March 12, 2025

Press Statement by Section Chief of Korea-Europe Association

Date: 06/02/2025 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, February 6 (KCNA) -- The section chief of the Korea-Europe Association issued the following press statement on Feb. 6: The International Crisis Group, headquartered in Brussels, reportedly announced a report on the 10 conflicts to watch in 2025 by the European Union, some days ago. Out of its mission alleged to shape policies that will prevent a war and build a more peaceful world, the group took issue with the exercise of the DPRK's sovereign rights and made an unreasonable "policy recommendation" to the EU, arguing that it should put "targeted pressure" on the DPRK and redouble its efforts to prevent the latter from "evading sanctions". Such wrong behavior of the group inciting confrontation rather than the settlement of dispute while totally distorting the essence and root cause of the aggravated situation on the Korean peninsula makes one more skeptical about the legality of this body and about the necessity of its existence. It has been recognized by everyone that the root cause of the constant instability in the Korean peninsula and its vicinity lies in the reckless military confrontation maneuvers including the nuclear threat by the U.S. and its allies hostile to the DPRK. The ICG, which is said to expert on the global disputes and conflict crises, turned away its face from large-scale war drills staged by the U.S. and its vassal forces in the Korean peninsula every day and their moves for expanding the alliance for aggression, but parroted such confrontation notions as "targeted pressure" and "escalated sanctions" made by those hostile forces. This goes to prove that the group is no more than a mouthpiece dancing to the tune of the U.S. and the West. I take this opportunity to advise the EU. If the EU wants to display its "strategic autonomy" in the international arena, it should not blindly take advantage of the U.S. in international issues, including the Korean peninsula issue, but maintain impartiality and objectivity. In the present era characterized by uncertainty and unpredictability, what is needed by the EU is to recognize the changed reality after waking from old-fashioned thinking and obsession.

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