June 29, 2024
KCNA KCNA.co.jp (En)

Public Candlelight Demonstration Continues in Puppet ROK

Date: 25/06/2024 | Source: KCNA.co.jp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, June 25 (KCNA) -- The puppet ROK is swept by public candlelight demonstrations against Yoon Suk Yeol's warmongering as a stooge of the U.S. and Japan. The 94th and 95th candlelight rallies and demonstrations demanding the impeachment of puppet Yoon, a pro-U.S. and pro-Japanese war maniac and lunatic fascist dictator, were staged in Seoul on June 15 and 22. Earlier, there took place anti-U.S., anti-war and anti-Yoon emergency protest rallies of civic and public organizations in different parts of Seoul. At the rallies, speakers denounced Yoon for having driven the people's life to the edge of a precipice through the moves for provoking a nuclear war, adding that the ROK-U.S. joint drill and the ROK-U.S.-Japan joint drill to be soon kicked off will further escalate the danger of a nuclear war. It is as clear as noonday that the expansion of military drills for a preemptive nuclear attack with the U.S. nuclear strategic assets involved will aggravate military tensions, they noted, saying ever-worsening hostility will lead to a military conflict and war. Condemning Yoon for bringing the danger of war to the people already suffering from destitution, they called on the public to go all out for preventing the nuclear war. They called on the candlelight demonstrators to immediately oust and down with traitor Yoon keen on the prosecution-based dictatorial rule so as to restore the life of the popular masses, appealing for an intensified anti-U.S., anti-war and anti-Yoon campaign. Amid the ever-growing anti-war social atmosphere for impeaching Yoon, many people came out to take part in the 94th and 95th candlelight rallies, where they bitterly denounced Yoon for finding a way out in the frequent military drills with the U.S. and Japan for igniting a war of aggression. The demonstrators were holding large placards and posters reading "Let us down with Yoon Suk Yoel!", "Impeachment brings peace!", "Let's impeach incompetent Yoon!" and "Down with inhuman Yoon regime!" Media of the puppet ROK also sniped at Yoon for blindly following the U.S. hegemonic strategy under such titles as "Hair-trigger danger of war", "Warmongering forces seek to ignite a war at any cost" and "Yoon Suk Yeol frantically escalates war danger.

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