Puppet Traitor Yoon Suk Yeol's Visit to U.S. Draws Censure, Ridicule and Concern (1)
Date: 01/05/2023 | Source: KCNA.co.jp (En) | Read original version at source
Pyongyang, May 1 (KCNA) -- The puppet traitor Yoon Suk Yeol has come under worldwide condemnation and ridicule for his visit to the U.S. that has exposed peace and security in the Korean Peninsula, the region and the rest of the world to grave danger, highlighting his disgusting colors as a sycophant. The international community is expressing great concern about the negative impact to be created by the "Washington Declaration" and the "joint statement", which were cooked up and released during traitor Yoon's visit to the U.S. A China's Foreign Ministry spokesperson referred to the fact that the "Washington Declaration" and the "joint statement" are driving the already dangerous situation in the Korean Peninsula to a more uncontrollable state. The spokesperson said the U.S. prioritizes its own geopolitical interests over the security of the entire region, condemning the US for being a "source of tension" by exploiting issues on the Korean Peninsula. What the US has done stokes bloc confrontation and hurts the strategic interest of other countries. It has also increased tensions on the peninsula and jeopardized regional peace and stability, the spokesperson noted, adding that China is firmly against it. An official spokesperson of the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement that Russia takes note of reports on an agreement that was reached between the United States and south Korea on joint planning with regard to the use of nuclear weapons, adding that such development is clearly destabilizing and will have serious negative consequences for regional security and will impact on global stability. The spokesperson noted that the United States and its allies in the Asia-Pacific region provocatively revealed their intention to duplicate the so-called plan for "extended nuclear deterrence", the plan for destroying the structure for international security, in relative regions. The spokesperson went on: Such practices will lead to a further escalation of tensions, spur security crises, and provoke an arms race. Some U.S. media have described the declaration as "a fig leaf" (used for concealing embarrassment) for the U.S. to dissuade south Korea from going nuclear, adding: But its negative impact on south Korea is obviously more than that and it is full of irony to call it a "diplomatic achievement" or "the victory of Yoon's government." Rather than saying that it has received an unprecedented commitment to nuclear protection, it's clear it has lost its autonomy unprecedentedly. The international community expressed great concern over the military and economic collusion between Biden and the puppet traitor Yoon Suk Yeol which will have negative impact on the international political issues and will result in putting the peace and security of Northeast Asia and the world in severe danger. As regards the fact that Biden and Yoon Suk Yeol agreed to expand the offer of "extended deterrence" and continue to boost the U.S.-Japan-south Korea tripartite cooperation at the talks, Xinhua news reported some analysts' comments that the U.S. has become a source of tension exploiting the issues on the Korean peninsula in a bid to attain its interests, and south Korea is binding itself on U.S. tanks, pursuant to the U.S. "Indo-Pacific" strategy, which will not only harm the interests of south Korea but also disturb the regional security. Tokyo Shimbun said the U.S.-south Korea agreement provides "no guarantee for blocking north Korea's moves" but provokes concern about "its strengthened resistance posture, adding if nuclear arms race is accelerated, the danger of accidental conflict will also increase to have great impact on the regional security balance, and there should be no excessive dependence on armed forces. The public opinions of the world loudly censure the puppet traitor Yoon Suk Yeol humiliating sycophancy toward the U.S. Xinhua news said that Yoon's approval rate continues to fall according to recent opinion polls in south Korea, recalling a former professor of Hanyang University of south Korea said that Yoon Suk Yeol's blind pro-U.S. and pro-Japanese diplomatic policy is facing the public opposition and his humiliating attitude in dealing with the issue of Japan's forcible labor conscription of Koreans and the issue of wiretapping by the U.S. in particular provoked the public resentment. Saying that the present "diplomatic policy" of south Korea not only harms its interests but also further imperils regional security, it stressed that south Korea aggravated the situation on the Korean Peninsula by staging a series of exercises and training activities together with the U.S. or with the U.S. and Japan, including the large-scale joint military exercises Freedom Shield. The China Daily stressed in its editorial titled "Seoul's immoderate cozying up to Washington aggravates risks" that Yoon Suk Yeol's visit to the U.S. was held at a time when both parties in the alliance feel an acute need for mutual reassurance that their partnership remains "ironclad", and Yoon Suk Yeol made decisive moves to improve ties with Japan in defiance of conspicuous domestic dissatisfaction at home, promised to provide further assistance to Ukraine despite warnings from Russia, and made comments on Taiwan that he knew would irk Beijing. The daily said : "Yoon's blind siding with Washington on the Ukraine crisis will not only harm the international efforts to promote peace talks but also directly make the regional situation more complicated in Northeast Asia, and he continues to lift the lid on Pandora's box oblivious to what he is releasing." The Huan Qui Shibao of China said in its editorial that Yoon Suk Yeol wants to bring back a "nuclear umbrella" from the U.S., however, this "nuclear umbrella" appears to be unrealistic and will only bring new risks to the south Korea, adding: Some have said that of all the "governments" in south Korea's history, the Yoon administration may be the least independent-minded toward the U.S., and this visit to the U.S. undoubtedly confirms this evaluation.
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