March 12, 2025

Congratulatory Letter to Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un from General Association of Koreans in China

Date: 16/02/2025 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, February 16 (KCNA) -- The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un received a congratulatory letter from the General Association of Koreans in China (GAKC) on April 16. The letter said that the officials of the GAKC and all Korean residents in China, looking up to the benevolent image of Chairman Kim Jong Il on the auspicious February holiday, pay the noblest tribute to him who built up the DPRK into an invincible politico-ideological power and military power to guarantee the eternal prosperity of the nation and defended the justice and peace of the world, and extend the highest glory and best wishes to the respected Marshal Kim Jong Un, the peerlessly great man who is translating the Chairman's patriotic desire for a powerful country into brilliant reality. The Chairman, who was born as the son of Mt Paektu, the holy mountain of revolution, and grew up hearing the gunfire of the anti-Japanese war as a lullaby, recorded the immortal revolutionary history, to remain in the nation's history forever, with his outstanding ideas and theories, extraordinary leadership ability and gigantic revolutionary practice for the accomplishment of the revolutionary cause of Juche and the eternal prosperity of posterity in the long period of revolutionary leadership, it noted, and went on: The Chairman had taken warm care of the Korean residents in China with his paternal love, always remembering them, though he was very busy leading the revolution and construction. He carefully guided the GAKC to creditably perform its mission and role as befitting a genuine overseas citizens' organization of the DPRK and highly appreciated the small achievements made by us, awarding the highest honor of a DPRK citizen. The letter expressed the determination to further consolidate the GAKC into a patriotic organization whose members are united with one mind and strengthen it into a promising organization by well training reserves to carry forward the baton of the association. The GAKC in the letter, reflecting the unanimous desire of all Koreans in China, heartily wished Kim Jong Un, the benevolent father of the Koreans in China, good health for the eternal prosperity and rosy future of Juche Korea.

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