants, the General Secretary noted that the workshop will make a new page in our Party-building history as it provided a new milestone in markedly enhancing the Party's leadership over the revolution and construction and bringing about a epochal turn in the development of the Party work by fully displaying the advantages and vitality of the party life guidance system unique to the WPK.

He stressed that the main idea and spirit of the special workshop is that the party life guidance sections of the Party organizational departments at all levels should become the basic engine and pivot in ceaselessly developing the WPK into a strong political leadership organization and a genuine people's Party devotedly serving them and proficiently organizing and mobilizing the Party organizations to the implementation of the Party policies.

Urging the officials in the party life guidance sections to redouble their efforts, mindful that their party spirit and qualifications are appraised by how tangibly they implement the Party policies in the units under their charge, always examine, evaluate and deal with everything in the light of the Party's line and policies, and guarantee the development of the work of the units under their charge and the perfect execution of the Party's decisions through strong control, guidance and endeavors, he repeatedly stressed the important issues to be regarded as an iron rule in party life organization and guidance.

He called on the officials in the party life guidance sections to fully grasp the Party policies on the relevant sectors, regard it as a vital task to enhance their practical ability for the Party work, steadily enhance their political consciousness, make strenuous efforts to get familiar with the Party work principle and method and strive by themselves to possess the qualities peculiar to a Party official.

Saying that it is the Party Central Committee's will to overcome the current difficult situation and make a more courageous and vigorous advance in the future by decisively enhancing the fighting efficiency and activity of the Party organizations and giving full play to the inexhaustible  strength of the Party members and other people, he stressed that to this end, officials in the party life guidance sections of Party organizational departments at all levels should become the main core thoroughly ensuring the Party Central Committee's leadership in the areas and units under their charge and able political officials who energetically organize and mobilize the Party organizations to the implementation of the Party policies.

He said that when the Party officials, the revolutionaries who solemnly pledged to devote themselves to the revolution and the people, display their fighting spirit and fulfill their responsibilities and roles, well aware of their important historic mission and duty, the confidence and spirit of the masses will grow stronger and rapid progress and miracles will be seen in the overall construction of socialism despite any unfavorable condition and environment.

Expressing his belief that all the participants in the workshop would think and act true to the intention and idea of the Party Central Committee, firmly maintain their positions in the struggle for strengthening the entire Party and make devoted efforts for the development of the Party and the people's wellbeing with a fresh readiness, strong will and new spirit, he declared the special workshop close.

All the participants in the workshop made a firm pledge to prepare themselves as persons of ability and action as befits the Party officials in the new era by making strenuous efforts and radically improve the Party life organization and guidance, always aware of the General Secretary's deep trust and expectation in the officials in the Party life guidance sections and of the importance of their Party responsibility.

The special workshop, held under the guidance of Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the WPK, marked an important and historic occasion in more thoroughly establishing the Party Central Committee's unified leadership system in the entire Party and the whole society and remarkably strengthening the leadership ability and fighting efficiency of the WPK, the guiding force of our revolution, to dynamically propel our-style socialist construction into the great victory and success.

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