July 03, 2024

"Red Line" Touted by U.S. Is Banister for Murderers

Date: 13/06/2024 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, June 13 (KCNA) -- The U.S. moves to protect and encourage the Israeli army's massacre of Palestinians are touching off bitter anger of the international community.

On June 6, the Israeli army made an air raid on a school, run by an UN organization in the Gaza Strip, under the pretext of a "mopping-up operation against Hamas", causing the disaster in which dozens of civilians including 14 children and 9 women were killed. The army dropped GBU-39, a GPS guided bomb, offered by the U.S.

On May 26, Israel dropped the same bomb on a refugee camp in Rafah, killing more than 40 civilians.

The whole world is vehemently censuring Israel for its massacre in disregard of international law and humanitarian principle.

But this time, too, a spokesperson for the U.S. Department of State patronized the horrible massacre, claiming that Israel did not cross the "red line" set by the U.S.

According to his words, the "red line" set by Washington in connection with Israel's military operations means a "large-scale operation in Rafah" and it is the U.S. stand that it has not yet seen such large-scale operation.

His words mean that the death toll of innocent civilians in the Gaza Strip that has reached nearly 40 000 is not enough for the U.S. and Israel but scarce.

They are the reckless remarks that can be made by only rare murderers who regard massacre as a common practice and pleasure. They revealed who is a backer for Israel running amuck in disregard of the strong denunciation by the international society and that the "threat" and "warning" against Israel touted by the U.S. before the world are no more than hypocritical sophism.

World media say that the U.S. seems to make "diplomatic efforts" but is positively patronizing Israel's actions and driving the situation into a more dangerous phase by switching the "blue light" for the tragedy lasting in the Gaza Strip.

Even at this moment, Israel's massacre is growing in the Gaza Strip under the patronage of the U.S.

On June 8, 274 Palestinians were mercilessly killed and nearly 700 wounded by the Israel's military attack on the mid Gaza Strip, but the U.S. "red line" and its rulers remain unchanged.

The reality goes to clearly prove that the "red line" set by the U.S. is not a "check line" for defending the international justice and humanitarianism but a "banister" for its stooges and murderers.

The world is spitting at the disgusting entity called the U.S., the chieftain of aggression and massacre which is only committing all sorts of vicious acts while styling itself the "guardian of international order" and "apostle of justice and peace". -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.13.)

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