July 26, 2024

5th Conference of Frontrunners in Three Revolutions Calls for Building Comprehensively Developed Powerful Socialist Nation Upholding Banner of Three Revolutions

Date: 22/11/2021 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, November 22 (KCNA) -- The 5th Conference of the Frontrunners in the Three Revolutions adopted an appeal to the three-revolution standard-bearers, three-revolution team members and other working people across the country.

The appeal ardently calls upon the three-revolution standard-bearers, three-revolution team members and other working people across the country to glorify the great era of Kim Jong Un as a golden age of the three revolutions and the era of overall development of socialist construction, upholding the slogan of "Let Us Transform All Our Revolutionary Positions in Line with the Demands of the Three Revolutions!".

It is the feelings and aspiration of all the Korean people who live in the glorious era and the solemn call of the revolution to transform and change the whole society in line with the revolutionary idea and will of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un , the appeal said, and went on:

The core issue and top-priority task of the ideological revolution at present is to dye the entire Party and the whole society with the revolutionary idea of Kim Jong Un .

Let us become genuine revolutionary soldiers who embody the revolutionary idea of the respected General Secretary and take after his thought, practice, pluck and courage.

Let us form a harmonious whole, one single organism in which all the people of the country from the northernmost tip to the remote island village breathe and act true to the idea and intention of the Party Central Committee.

Let all people prepare to be those strong in idea and faith, ardent patriots and communists.

Saying that the faith in socialism is the mental pillar and might of our people, the appeal called upon all the people to prepare themselves to be absolute defenders of socialism and personifiers of our state-first principle who cherish the faith that they cannot live apart from the socialist system and the determination to defend this social system at the cost of their lives.

Love and affection for human and the fine traits of dedicating to the society and collective is the true picture and nature of our own-style socialism, the appeal said, and added:

Let us make all the units and working places overflow with the warm affections to share sweets and bitters with each other despite difficulties, so as to turn our society into a large harmonious family full of virtue and affection.

Let us make it the tendency of our society to eradicate individualism and egoism, to overcome things negative by dint of things positive and to make a model person lead a person left behind forward through the vigorous campaign for collectivism emphasizing one for all and all for one.

Let us intensify the society-wide and all-people ideological offensive, ideological struggle, in order to root out anti-socialist and non-socialist practices and prevent the corrupt capitalist ideology and culture from degenerating our inner side.

The appeal called for making great achievements in the economic construction through the great advance in the technical revolution, and for upholding our revolution on the strength of science and industry, saying:

Scientists and technicians, pathfinders and feelers of technical revolution, be genuine patriotic scientists who take upon themselves research tasks, the country wishes to be carried out and which would bring benefits to the people, and set urgent scientific and technological issues conducive to the development of units as themes and devote themselves to their settlement.

When all the people become the master of steed of science and technology, we can bring the bright future 50 or 100 years earlier, not just 10 or 20 years.

Let all the people become men of idea raising and inventors who contribute a large share to the technical updating by taking an active part in a mass technological innovation movement, whether they are workers or farmers.

Let us become searchers and practical doers and enrich our life with our own efforts while sharing advanced technology and learning things we do not know.

The appeal said that it is the target of the cultural revolution to be attained by us to let all the people have noble morality and high cultural attainments corresponding to the prestige and appearance of our great state.

It noted that the national prosperity and mightiness depend on the development of education, calling for turning our country into a country full of talents and a talent power envied by the world.

It called upon medical workers in the field of public health to become genuine health workers possessed of boundless love for human and high medical qualifications just like those medical officers who devotedly struggled for the people's lives on the front under a rain of bullets, shells and germ bombs during the war, and become warm blood vessels that convey the loving care of the mother Party and benefits of the socialist system to the hearts of people.

It also called upon officials, creators and artistes in the field of literature and art to make the inexhaustible enthusiasm for revolution and struggle run high across society by creating masterpieces of the times and grand art performances of great appeal and influence, and appealed to make all units replete with the revolutionary spirit and optimism by conducting a brisk mass sports and mass-based art and cultural activities.

It said that we should spruce up our streets, villages, dwelling houses and worksites and conserve mountains and rivers of the country, keeping in mind warm patriotism, and hand them down to the posterity.

The appeal called for thoroughly implementing the Party's grand programme on socialist rural construction and opening up the new era in which rural and local areas undergo drastic changes.

It appealed to all people to arm with transparent anti-imperialist and class awareness and sincerely take part in civil defence trainings to reinforce native homes, villages and worksites as fortresses of all-people resistance and bulwarks for safeguarding the country, unperturbed by any sudden invasion by enemies.

The appeal said that the three-revolution red flags are not exhibits in the rooms dedicated to the history of units but the banners of struggle and advance which must flutter always in the hearts of the masses.

If officials and working people in all sectors and units transcend the limit of potentiality and ability and display indomitable perseverance hundred-fold and thousand-fold in every workplace of the three revolutions, our country will be brilliantly transformed and the great historic cause of building a powerful socialist country be accelerated so much.

Let us make uninterrupted revolution and steady advance by overcoming all difficulties to greet the day when honorable flags of the three revolutions would cover the whole country, to realize our dream and ideal and to pass a developed powerful socialist country on to our beloved future generations.

Let all the people unite firmly behind the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and vigorously open up the period of great upsurge of the three revolutions, the period of overall development of our style socialist construction. -0-

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