July 26, 2024

Fifth National Meeting of Mothers Opens

Date: 04/12/2023 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, December 4 (KCNA) -- The proud history and traditions created by the mothers of the DPRK along with the valuable feats of tens of millions of sons and daughters guide the rising generations to communism, build up the tremendous strength of the DPRK resplendent with victory and glory and provide steady continuity to the revolutionary cause of Juche.

Under the care of the Workers' Party of Korea that always remembers the exploits of the mothers who glorify the good family and national customs of socialist Korea with their warm maternal affection and boundless devotion and puts up them on the peak of blessing and respect, the Fifth National Meeting of Mothers was opened with splendor in Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK on Dec. 3.

The meeting was attended by the mothers who contributed to beefing up the national power and making the large socialist family prosperous by successfully bringing up their children as reliable pillars of the country, heroines who gave birth to many children, mothers who take care of orphans and women's union officials of Pyongyang and local areas.

The meeting will introduce the positive examples displayed among mothers for the past ten years after the Fourth National Meeting of Mothers and discuss the tasks and ways for making sure that our mothers fulfill their responsibility and role assumed before society and family.

When Kim Jong Un , general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the DPRK, appeared on the platform of the meeting.

The moment, all the participants raised stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" for a long time with the greatest reverence, looking up in tears to the great father who puts forward them as genuine heroines giving a boost to the era of a dignified powerful country and as pride of the Party and the state while glorifying the humble and ordinary life of mothers as the most sacred and noble call of a communist mother.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un expressed warm respects to the mothers of the whole country who regard all pains for the coming generations as pleasure and add gigantic power and boundless vitality to the Korean revolution with deep loving care and affection while linking the destiny of family with the one of the country in weal and woe.

Taking the platform were Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, vice-president of the State Affairs Commission of the DPRK and premier of the Cabinet, Ri Il Hwan, Kim Jae Ryong and Pak Thae Song, members of the Political Bureau and secretaries of the WPK Central Committee, and other cadres of the Party and the military, heroines who gave birth to many children, officials of working people's organizations and relevant sectors and mothers who rendered distinguished services in training the rising generations and making the country prosperous.

Kim Jong Un made an opening address.

The great socialist family is firm and the country is growing stronger as the small fences of the families which mothers have taken good care of with patriotism are supporting the country firmly as cornerstones, he said, highly appreciating that this is the immortal feats the mothers of the DPRK performed for the Party, revolution and country. And he extended his best wishes to the participants in the meeting and all other mothers of the country on behalf of the WPK Central Committee and the DPRK government.

He clarified the intention of the Party Central Committee which attaches great importance to the 5th National Meeting of Mothers and declared the meeting opened, expressing belief that the meeting would mark an epochal occasion in making all the mothers, well aware of their mission of the times and their duty, devote all their wisdom, strength and passion to the patriotic cause for the victory of Korean-style socialism.

Hearing in tears of emotion the address overflowing with affection and trust of the tender-hearted father who values as pearls and jewels the pure conscience and selfless efforts the women dedicated to the prosperity of the country and who gives the highest glory and honor to them, all the participants raised enthusiastic cheers with their passion to devote themselves to the good growth of the rising generations and the bright future of the country true to the noble intention of the great Party Central Committee.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played after the meeting was declared opened.

Introduced at the meeting was the fact that the Central Standing Committee of the Union of Democratic Korean Women in Japan, the General Association of Koreans in China, the chairwoman of the Women's International Democratic Federation, the national executive secretary of the Democratic Women's Movement of Portugal and the chairwoman of the Argentine Women's Union sent congratulatory messages and letters to the 5th National Meeting of Mothers.

Ri Il Hwan, secretary of the WPK Central Committee, made a report at the meeting.

He said that the meeting is an auspicious event of great significance as it was held with the approach of the victorious conclusion of 2023, an epitome of the mightiness and rapid development of the DPRK.

Looking at the mothers who are leading a worthwhile life while invariably carrying forward the proud history and tradition of the Korean women's movement in the new era of the revolution, we keenly feel the great honor and fortune of holding Kim Jong Un in high esteem as the sun of destiny and the father of the large socialist family, the reporter said, and continued:

The 4th National Meeting of Mothers was held in the historic year when the fighting strategy of the new century of Juche was declared. This was a demonstration of the firm will of the Party Central Committee to open up a rosy future for building a powerful country by enhancing the role of our mothers with the boundless loyalty to the Party and the revolution and patriotism.

Attaching great significance to the position and duty of mothers in the struggle for the uninterrupted progress of the revolution and prosperity of the country, Kim Jong Un clearly indicated the orientation and tasks for bringing about fresh improvement and development in all realms of ideology, spirit and life of our mothers suited to the stirring era at the Sixth Congress of the Democratic Women's Union of Korea, the Seventh Congress of the Socialist Women's Union of Korea and other important meetings.

The idea of successfully bringing up children to be reliable successors to the revolution and masters of powerful Korea with high political consciousness and noble cultural and moral traits, the idea of learning from the noble spiritual world and fighting traits of the preceding generations of the revolution, the idea of becoming genuine women revolutionaries and ardent patriots who devote themselves to the socialist patriotic work and other ideas and policies on the women's movement in the new era are the precious guidelines that enable our mothers to fulfill their responsibility and role as a powerful force of the development of state and society.

The reporter said that Kim Jong Un has energetically led the Party organizations and working people's organizations to steadily improve the work with mothers in conformity with the changed circumstances and specific conditions.

For our mothers the past period of more than ten years was a fruitful and proud one which will never be forgotten forever, he said, adding that our mothers have supported the WPK with invariable loyalty and patriotism and firmly defended the DPRK government and socialist system despite the heinous challenges of the hostile forces and unexpected manifold disasters.

The pure spirit and boundless devotion of mothers who brought up their sons and daughters as staunch persons while shouldering the heavy burden of housekeeping and gave continuity to the true nature and traits of our society were a powerful driving force that has steadily supported the all-people struggle for self-respect and prosperity, he said.

Noting that what is cherished in the hearts of the mothers who are bringing up their children well is pure conscience with which to think about the agony and worry of the Party and the state before their comfort, and noble consciousness of civic duty to contribute to consolidating the rank of the new generations who will shoulder the future of the revolution, the reporter said full of pride that more and more women cherish such a noble outlook on life.

Saying that our mothers have discharged their duty as the first educators of children, bearing in mind Kim Jong Un 's teachings that the first step of a revolutionary is taken under the care of mother, he pointed out that it is the remarkable exploit of mothers that they provided firm continuity to the foremost tradition of the Juche revolution by implanting the purest loyalty in the minds of their children.

He also referred to the beautiful life of mothers who have raised their children to be ardent patriots dedicating themselves at the important posts of defending the state and building socialism and made the large socialist family more harmonious.

He introduced that 11 heroines of the republic, over 50 labor heroines and more than 3 500 meritorious persons of socialist patriotism have been produced among our mothers after the Fourth National Meeting of Mothers.

He said that it is the fighting task and firm will of the Party to provide the rising generations with the best life in the world by speeding up the overall development of Korean-style socialism. He went on:

Very important is the duty of mothers in accomplishing this gigantic cause, and only when the mothers fulfill their responsibility and role, is it possible to inject vitality in the advancing Korean revolution and the advantages of socialism will be displayed more fully.

If the mothers have firm faith, the courage of sons and daughters across the country will be redoubled and if the mothers unite firmly, the country will advance at a greater pace.

All our mothers should become women revolutionaries and communist mothers in the great era of Kim Jong Un to reliably support the far-reaching plan of a dignified power with loyalty and patriotism, bearing deep in mind the mission and duty they have assumed for their families, society, era and revolution.

Noting that some non-socialist negative elements are being revealed among the rising generations in society, the reporter said that it is closely related to family education.

He called upon the mothers to give steady continuity to the revolutionary family with more efforts to children education as befitting the first educators responsible for the physical and mental growth of their children.

Saying that they should be sensitive to the Party's line and policies and become good teachers and models of their children by setting practical examples in the struggle for implementing them, he called for working faithfully at their posts and worksites with the noble desire to become the cornerstone and roots of a thriving nation and thus leaving an indelible trace of their lives to be remembered forever by the younger generations.

The eternal harmony and prosperity of the large socialist family and the future of the country prospering generation after generation depend on the role of our mothers, he said, calling for working harder for the rosy future of great Kim Jong Un 's Korea, the bright laughter of their beloved children and Korean-style socialism best in the world, bearing deep in mind the great honor and mission bestowed by the times and revolution.

Speeches were made at the meeting.

Listening to speeches, the participants keenly realized how beautiful and noble the life of love and devotion to the country and the younger generations is, and hardened their determination to remain faithful to the duty of mother before the Party and the revolution to the last.

The meeting continues. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche112.12.4.)

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