September 26, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

For My Precious Native Place and Motherland

Date: 19/09/2024 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

Pledge Made at New Dwelling House

Last June there took place a housewarming at the Yombun Farm, Kyongsong County.

Among those agricultural workers who moved into new houses was Jo Un Hwa, leader of the stockbreeding workteam of the farm.

She had worked in the commercial service sector and she became a farmer after her husband was appointed as a farm official.

Though the farm work was difficult, she learnt the farm work one by one.

During those days she became a veteran peasant and stockbreeding workteam leader.

She has devoted her efforts to improving the stockbreeding of the workteam. She visited a farm hundreds of ri away to obtain the breeding livestock of good species and was wakeful all night to take care of ill goats at the animal shed.

Thanks to her efforts the workteam came to have hundreds of pigs and goats.

But she felt guilty because the benevolence of the Party is greater than her deed.

Therefore, she made a firm pledge at her new dwelling house to contribute to turning their native place into a socialist ideal place.

Her pledge made at the new house, indeed, speaks for the unanimous desire of the agricultural workers who moved into new houses thanks to the benevolence of the Party.

Extraordinary Service Logbooks

All the drivers keep their logbooks; however, those logbooks kept by female drivers of the Wonsan City Trolley Bus Station are extraordinary.

The logbook contains various circumstances: the first day they drove the trolley bus sent by the Party; facts that they abandoned themselves in the flood of happiness receiving the greetings of the people who said that they were doing a fine job.

The trolley buses they were driving are new-type ones the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un sent to the people in Kangwon Province. Those are crystallization of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s warm love.

Therefore, the female drivers engraved circumstances of loyalty and repayment as well as the records of safety inspection in those logbooks.

The logbooks convey their precious patriotism, pure devotion and conscience.

Indeed, those books are diaries which make the female drivers feel pride and self-esteem as socialist working people and show their loyalty and patriotic mind to follow only the road of repayment for the beloved motherland.

Fruit of Rich Harvest

Agricultural workers of the Phyongwon Farm in Suan County have brought about a satisfactory harvest after reaping an unusual wheat harvest this year.

The successive rich harvest is a proud result brought by the officials and agricultural workers of the farm who cherished firm trust in the Party’s policy.

Actually, the farm hadn’t made achievements in wheat farming until a few years ago as it had regarded it as a side job.

They thought it unavoidable to produce a poor crop in the small cultivation area. However, when they received the teachings of the respected General Secretary to change the structure of grain production, they began to put efforts into wheat farming.

When they first decided to increase wheat cultivation area, some farmers worried lest they should fail to gather a good harvest in such a large area of land as they had done poorly in wheat farming in the past.

However, Ri Yong Gol, manager of the farm, and other officials and farmers buckled down with a firm determination to translate into reality the Party’s intention of pushing ahead with rice and wheat farming.

Although they encountered hardships, they made redoubled efforts being aware that they must thoroughly carry out the Party’s intention in order to turn theirs into a better place to live in.

They focused on securing seeds and choosing the right soil and applied plenty of manure to every field, thus heightening the rice and wheat yield per hectare a great deal.

Based on the achievements and experiences, they markedly increased the wheat cultivation area last autumn to reap a bumper crop this year, too.

Better still, they did rice farming in a persevering manner even in unfavorable weather conditions and thereby brought about a satisfactory harvest.

Kept in their hearts is a precious truth that everything goes well when they work by the sweat of their brow in order to turn their native place into an ideal land better to live in.

Rodong Sinmun

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