September 26, 2024
KCNA Rodong Sinmun (En)

For Endlessly Prospering Tomorrow

Date: 20/09/2024 | Source: Rodong Sinmun (En) | Read original version at source

Law on Enforcement of Universal 12-year Compulsory Education

The law on enforcing the universal 12-year compulsory education was adopted at the 6th Session of the 12th Supreme People’s Assembly of the DPRK held in September, Juche 101(2012).

This was crystallization of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un’s noble outlook on the country, posterity and future and a mighty demonstration of the advantage of socialist education system in our country.

Education of the rising generation is an undertaking of great significance which decides the country’s destiny and the nation’s future. In order to achieve prosperity of the country and nation and carry forward the cause of Juche revolution through generations, education must be incessantly improved and intensified to train the rising generation to be genuine revolutionaries and trustworthy pillars of the country.

The enforcement of the universal 12-year compulsory education is a decision which can be made only by the peerlessly great man who is convinced of the prosperous future of the country.

The respected General Secretary gives precious teachings concerning education time and again as he cherishes a great ambition to train lots of able talents who can contribute to the construction of a powerful socialist country, and to turn ours into a country of education and a talent power.

The immortal exploits of the respected General Secretary of ushering in a new heyday of development of Juche-oriented education and bringing about a bright future of building a prosperous country will shine forever with the sacred history of our socialist motherland.

Rural Revolutionary Programme in New Era

The respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un put forward the rural revolutionary programme in the new era in his historic report "Let Us Open Up a New Great Era of Our Style Socialist Rural Development" made at the 4th Plenary Meeting of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Herein lies his noble intention to bring about a rapid development in the countryside and realize the centuries-old desire of our people as soon as possible by waging a proactive and revolutionary struggle with our strength, wisdom and efforts.

Without bringing our countryside up as early as possible to the level of the times, it is impossible to build a socialist power prosperous with self-support and self-reliance.

The respected General Secretary reflects his ideas for the distant future of the country in making even a plan and orients all the state affairs to providing not only our generation but also the younger generation with everlasting wealth and happier living conditions.

With his brilliant wisdom and energetic leadership, a great new era of rural development, in which people and mountains change beyond recognition, is ushered in and a great change unprecedented in the 70-odd-year-long history of the Republic is being made.

Our people are convinced that they will surely win a great victory in the rural revolution in the new era and the new era of the overall development of socialism will be translated into a more brilliant reality thanks to his wise leadership and the most scientific and revolutionary programme.

Regional Development 20×10 Policy

The respected General Secretary, at the 10th Session of the 14th Supreme People’s Assembly (SPA) of the DPRK, stressed that he was going to make our Party keep hold on the construction of modern regional industry factories in 20 counties every year as an unerring policy task, carry it out successfully and thus raise on one stage the basic material and cultural living standards of the people in all cities and counties and, in other words, across the country within ten years.

The Regional Development 20×10 Policy, the epochal milestone for development of regional industry, was defined true to the iron will and ardent desire of the respected General Secretary to build the prosperous powerful country on this land without fail at the 19th Enlarged Meeting of the Political Bureau of the 8th Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea.

Only the Party with eminence and foresightedness can map out clear ideal and target for its development and write the sacred history of victory and glory by presenting right line and policy in every period of developing revolution.

The respected General Secretary clarified at the consultative meeting for regional development project held last August that our Party’s policy for regional development in the new era should not be confined to the construction of light-industry factories but should be a comprehensive policy dealing with public health, science and education and gave precious instructions for carrying it out.

The bare idea makes us feel satisfaction. When the new plan for the regional development set forth by our Party is realized, numerous monumental edifices would be built splendidly on this land.

Sure victory is in store for us as we uphold in high esteem the respected General Secretary who dynamically ushers in the new era of socialist civilization and prosperity.

Rodong Sinmun

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