July 27, 2024
KCNA Chongnyon Chonwi (EN)

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Visits Mangyongdae Revolutionary School Again

Date: 17/10/2022 | Source: Chongnyon Chonwi (EN) | Read original version at source

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, visited Mangyongdae Revolutionary School again together with his wife Ri Sol Ju on October 16 to spend a significant time with its students.

When he attended the commemoration of the 75th anniversary of Mangyongdae Revolutionary School and Kang Pan Sok Revolutionary School, he made a promise to visit the school again in the weekend, saying he was too busy to go round the school that day. All the teaching staff and students of the school were wrapped in great emotion and delight to see him again at the school.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un was greeted at the school by the leading officials of the school.

Accompanying him were Jo Yong Won, Pak Jong Chon, Ri Il Hwan, Ri Chung Gil, Kang Sun Nam, Kim Yo Jong and Hyon Song Wol.

Going round different parts of the school including the education control room and a room for lecture on small arms, he acquainted himself in detail with the real state of education at the school.

He said that the school should make efficient use of modernized educational facilities and widely introduce the world's advanced teaching methods and the latest sci-tech achievements to steadily improve the quality of education.

In order to bring up the students of the revolutionary school, the main pillar and the essential artery of our revolution, to be the staunch revolutionaries with literary and military accomplishments and the resolute successors and reserves of our Party, the education should focus on preparing them to be persons with healthy idea, advantageous intellectual ability and strong physical strength and to be genuine persons who are deeply steeped in noble moral ethics, he stressed.

He watched the students' martial arts and swimming exercises.

The students, who have trained their mind and bodies as the competent future commanders truly contributable to the strengthening of the revolutionary armed forces while spending their youthful days at the time-honored revolutionary school to be the pillars of the Juche revolution, fully displayed their physical and technical abilities trained at ordinary times.

Kim Jong Un also saw a pistol live-firing of the students of the graduating classes.

Whenever the students hit the targets in succession, he expressed his satisfaction at the results and became the first man to clap at them with a broad smile on his face.

He hoped for the best wishes for the future of those graduates preparing themselves to be future military talents who would shoulder upon themselves the future of our army. Then, he had a significant photo taken with them, expressing the conviction that all the graduates who participated in the shooting will play an active role as the kernel of our Party and the pillar of the revolution as befit the sons who have grown up by subsisting on the water and air of Mangyongdae.

He learned in detail about the dietary life of the students at the dining hall.

He dropped in at the dining hall where he personally tasted boiled rice and soup and asked students what kind of food they liked most and how they should be processed to be most tasty. And he took a benevolent measure to supply on a regular basis enough meat, eggs, fish, vegetables, kelp, pickles, condiment, etc. for the better diet for the students to meet their appetites and nutritive requirements.

The children of the revolutionary martyrs spent a pleasant time amid the love of the benevolent father who takes care of their life with paternal love.

Kim Jong Un said that it is the principled requirement of our Party to strengthen the revolutionary schools to make Mangyongdae Revolutionary School the best one, a model among education units in the country.

He again stressed the importance to improve the education of the revolutionary school, the pedigree establishment for training the hard-core forces of the revolution, and indicated detailed tasks and ways for the school to fully discharge its mission and duty.

All the students at Mangyongdae Revolutionary School hardened their iron will to prepare themselves to be hot-blooded revolutionaries absolutely loyal to the Party and the revolution, mindful of their duty and important responsibility as sons of Mangyongdae, looking up with emotional tears to Kim Jong Un who puts forward the children of revolutionary martyrs as genuine successors to our revolution and guides them along every stage of their growth.

Prior to leaving the school, Kim Jong Un earnestly instructed senior school officials to look after well the students, the treasures of the revolution and sons of the Party.

His repeated visit to Mangyongdae Revolutionary School will be recorded in the history forever as a revolutionary legend telling about his world of passionate love with which he, regarding the successful inheritance of the great idea and spirit as the most important affair of the revolution for the eternity of the Party and the country, has worked heart and soul to train the children of revolutionary martyrs as the hard-core forces of the Party and the pillars of the state.

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