September 08, 2024

Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un Inspects Construction Project of Samjiyon City

Date: 14/07/2024 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, July 14 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un , general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, gave a field guidance to the construction project of Samjiyon City on July 11 and 12.

He was accompanied by Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee and premier of the Cabinet, and Jo Yong Won, Ri Il Hwan, Kim Jae Ryong and other leading officials of the WPK Central Committee.

On November 14, 2021 when visiting Samjiyon City turned into a standard of mountain cultural town and a model regional city, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un proudly reviewed the fact that the four-year-long city construction project was successfully carried out as planned and intended by the Party. And he set forth the important tasks and ways for better sprucing up the city as an area for the study tour of revolutionary battle sites and a tourist area, including the issues of pushing ahead with the road and railway construction, taking measures to protect the ecological environment and forests and additionally building hotels, in keeping with its changed living environment.

True to his on-site instructions and the decisions of the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee, the additional Samjiyon City construction projects have been completed in the main.

The construction of 40-odd public and production buildings, including the Samjiyon Revolutionary Museum and public service facilities, and houses for tens of families of employees and the construction of roads extending 230-odd kilometers were completed and some projects such as the remodeling of Samjiyon Airport and the railway construction are under way or preparation.

Going round various places of Samjiyon City, Kim Jong Un learned in detail about the construction project.

He highly praised the builders for making good successes by exerting responsible efforts into major planned work to spruce up Samjiyon City better as a powerful base for education in the revolutionary traditions and a model of highly-civilized mountain city.

He strongly pointed out the irresponsibility of senior officials revealed in the course of construction and a series of serious deviations caused by it and gave instructions to execute necessary measures.

Going round the newly-built hotels for domestic tourists, he severely pointed out that their construction was carried out at an outdated and backward level contrary to the requirement of the developing times. Noting that those new buildings have to be remodeled and, consequently, this problem badly affects the general long-term plan for the city development, bringing economic losses, he criticized the construction inspection organ for its irresponsible neglect of duty of passing innumerable and serious shortcomings through the completion inspection and handing over to the operation unit.

The need to enhance the role of construction inspection organs has been always stressed at every occasion, but officials in this sector do not pay attention to the demands, instructions and warnings of the Party Central Committee and the government, he said, adding: A leading official of the Ministry of State Construction Control never engaged in the inspection for completion of the public facilities in Samjiyon City to which importance has been attached. This fact alone clearly shows that his ideological laxity and neglect of duty have reached the extremes.

Noting that Ri Sun Chol, minister of State Construction Control, has never been to Samjiyon City since December last year when the completion inspection started, leaving it to officials of the field headquarters and a former vice-minister of State Construction Control idled his time away on the spot with his irresponsible work attitude, he sternly pointed out that they are good-for-nothing persons as they have neither standpoint of serving the state and people nor elementary morality and qualification as state civil servants. And he added that they should be given the suspension of rights and immediately submitted to a law-enforcement organ for investigation.

He also gave instructions to stop the work of all members of the completion inspection committee under the Samjiyon City construction project headquarters responsible for the construction and strictly put them in question and downgrade a vice-director of the Organizational Leadership Department of the WPK Central Committee who is in charge of the political group in the field of construction.

He said that the vice-premier of the Cabinet, who has neglected the responsibility for duty on guiding the overall construction, while attaching importance only to the housing construction in Pyongyang, and the standpoint for the sake of interest and amusement and work ability of senior officials at the state designing organ should be certainly re-examined.

As the problems revealed in the construction of Samjiyon City clearly show, it is impossible to correctly implement the Party's Juche-oriented idea on architecture and construction policy, if leading officials are irresponsible and the construction inspection is dull, and such a grave consequence will come as loss and violation of the interests of the state and people, he said, adding that everything should be corrected immediately.

Kim Jong Un set forth important tasks for giving face-lifting to Samjiyon City to be a new and innovative civilized city in the light of the daily-developing requirement of today's reality.

Emphasizing the Party's plan to develop it into a typical mountain city in the northern part of the country, a peculiar complex-type four-season mountainous tourist area to meet the cultural and emotional needs of the people on the highest level and revitalize international tourism, he said that the grand nature of the Mt Paektu area forming mountains with natural forests is our precious resource to be proud of. He gave important instructions for building the world-famous Mt Paektu cultural tourist area into an excellent one so as to develop it into an oasis of our people and the world people and make tourism a major driving force of regional development.

Saying that the Phothae area, an undeveloped land in Samjiyon City, can be regarded as a suitable area for mountain tourism for sports and of an experience-activity type for its large amount of snowfall and natural, geographical, meteorological and climatic conditions, he discussed the issues of pushing ahead with the construction of a large-scale ski resort within two years, and indicated stepwise tasks for building a skiing ground and tourist recreation ground with Mt Pukphothae as a centre, remodeling Samjiyon Airport and laying a tourist railway and orientation and ways for effectively developing and making use of tourist resources of Samjiyon City.

Our Party has already and constantly emphasized that architecture is an important criterion showing the degree of civilization of a country and nation and the development of a relevant society in a visual way, he said, stressing the need to build cultural and tourist facilities in Samjiyon City in a developed architectural style peculiar to our country which combines national characteristics with modernity.

As even an architectural structure reflects the ideology of the times and the level of civilization, construction itself is an important ideological work, he said, repeatedly stressing that the our-nation-first ideology and the people-first doctrine should be thoroughly embodied by establishing Juche in architecture.

He said that we would build a skiing recreation ground in the Mt Pukphothae area as a cultural tourist centre favored by the people which perfectly embodies the people-first architectural ideology of the Workers' Party of Korea, serves the people and clearly reflects the demand of the people.

He also set forth important tasks to be fulfilled in improving convenience of climbing Mt Paektu and steadily intensifying the study tour of revolutionary battle sites, including the issue of expanding the course of Mt Paektu-climbing tour to be double line and paving it and the issue of laying a tourist railway to the Mudubong area.

He stressed the need to build and expand the accommodations and catering facilities for visitors to revolutionary battlesites and tourists, transport facilities such as mountain railways and cableways in the mountainous areas around Samjiyon City on a step-by-step basis.

Saying it is necessary to develop mountain tourism into a highly promising industry in conformity with the natural and geographical features of the country, in which the mountain areas account for almost 80 percent of the whole territory, he stressed that it is important to perfect legal and institutional mechanisms for protecting nature and environment.

He said that the construction of a large-scale Samjiyon tourist area is of great significance in widely introducing the nature of the country, further improving the level of the people's cultural and emotional life and securing the driving force of the regional development through tourism.

He said there is no doubt that the cultural resort around Mt Paektu which we are planning to develop and will surely unfold in the near future would be a resort, and it will make friendly even foreign friends feel peculiar attraction.

Thanks to the outstanding and seasoned guidance of Kim Jong Un , the great genius of creation and construction and benevolent father of the people, who restlessly plans and brings a new world prosperous day by day, while working heart and soul going through untrodden paths for the happiness of the people and prosperity of the country, eye-opening and miraculous reality will be unfolded on the historical Samjiyon land in the near future. -0- (Juche113.7.14.)

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