September 26, 2024

Russian Commander Terms U.S. Sponsor of Biological Terrorism

Date: 24/07/2022 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, July 24 (KCNA) -- Recently, the commander of the radiation, chemical and biological defence force of the Russian armed forces disclosed, calling into question the United States' attempted biological weapons development in Ukraine, that the U.S. waged a germ warfare during the Korean War in the 1950s.

He said that the U.S. had conducted a bio-chemical warfare in Korea after receiving data on biological weapons researched by Unit 731 of the Imperial Japanese Army, adding that the then 38 pilots of the U.S. Army testified to such atrocities.

This crime of the U.S. had been already and evidently verified by the testimonies of American POWs directly involved in the germ and chemical warfare at the height of the war and by the investigation of fact-finding groups of the International Association of Democratic Lawyers and the Women's International Democratic Federation and an international fact-finding group comprised of prestigious scientists.

An A-class secret document, discovered at the U.S. National Archives in 2010, clearly expounds the contents that the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff gave an order to conduct a large-scale test under battle conditions in Korea on September 21, 1951 in order to confirm the effectiveness of specified pathogen for germ warfare under the situation of operations.

This being a hard reality, the U.S. has denied their bio-chemical warfare crimes for the past seven decades from the 1950s.

Lurking behind this is the U.S. sinister intention to cover up at any cost its atrocities of germ warfare, denounced by the international community, and to continuously expand the military biological potentiality.

It is evidenced by the fact that biological laboratories run in camera by the U.S. in Ukraine were detected by Russia.

According to the discovered documents, photos and evidence, the U.S. has set up 46 secret biological labs in Ukraine over the past twenty years to step up the "UP-8" plan for developing hemorrhagic fever virus and hantann virus and the TAP plan for research into an epidemic disease capable of striking individual countries and the agricultural field in the whole region with an investment of more than two hundred million of U.S. dollars.

It also conducted a dangerous research that could be construed as the development of a biological factor aimed to exterminate the whole of a specified human race or nation.

In fact, a lot of diseases including A-hepatitis and western Nile fever broke out and spread, timed to coincide with the execution of the U.S. epidemic research program in Ukraine, thus inflicting sufferings on people.

The U.S., instead of frankly admitting this crime and apologizing for it, is resorting to all sorts of tricks to cover it up.

It concealed most of the documents, biological materials and facilities including the data of laboratories in Kiev, Kharkov and Odessa and did not hesitate to leave dangerous biological wastes in residential areas.

And it has sidestepped the international community's demand for opening the secret labs to the public and getting them investigated by experts, asserting the hard facts to be "false information" and "hackneyed method of Russians".

Worse still, it labels Russia as "a war criminal state" and spreads false rumor that "Russia is going to use biological and chemical weapons in Ukraine."

It is little different from the past behavior of the U.S., which had branded the DPRK as a "bio-chemical weapon developer" or a "WMD proliferator" for no ground whenever its heinous scheme to stifle the DPRK was revealed.

Today the U.S. has not only set up many biological labs in tens of countries and regions, including Ukraine, in disregard of the international treaties and agreements but also sped up the development of bio-chemical weapons threatening the life and security of mankind.

Most of those biological labs are intensively located in areas around the anti-U.S. independent countries.

The damage by bio-chemical crime is to be expanded to all areas of the world, going beyond specified countries and regions.

It has been known that the distribution chart on biological labs, established by the U.S. in different parts of the world, are coincided with the chart on areas of diseases and viruses broke out in the world in recent years.

It is by no means fortuitous that assertions are made that the U.S. is behind the malignant epidemic crisis confusing the international community.

In fact, the U.S. is a vicious sponsor of biological terrorism throwing mankind into destruction.

For mankind to live in peace free from calamity, it is needed to settle accounts with the crimes of the U.S., an evil empire. -0- (Juche111.7.24.)

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