January 02, 2025
KCNA Kim Il Sung University (KR)

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Guides 14th Enlarged Meeting of Political Bureau of 7th Central Committee of WPK

Date: 03/07/2020 | Source: Kim Il Sung University (KR) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, July 3 (KCNA)-The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea (WPK) held an enlarged meeting in the office building of the Central Committee of the WPK on Thursday to discuss the immediate work and the important policy issues of the Party and the state.

Kim Jong Un, chairman of the WPK, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, was present in the meeting.

Attending the meeting were members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK.

Present there as observers were officials of the WPK Central Committee, officials of the Cabinet, ministries and national institutions, chairmen of provincial party committees, chairpersons of provincial people's committees, commanding officers of the armed forces organs, members of the Central Emergency Anti-epidemic Headquarters, and officials of the construction field.

Upon authorization of the Political Bureau of the C.C., WPK, Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un presided over the meeting and made important conclusions.

At the meeting, as the first agenda item they reviewed the work of the past 6 months for preventing the malignant contagious disease and discussed an issue on further consolidating the present anti-epidemic situation by enhancing the state emergency anti-epidemic work.

The Supreme Leader referred to the objective and purport of our Party discussing again the state emergency anti-epidemic issue at the meeting.

After analyzing in detail the 6 month-long national emergency anti-epidemic work, he said we have thoroughly prevented the inroads of the malignant virus and maintained stable anti-epidemic situation despite the worldwide health crisis, which is a shining success achieved by the far-sighted leadership of the Party Central Committee and a high sense of voluntary spirit displayed by all people who move as one on orders of the Party Central Committee. He added we should value such success in the anti-epidemic work and continuously consolidate it to fully ensure the security of the state and well-being of the people.

He stressed the need to maintain maximum alert without a slight self-complacence or relaxation on the anti-epidemic front, and rearrange and practice stricter anti-epidemic effort under the prevailing situation in which the trend of re-infection and re-expansion of the malignant contagious disease persists in neighboring countries and areas around our country and there is no certain prospect for relieving the danger of the pandemic.

The Supreme Leader made sharp criticism of inattention, onlooking and chronic attitude getting prevalent among officials, and violation of the rules of the emergency anti-epidemic work as this work takes on a protracted character. He repeatedly warned that hasty relief of anti-epidemic measures will result in unimaginable and irretrievable crisis, stressing that all the sectors and units should further strengthen the emergency anti-epidemic work till the danger of pandemic incoming is completely rid of while not feeling self-complacency over the current good situation of the anti-epidemic work as to ease the strain.

At the meeting a report on the state emergency anti-epidemic work done for 6 months was heard and speeches made.

The report and speeches deeply analyzed and reviewed the problems revealed in the state emergency anti-epidemic work from a critical viewpoint in the first half of the year and took more meticulous and substantial measures to conduct effective organizational and political work for thoroughly observing the emergency anti-epidemic measures and strictly maintaining the emergency anti-epidemic system with the disease causing losses worldwide.

Discussed as the second agenda item at the meeting was an issue of hastening the building of the Pyongyang General Hospital and taking measures to ensure human, material and technological support for medical service.

Kim Jong Un expressed satisfaction with the construction making steady progress as planned despite the difficult and unfavorable conditions, thanks to the extraordinary mental power and dedicated efforts of the builders.

Kim Jong Un made sure powerful national measures were taken for urgently solving the problems arising to brilliantly complete the hospital which would provide the people with the most advanced medical service, to be of the world standard, and set forth detailed tasks before the sectors in charge of construction, material supply and preparations for operation.

The first and second agenda items were adopted with full approval after a draft decision on them was studied at the meeting.

Also studied at the meeting were important issues related to the external affairs of the Party and other matters.-0-

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