June 30, 2024

"2024 Trafficking in Persons Report" of U.S. Commented

Date: 27/06/2024 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, June 27 (KCNA) -- The following is the full text of "'2024 Trafficking in Persons Report'; mental storm certificate of the White House addicted to politicization of human rights", an article of Ri Jin, a researcher of the Korea Association for Human Rights Studies:

The U.S. Department of State recently released the "2024 Trafficking in Persons Report", a stereotyped and trite report based on fabrications.

The said annual "report", one of various documents of the U.S. on human rights performance based on false information aimed at tarnishing the images of independent sovereign states, has been unanimously condemned and rejected by the international community. But the U.S. remained true to its inveterate bad habit this time, too.

Great irony is that the strong selfish desire of the U.S. to ensure the credibility of the "report" by making groundless "information" sound plausible has produced sheer lies only to reduce it to a laughing stock and a target of derision.

First of all, we cannot but take note of university students' "registration fee" in our country, cited by the U.S. Department of State in its "report".

As already known to the world, the DPRK has enforced a free education system in the higher education sector, too, to say nothing of the primary and secondary education sectors. And it has a proper public education support system, so the term "registration fee" itself does not exist in the country.

But the U.S. made a mistake in the recent "report" by mentioning "university students who failed to pay registration fees" in the DPRK and thus proved of its own accord that its assertion is completely untrue.

There is an increasing suspicion as to whether the "report" makers mistook the DPRK for the ROK, where murderous university registration fees lead the rising generation's dream for learning to the abandonment of study and life.

The U.S. Department of State also made groundless conjectures, linking the regular exchange of visits between the DPRK and its neighboring country with "forced labor".

It is natural that personal exchanges in the fields of politics, economy, culture are getting brisk as the bonds of friendship and solidarity between sovereign states are strengthened. Such activities are based on mutual benefit and equality and they have nothing to do with "forced labor".

Perhaps such exchange of visits makes the descendants of the United States of America, which laid a foundation for nation-building through the brutal black-slave hunting and exploitation of their labor, fall into congenital hallucination mistaking it for "flesh trafficking" and "forced labor".

In a nutshell, diagnosis of the U.S. pathological symptoms is that the mental confusion of the White House addicted to the politicization of human rights has reached an extremely dangerous phase.

The U.S. is absorbed in investigating the "human trafficking situation" on a worldwide scale, but it is not even aware of the real human trafficking practices taking place one after another at home. This fact also adds to the confidence in the above-said diagnosis.

If one wants to see the prototype of slave trade and flesh trafficking in the 21st century, it would be good to explore the U.S.

The successive U.S. administrations have always made empty commitments to the immigration policy. As a result, the rights of immigrants are ruthlessly trampled down in the border areas of the U.S. and humanitarian crisis is escalating and flesh trafficking is rampant.

The U.S. has utterly disregarded the personal value of immigrants and, in particular, its states in the border areas have forcibly transferred immigrants to other cities irrespective of their will and imposed various kinds of toil work, maltreatment and punishment upon them.

In June 2023, the U.S. newspaper USA Today said that the immigrants, who were taken to farms in California and Oregon, being deceived by drug trafficking group, are engaged in hemp cultivation, suffering from slave labor for more than 16 hours a day.

Especially, women immigrants are forced into sexual slavery, and migrant child workers are playing the role of "shadow labor" in various dangerous workplaces including construction sites and slaughterhouses.

The U.S. legislative bodies talking about "governing according to the law and order" are also conniving at and encouraging child labor. In 2023, Arkansas State of the U.S. adopted a new law on deleting an item related with labor condition specifying that boys should obtain their parents' consent, thus providing enterprises with a legal guarantee to exploit migrant child workers without any limitation.

The reality goes to prove that the "Trafficking in Persons Report" and other "human rights" documents of the U.S. are nothing but a tool for concealing its poor human rights situation by building up public opinion about the "human rights situation" in other countries and for interfering in the internal affairs of sovereign states.

It is quite natural that the whole world is claiming that the "Trafficking in Persons Report" issued by the U.S. Department of State every year is little short of the one listing the countries, which do not sympathize with the American-style view of value, for realizing its political purpose, and it contradicts the genuine international efforts to eradicate trafficking in persons.

Obviously, the U.S. should look back on how the international community is evaluating its human rights situation and pay primary attention to the solution of its domestic affairs, for it has lost even elementary qualification to talk about human rights issues in other countries.

No matter how loudly the U.S. may talk about the "human rights" situation in other countries while trumpeting about "universal respect for human rights", it can neither cover up nor deny its miserable human rights situation which is being ridiculed and censured by the international community.

The DPRK will never tolerate the provocative acts of the U.S., which abuses human rights as a tool for encroaching upon sovereignty and interference by politicizing and weaponizing it, but firmly defend the state system and the rights and interests of its people from all threats by the hostile forces. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.6.27.)

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