July 16, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

Ground-breaking Ceremony for Construction of New Street in Sopho Area Held Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Encourages Youth Vanguard with His Stirring Speech and Shovels First Spadeful of Earth

Date: 26/02/2023 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

In the sacred course of the Workers’ Party of Korea which is translating into thrilling reality the grand plan and determination for prosperity and development of the DPRK and the wellbeing of its people, a new street will be built in the Sopho area of Pyongyang, the capital city, as a symbol of the development and future of socialism.

The construction of a new street in the capital city, set forth by the historic Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK as a major construction task for this significant year and entrusted to the youth, is a gigantic creation campaign to be carried out by the steadfast will of the WPK to provide the people with a highly-civilized and happy life as early as possible at the extraordinary construction speed of racing against time and accelerate the ongoing grand revolutionary advance with the fighting mettle and advance spirit of the fine, reliable and passionate youth.

The great Party Central Committee entrusted the Socialist Patriotic Youth League and the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade with the important revolutionary task to make our young people, who have always served as a powerful driving force of the state development in the historic course of the Korean revolution pioneered in Mt Paektu, reliably carry forward the proud tradition of loyalty and patriotism in the ongoing general advance. Such great trust is giving further momentum to enthusiasm for the revolution and patriotic zeal of millions of young people across the country.

A ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of a new street in the Sopho area of Pyongyang City took place on Saturday.

The venue of the ceremony, which will mark another brilliant chapter in the history of the Juche-oriented youth movement, was brimming with the revolutionary enthusiasm of young builders determined to create new legendary tales about the heroic youth as standard-bearers in building socialist civilization at the worthwhile theater for translating into a proud reality the long-cherished desire of the Party Central Committee.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers’ Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, attended the ceremony.

When he appeared at the venue of the ceremony together with his beloved daughter, all the participants broke into cheers of "Hurrah!", looking up to the great father who put forward the young people as the vanguard and shock brigade in the struggle for socialist construction and as the promising, young main forces taking the lead in ushering in a new era of the country’s prosperity and has shown all kinds of love and affection for them, while making a new history of attaching importance to the youth on this land.

Present at the ceremony were Kim Tok Hun and Jo Yong Won, members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK, Ri Il Hwan and Jon Hyon Chol, secretaries of the C.C., WPK, Pak Hun, vice-premier of the Cabinet, Ri Tu Song, department director of the C.C., WPK, commanding officers and members of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade, officials of the youth league and young people in the city.

When the ground-breaking ceremony was declared, the national anthem of the DPRK was played solemnly.

Kim Jong Un made a significant speech.

Expressing his pleasure over the declaration of significant ground-breaking for another modern street in the presence of young volunteers, which will be recorded as a proud page in the history of the Korean youth movement adorned with bravery and feats, he highly appreciated once again the immortal feats of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade performed in building a monumental edifice of youth for the motherland.

He said that the Paektusan hero youth spirit prevailing in all campaign theaters of the country comes to be the symbol of indomitable character and fighting spirit of our socialist young vanguard and an integral part of the irresistible might of Juche Korea courageously braving hardships, and clarified our Party’s determination to provide a new and big stage for young people to show once again their patriotic enthusiasm in the course of overall development of socialist construction by further elevating this great spirit.

Expressing belief that the glorious Socialist Patriotic Youth League and Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade would successfully build a new street in the capital city by living up to the call of the times and expectation of the people through their heroic struggle, he ardently appealed to wage a brave struggle for the high honor of the Korean youth and the eternal prosperity of our socialist state and for the sake of the capital city of Pyongyang.

At the end of his passionate speech full of great trust and love for the youth, all the participants, deeply moved with high honor and happiness, raised stormy cheers again.

Kim Jong Un gave the flag of the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade to its commanding officers.

The young vanguard raised shouts of their firm will to create a new legendary story about construction representing the era by amplifying once again the Paektusan hero youth spirit and mettle in carrying out the grand construction project, holding aloft the honorable flag given by the respected fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un as the banner of struggle and advance.

All the young builders made a solemn pledge to report their victory to the fatherly Marshal after successfully building another ideal street for people in Pyongyang, the heart of Juche Korea, through all-out charge in the spirit and mettle of the Korean youth knowing no impossibility by carrying forward the proud history and tradition of the Korean youth who have answered the Party’s call with their devoted service.

The venue of the ceremony was full of roar of slogans of loyalty reflecting the faith and will of all the participants determined to devotedly defend the absolute dignity and prestige of the Party Central Committee and fully display the brave stamina of a large contingent of young people in the great era of Kim Jong Un by most creditably and perfectly carrying out the tasks assigned by Kim Jong Un no matter what ordeals and difficulties may block their way.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un personally shoveled the first spadeful of earth, together with senior Party and government officials to mark the ground-breaking for the construction of a new street in the Sopho area of Pyongyang City.

All the participants raised enthusiastic cheers of "Hurrah!", hardly repressing their surging emotion at the deep trust and love of the fatherly Marshal Kim Jong Un who personally made a passionate speech at the ground-breaking ceremony and shoveled the first spadeful of earth together with his beloved daughter, giving great strength and courage to the young people with hope that they would emerge performers of feats and victors in the forefront of the capital city construction.

Kim Jong Un personally pressed the detonator.

Amid the sound of blasting signaling the start of construction, fireworks were displayed in the sky of February to bless our young people turned out in the heroic struggle and advance.

Very high is the spirit and stamina of our young people who devote their all to the implementation of the Party’s plan, keeping the loyalty to the Party and the revolution as their greatest honor and pride, Kim Jong Un said, adding that the Paektusan Hero Youth Shock Brigade, which has built a solid fortress of faith defending our cause with ardent vigor and patriotism, and other young people should become the backbone in the ongoing grand socialist construction.

Expressing expectation and belief that our youth braving any difficulties in response to the Party’s call would proudly build another luxurious street, an innovative entity representing a prosperous and powerful country, deeply mindful of their sacred duty and the call of the times - "For the Victory of Our Cause!" and "For Pyongyang, Our Capital City!", he encouraged the reliable young vanguards.

The construction of a new street in the Sopho area of Pyongyang City will strikingly demonstrate once again the mettle of resourceful and brave youth of Juche Korea, closely rallied around the great Party Central Committee with intense loyalty to the Party’s cause, and the image of the DPRK dynamically advancing toward a bright future.

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