July 16, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

Another Gift of Love to People from Great Motherly Party Inauguration Ceremony of Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm Held with Splendor in Celebration of October Holiday Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Cuts Ribbon at Inauguration Ceremony of Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm

Date: 11/10/2022 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

The Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm, the large-scale vegetable producer, has been wonderfully completed on the occasion of the significant 77th anniversary of the founding of the Workers' Party of Korea. The project was set as a top priority task in the construction policy of the Party and the state for this year and was successfully promoted under the energetic leadership of the great Party Central Committee regarding it as a top priority and absolute to promote the wellbeing of the people.

A grand inauguration ceremony was held on Oct. 10.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, attended the ceremony.

The leading greenhouse farm in the world whose construction was set in a decision of the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Party is a highly automated farm and a base for the creation of our style civilization of the countryside. It is our Party's gift of love for the people and treasure for prosperity and a new innovative entity for socialist rural prosperity.

Always being considerate of the supply of vegetables to the people in Hamhung, major industrial and science city of the country, and in South Hamgyong Province, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un unfolded a grand plan to turn the air force base on the eastern front into a large-scale greenhouse farm and energetically led the construction, becoming himself responsible for the project.

The officers and men of the Korean People's Army heartily responded to the Party Central Committee's noble intention and displayed the spirit of Ryonpho creation to work the miracle of building the extensive ideal greenhouse farm in just over 230 days.

Over 850 blocks of modern, intensive, and industrialized hydroponic and soil greenhouses covering 280 hectares form remarkable harmony with over 1 000 dwelling houses, schools, cultural hall and complex service facilities that retain local characteristics, presenting a spectacular view of a vast farm area with high level civilization in the new era.

The venue of the ceremony to announce the birth of socialist farm of culture perfectly embodying our great Party's political idea of the people-first principle, and the Juche-oriented idea of architectural beauty on the auspicious October holiday was seething with immense emotion of the participants.

When Kim Jong Un arrived at the venue amid the playing of the welcome music, fireworks were displayed and the stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" resounded far and wide.

All the participants enthusiastically cheered for the respected General Secretary courageously opening up the new phase of vigorous state development while designing big goals and bright future after setting forth the most correct line for realizing the dream and ideal of the people despite the most severe environment of our revolution.

Kim Jong Un extended warm congratulations and militant encouragement to all the soldier-builders who successfully carried out the order of the Party Central Committee to present the sea of greenhouses in the vast expanse of fields.

Present at the ceremony were Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, and Jo Yong Won, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau and secretary for Organizational Affairs of the Central Committee of the WPK.

Also present were leading officials of the armed forces organs including Kim Jong Gwan, Kim Myong Sik and Kim Kwang Hyok and commanding officers of the KPA and soldier-builders who were mobilized in the construction.

Also among the participants were officials and working people of the province including chief secretary of the South Hamgyong Provincial Committee of the WPK Ri Jong Nam, and employees of the greenhouse farm.

The national anthem of the DPRK was solemnly played.

Jo Yong Won made an inauguration speech.

Upon authorization of Kim Jong Un, he sent warm gratitude and militant greetings to the officers and men of the KPA who wonderfully built the wonderful treasure farm for the people on the eastern coast, noting that the grand inauguration of the world's largest-scale greenhouse vegetable producing base on the occasion of the auspicious October holiday is a delight and joy of the whole country, not just of the people in South Hamgyong Province.

He said that the General Secretary considered the promise made with the people, the work for the promotion of their well-being as a crucial task that has to be carried out whatever the cost, and made sure that all issues of the construction ranging from location setting, labor force organization, design, construction and material provision were given top priority and energetically led the overall process of the construction.

At the special order of the Party Central Committee, the soldier-builders held day and night campaign, keeping in their chests the red sachets holding earth from where the General Secretary spaded on the ground-breaking ceremony and the pledges written with burning hearts, thereby successfully concluding the huge project, he said.

Stressing that the completion of the farm is a shining victory resulted by the heroic struggle of the servicepersons of the KPA keeping the same idea, intention, breath and pace with the great Party Central Committee and the might of great army-people unity, a national trait peculiar to our state, the speaker appealed to work with greater confidence to bring earlier better tomorrow with our own efforts and with our own hands.

Kim Jong Un cut the completion tape.

Thunderous cheers of "Hurrah!" again broke out in the venue of the ceremony which will be recorded forever in our motherly Party's journey of devotion for the people, followed by the display of fireworks over emotion-charged participants.

The General Secretary warmly waved back long to the cheering soldier-builders and crowds.

He looked round the farm with senior officials of the Party, government and military.

Enjoying a bird's-eye view of the vast sea of greenhouses, he was pleased that with the large-scale modern greenhouse farm built, it was possible to regularly supply fresh vegetables the year round to the workers and scientists in Hamhung City doing large share of parts in developing the country's economy and science and technology and to the people in South Hamgyong Province.

Repeatedly praising that to turn the field into a splendid vast farm area in just a few months is the greatest miracle which could be created by only the People's Army, he called commanding officers of the construction units who successfully discharged their duty as leading officers of the revolutionary army in building huge creations for the people with the Party's love for the people being kept deep in their hearts, and had a significant photo session with them.

Touring production buildings like fruit vegetable greenhouse, he stressed the need to put the vegetable production and management on a higher scientific level to increase the number of varieties of vegetables and effectively use the greenhouse area and make the people in South Hamgyong Province really benefit from the greenhouse farm through production race with the Jungphyong Greenhouse Farm.

He called for building similar large-scale greenhouse farms in all provinces and putting vegetable production on modern, intensive and industrialized basis to ensure plentiful supply of vegetables to the people in the natural climatic condition of our country.

Saying that the communist rural village should appear in the Ryonpho area and it is the plan of the Party Central Committee to more dynamically and confidently push forward the overall rural development of the country with the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm as a model, Kim Jong Un put forward the detailed tasks and ways to do so.

He gave thanks in the name of the Central Committee of the WPK to the soldier-builders who perfectly accomplished the most crucial construction policy task of the Party and the state for this year within the date and at the level set by the Party by displaying intense loyalty and the trait of devotedly implementing the Party's policies in the vast Ryonpho area.

Upon the greatest trust and honor, all the soldier-builders were full of revolutionary enthusiasm to discharge the noble mission and duty as the army of the Party and the people in defending the country and in the sites of socialist construction by further displaying the fighting traits and creating stamina which were displayed in the building of the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm under the uplifted slogan of "We Serve the Country and the People!"

The completion of the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm offered a meaningful occasion for demonstrating before the world once again the boundless love of the Party for the people which gets more ardent and warm in difficulties, the true picture of our style socialism centered on the popular masses and the invincible might of our state making leaping progress to overall prosperity while racing against the time despite manifold hardships.

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