July 16, 2024

Supreme Leader Kim Jong Un Inspects Changrin Islet Defence Detachment

Date: 25/11/2019 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, November 25 (KCNA) -- Kim Jong Un, chairman of the Workers' Party of Korea, chairman of the State Affairs Commission of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea and supreme commander of the armed forces of the DPRK, inspected the Changrin Islet defence detachment on the western front.

Supreme Leader of the Party, state and armed forces Kim Jong Un, conducted by the commanding officers, made round of the historic site.

Seeing the monument to the field guidance of Chairman Kim Jong Il which was built to hand down the immortal exploits of Kim Jong Il who left the legendary traces of army commanding in the islet 45 years ago, the Supreme Leader was lost in deep thought about him.

He said that we should further cement the might of the invincible army as desired by Kim Jong Il so as to devotedly safeguard the socialist country and glorify it to the whole world, pointing out that the undying history of leadership for army building of the Chairman who left traces of loving care in the islet post and gave valuable instructions for the completion of the combat preparations by making a long and rough maritime journey with the worry about the living conditions of our servicepersons at the forefront post would be handed down through generations.

He made rounds of the defence detachment headquarters, company quarters, education room, mess hall, beans warehouse, subsidiary food warehouse, greenhouse, bath house, fire position, observation post and other objects of the islet post to learn in detail about the living conditions of the servicepersons and combat preparations of the defence detachment.

At the company quarters he learned in detail about living and sanitary goods being supplied to the servicepersons such as toothbrush, toothpaste and soap and blanket and clothes and the water quantity and quality of the islet, the introduction of solar water heater, heating of the quarters, etc. and showed a loving care as their parents would do.

At the education room he was satisfied with the fact that with the establishment of data transmission system at units and subunits as a whole including islet defence units and frontline units, servicepersons read and study the Party and army newspapers every day and so a big problem was solved for political and ideological education and political, ideological and mental pabulum could be given to the servicepersons every day.

He pointed out that all the servicepersons who fulfill their sacred duty to defend the country with arms of the revolution in their hands on a remote islet forefront are our precious comrades-in-arms and dear children of the people, adding that we should take responsibilities for their growth before the people, help the servicepersons know the spirit of collectivism and cultivate independence, self-sustenance, assiduity and devotion through the fulfillment of military tasks and life experience so that the servicepersons further train themselves to be resolute revolutionaries and true human beings in the days of honorable military service, and educate and lead them to voluntarily observe steel-strong military discipline and cherish patriotism and comradeship and have them properly establish the revolutionary world outlook and to this end it is necessary always to pay attention to the political and ideological education, education in morality and cultural education.

He noted that constant efforts should be made to provide the servicepersons with better conditions for cultural life, units and subunits should establish the traits of reading and studying as their customs and tradition and go ahead with more brisk mass sports and mass-based cultural and art activities so that the servicepersons spend their days of worthwhile military service full of militant zeal and optimism with versatile knowledge, sound body and cultural attainments.

He was much satisfied to see goods for supply service filled in bean warehouse, subsidiary food warehouse and kitchen.

He said he felt easy about the fact that the defence detachment laid firm foundation for logistics and push ahead with meticulous economic life so as to provide subunits with affluent dietary life, noting that as supply service leads to successful combat preparations, it is necessary to pay attention to supply service all the time, make efforts to provide the servicepersons with affluent dietary life, push ahead with a movement for attaining without fail beans production goal of 2 tons per hectare and wage a persevering struggle to unconditionally produce and supply meat, eggs, seafood, mushroom and various kinds of vegetables according to the supply standard stipulated by him.

At the greenhouse built by the defence detachment he gave tasks for vegetable production and greenhouse farming. He stressed the need to build a new apple orchard around the islet defence detachment headquarters, cultivate grape in precinct of the headquarters and residential quarters, saying that he will send high-yielding grape whose output is over 50 tons per hectare for grape farming and asking the detachment to do rape farming surely. It is good for the detachment to plant various species of fruit tress to produce a lot of fruits and provide the servicepersons with them according to season, he added.

He acquainted himself with school and kindergarten conditions of the islet defence detachment, taking meticulous care of education of the children of the families of the officers.

He met with servicepersons on duty to defend the frontline at the gun battery of the coastal artillery company of the islet defence detachment.

He said that the arms and equipment of the defence detachment are important but it is more important to safeguard the forefront of the country by dint of the servicepersons with class conscience. He noted that he visited the defence detachment without a notice on an ordinary day like today and he feels at ease to see all the servicepersons on duty to guard over frontline with high vigilance. He stated that the forefront of the country is firmly defended thanks to a high degree of political awareness of the servicepersons and their sharpened vigilance, will to defend the country and devoted efforts, adding that as there are reliable servicepersons of the People's Army, the security of the country and happiness of the people are firmly guaranteed.

At the observation post he was informed of the deployment of subunits of the islet defence detachment and their combat mission and gave the chief of the General Staff accompanying him a task to increase the fighting efficiency of the defence detachment and to change its combat mission.

He indicated the target for Gun 2 of the coastal artillery company on combat duty and gave an order to fire.

The servicepersons of the coastal artillery company fully showed their gun firing skills they cultivated in their day-to-day training to delight the Supreme Leader.

He said that to make combat preparations and increase fighting efficiency are just the supreme patriotism of the People's Army, the People's Army should work hard with permanent hold on to the line of making it politically, ideologically and morally stronger and make it stronger in terms of military technology, we should give scientific, pragmatic, real war-like drill with higher degree of intensity to the servicepersons for their full political, ideological, physical and technological preparations so that they can carry out any operation and combat mission and notably artillery units and subunits should keep on the brisk movement for becoming crackshots.

He stressed the need for the units and subunits at all levels of the People's Army to make technical arrangements and technical management in a responsible manner for full preparations for regular mobilization of the weapons and combat and technical apparatuses and set up a well-knit system of examining them on a regular basis and taking steps so that all the units are in full readiness for carrying out a combat mission any moment.

He gave the islet defence detachment a pair of binoculars, automatic rifle and machine gun carrying great trust and expectations as souvenirs and had a significant photo session with the servicepersons and families of the islet defence detachment.

He was accompanied by Army General Pak Jong Chon, chief of the General Staff of the KPA, and senior officials of the WPK Central Committee. -0-

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