July 27, 2024

Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism Is Revolutionary Idea That Sets Popular Masses as Most Precious Beings

Date: 18/11/2022 | Source: KASS (EN) | Read original version at source

Muhammad Qamarul HudaDirector,Asian Regional Institute of Juche IdeaHonorary Chairman,Bangladesh Institute of Juche IdeaKimilsungism-Kimjongilism is the people-first ideology that puts forward the popular masses as the most precious and powerful beings in the world.Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, for the first time in history, elucidated that the popular masses are the subject of history by applying the philosophical principle that man is master of everything and decides everything in social history.The popular masses constitute a social collective united on the basis of the community of independent demand and creative activity with the working people as the main.They become the subject of history because all socio-historical movements are caused and propelled by the popular masses.It is the essential demand of the popular masses to be free from all sorts of subordination and subjugation and live as the master of the world and their own destiny.The popular masses cause the socio-historical movement for realizing their independent demand.No being in the world is more powerful and wiser than the popular masses.There is a limit in the strength and wisdom of individual but there is no limit in the popular masses’ strength and wisdom. All things in society are created and history advances thanks to the inexhaustible strength and wisdom of the popular masses.Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism clarified that the masters of the revolution and construction are the popular masses and they are the driving force of the revolution and construction.The popular masses have a keen interest in the revolution and construction and also the creative strength, the revolutionary ability to push ahead with the revolution and construction.The simple and ordinary popular masses display great strength in any society when they are brought to revolutionary awareness.Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism clarified that the popular masses are the subject of history, the masters of the revolution and construction and that the popular masses are omnipotent beings in the world and thus put forward them as the most precious and powerful beings in the world.The fact that the historic miracles of removing a mountain and filling the sea can be created when one believes in and relies on the great strength of the popular masses is the truth taught by the history of Korea in modern times that has advanced with the Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism as the guiding ideology.Ten years have elapsed since Comrade Kim Jong Un, President of the State Affairs of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea began to lead his country by inheriting the cause of Comrade Kim Jong Il .One saying has it that ten years change the looks of mountains and rivers.During the last decade the DPRK achieved world-startling changes one after another.It can be said that these achievements are the fruition of Comrade Kim Jong Un’s politics.Politics of the ruling Workers’ Party of Korea is run through with Comrade Kim Jong Un’s love for the people.“Everything for the people and everything by relying on them!”-- this is a slogan he put forward, and the political philosophy of the Party and state is the people-first principle.His people-loving politics is fundamentally different from the politics pursued by the Western politicians.In 2020 when typhoons and flooding hit different areas of the country, Comrade Kim Jong Un personally drove his car to the spots. In this country, where well-regulated working system has been established, the leader could learn the actual situation and take appropriate measures without giving personal field guidance. But he refused to do so.He did not hesitate to drive his car to dangerous areas where swell of typhoons was not yet be removed. He met and consoled the victims and raised fallen rice plants with his hands. The appearance of leader, who went closer to the people suffering from trials, moved the world.This is how the country, though it was in a difficult situation owing to the persistent harsh sanction imposed by the hostile forces and to the world health crisis, could build tens of thousands of new houses more splendid than their original ones in a matter of a few months, thus stabilizing the victims’ living as soon as possible.Modern streets and bases for cultural and emotional life have been built in various parts of the country in the last ten years, dramatically changing its appearance. All these are born by this politics of loving the people.This year, too, the situation surrounding the country is still arduous, but an unprecedented, grand construction projects are under way.Comrade Kim Jong Un determined to have many houses built in different parts of the country in the period of new five-year plan for the national economic development, particularly 10 000 flats in the capital city every year in this period, so as to improve the people’s living standards more satisfactorily.It is quite natural that the single-hearted unity, in which the leader, the Party and people share the same ideology and destiny, is being cemented rock-solid across the country, and so is the fact that the country is recognized as a political power unperturbed by any storms.In conclusion, I called upon the progressive and revolutionary people of the world to give up preceding ideologies and hold strongly Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism, because it is the only revolutionary and guiding ideology of the contemporary world that I tried to prove here.I strongly believe if they really hold this ideology, they will be victorious in their struggle against capitalism, imperialism and all sorts of exploitation and oppression.

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