July 06, 2024

e090215 - DPRK Will Never Pardon U.S. and Its Vassal Forces' "Human Rights" Racket: FM Spokesperson

Date: 02/09/2022 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, September 2 (KCNA) -- A spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the DPRK gave the following answer to a question raised by KCNA on Friday as regards the visit to the area of the puppets by the "special rapporteur" on human rights situation in Korea under the UN Human Rights Council:

In a recent "inaugural statement" the "special rapporteur" on human rights situation in Korea under the UN Human Rights Council betrayed his ignorance and biased vision on the DPRK. This time, he again dared make the unpardonable reckless remarks encroaching upon our inviolable system and sovereign rights while touring the areas of the puppets.

We had already made clear our principled stand that we neither recognize nor deal with any "special rapporteur" who is merely a puppet of the U.S., and warned him that if he is not careful about his words and deeds after throwing away elementary human conscience, he will not shake off its shameful ill fame like the predecessors.

This time, the "special rapporteur" dared to make reckless remarks criticizing our system while touring together with the human scum who committed an unethical crime scattering shabby leaflets and things in order to make the inroads of the malignant virus into our territory. This nakedly revealed the double standard and prejudiced character of the signboard of "defending human rights" advocated by the UN, along with his human baseness and political silliness.

The "special rapporteur" took the lead in the "human rights" plot against the DPRK in collusion with the group of puppet traitors this time, but we know well that the U.S. is behind him.

Not long ago, the U.S. Department of State gave hearty welcome to the group of the puppet traitors' appointment of "ambassador for international cooperation on north Korean human rights" while taking issue with our "human rights" situation viciously, which clearly proves that the hostile forces' "human rights" racket against the DPRK is conceived and controlled by the U.S.

The "human rights" racket of the U.S. and other hostile forces has nothing to do with the guarantee of true human rights and is nothing but the most politicized hostile means for tarnishing the dignified image of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and stamping out the genuine rights and interests of the Korean people.

It is ridiculous for the U.S. under the reign of all sorts of social evils and institutional human rights violation like racial discrimination, national chauvinism, violence of women, encroachment on children's rights, police violence and gun-related crime, to behave itself as a "human rights judge". This is the height of deception, hypocrisy, shamelessness and double standard.

The UN should no longer allow its name and mission to be misused for the U.S. hostile policy towards the DPRK, and should strictly adhere to the principle of respect for sovereignty, impartiality and objectivity in its activities.

The U.S., driven into a tight corner as it failed to stop the advance of the DPRK through sanctions, pressure and military threats, stretches out its hand for the useless "human rights" card. As the history shows, this never works on the DPRK.

The U.S. persistent "human rights" racket against the DPRK will reveal by itself the absurdity and deceitfulness of its assertion that it is not hostile to the DPRK, and bring earlier only the disaster it fears.

The defence of national rights is precisely the protection of genuine human rights.

The DPRK will never pardon the U.S. and its vassal forces' "human rights" racket against the DPRK which is aimed at overthrowing its social system but thoroughly defend the socialist system and genuine people's rights the DPRK people value as their own lives. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche111.9.2.)

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