September 08, 2024

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of KPA

Date: 25/03/2024 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, March 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un , general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, inspected the headquarters of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division of the Korean People's Army (KPA) and the First Tank Armored Infantry Regiment under the direct control of the division on March 24.

He was accompanied by Pak Jong Chon, secretary of the Central Committee and vice-chairman of the Central Military Commission of the WPK, Kang Sun Nam, minister of National Defence of the DPRK, and Ri Yong Gil, chief of the KPA General Staff.

The guards unit, which has grown into strong iron-clad ranks, making the history of loyalty and feats under the care of the peerlessly great men, was overflowing with the steadfast spirit of devotedly protecting the leader to politically and ideologically defend with their very lives the Party Central Committee headed by the great Comrade Kim Jong Un and the indomitable spirit of defending the country unto death.

When the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un arrived at the headquarters of the division, all the service personnel raised stormy cheers of "Hurrah!", looking up to the iron-willed commander who has developed the KPA into an invincible elite revolutionary army while dynamically guiding it only to victory with his outstanding idea and leadership and energetic devotion.

After receiving a salute from the commander of the 105th tank division, he reviewed the military colors of the division and its combined units and the ranks of commanding officers.

He was presented with bouquets by soldiers carrying boundless reverence and gratitude of all the officers and men of the division.

Kim Jong Un looked round the revolutionary museum, guided by the commanding officers of the division.

The unit, which was formed as the first tank unit of the revolutionary armed forces of the DPRK in August 1948 on the initiative of President Kim Il Sung and under his meticulous care and renowned as an steel-strong elite division, is associated with the undying leadership exploits of the peerlessly great men and has performed lots of militant feats.

The division, born and developed into a large unit of brave independent life-guardsmen under the care of the President, was the first to charge into Seoul and fly the flag of the DPRK on the puppet capitol building and performed distinguished feats in many battles during the past Fatherland Liberation War, thus adding the title of guards and Seoul to its brilliant name. In the 1960s, the unit blazed a trail in a mass movement by raising the first torch of the Red-Flag Company Movement, and, in the 1980s, became a Kumsong life guards unit. And in the new century it flew the flag of O Jung Hup-led Seventh Regiment in the van of the entire army, vigorously making proud achievements in defending the country.

Looking round the precious historical relics and data associated with the immortal devotion and efforts of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il for the development of the sacred and proud unit, Kim Jong Un recollected with deep emotion the proud course of the guards tank unit that has followed the road of loyalty as invincible iron-clad ranks shining with victory and glory.

Noting that the history of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division contains the glorious tradition of devotedly defending the leader created by the division in protecting the Party and the leader unto death and a number of combat feats performed by it in every grim period of the revolution, he stressed that the noble tradition of loyalty of the guards unit and its tradition of great victory should be carried forward generation after generation forever.

He called for conducting efficient ideological education among the soldiers to make them firmly preserve and add brilliance to the immortal achievements of the President and the Chairman with proud successes in rounding off war preparations and beefing up combat capability with the unique pride and honor of serving in the glorious unit associated with the guidance of the great leaders.

After being briefed on the division's plan for offensive and defensive operations by its commander, Kim Jong Un examined combat documents and indicated the operational combat tasks and orientation of combat training of the combined units under the division.

He said that the 105th tank division, the symbol of the heroic and brave spirit of the KPA, should hold high the banner as befitting a model of the entire army in the ongoing struggle witnessing the intensive training for finishing war preparations. He set forth important tasks, guidelines for strengthening in every way the combat preparations and combat efficiency of the unit including the issue of arming the tank crews with overwhelming ideological and moral strength and thoroughly training them in military technical and physical aspects and getting combat technical equipment always ready for action.

Kim Jong Un enjoyed a performance given by the art squad of the division at the servicepersons' hall.

Through the performance pulsating with the revolutionary spirit, the art squad members showed the high ideological and moral world and valiant disposition of the heroic KPA intensely loyal to the Party and truthfully represented the firm faith and will to vigorously struggle for the eternal prosperity of the country and the security of the people under the leadership of Kim Jong Un .

Kim Jong Un expressed expectation and belief that all the service personnel of the division would give fuller play to the stamina of the guards unit in today's struggle for defending the country and the revolution by carrying forward the indomitable fighting spirit displayed by the tank crews in the Fatherland Liberation War, and had a photo session with the service personnel of the headquarters.

The service personnel, who had an honor of having a significant photo taken with Kim Jong Un , raised stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" and shouted slogans of " Kim Jong Un " and "Devoted defence", making a firm pledge of loyalty and repayment to the great brilliant commander who showed warm love and deep trust and instilled the invincible spirit of the revolutionary army.

Kim Jong Un inspected the First Tank Armoured Infantry Regiment under the direct control of the Seoul Ryu Kyong Su Guards 105th Tank Division.

When he arrived at the unit, the cheers of hurrah raised by the service personnel with boundless honor, happiness, emotion and joy rocked the sky and the earth.

Kim Jong Un received a salute from the commander of the regiment.

He met again the tank crews of the regiment, who proved successful in the recent training match among the large combined tankmen's units of the KPA, and warmly encouraged them.

He had a talk with the commanding officers of the regiment at the building of its command and looked round the barracks of a sub-unit.

He guided a tank crews' hurdle-overcoming and high-speed breakthrough drill at the training ground of the regiment.

When the drill started, "iron horses" entered the general offensive all at once, moving their heavy bodies in a mobile manner and negotiating the solid defence lines at a stretch. The brave tank crews, fully armed with the Juche-based war method and the strong will to annihilate the enemy, strikingly displayed their skillful offensive ability and great confidence.

Kim Jong Un expressed great satisfaction over the fact that the tank-men involved in the drill are fully prepared as a-match-for-a-hundred versatile crews capable of carrying out any combat mission.

He had a photo session with the tank-men and soldiers of the regiment involved in the drill.

Going round a mess hall of the sub-unit, he took warm care of the living of the servicepersons with paternal affection.

Seeing with satisfaction the servicepersons at table, he said that the commanding officers should always pay deep attention to further improving the servicepersons' diet, ensure the regular supply of meat, vegetables and various other subsidiary foodstuffs in good time and make sincere efforts to provide them with good living conditions.

All the service personnel of the division expressed their deep gratitude to Marshal Kim Jong Un who visited the unit and greatly encouraged them, showing warm love and deep trust and putting them on the peak of glory. They made a firm pledge to prepare themselves as invincible combat ranks unfailingly loyal to and absolutely obedient to the order of the Party Central Committee and as stalwart fighters ready to open the road of advance for victory in the future battlefields by continuing to carry forward the tradition of the wartime heroic tank unit. -0- (Juche113.3.25.)

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