September 26, 2024
KCNA Voice of Korea (EN)

Press statement of Kim Yo Jong, Vice-Department Director of CC, WPK

Date: 07/01/2024 | Source: Voice of Korea (EN) | Read original version at source

Kim Yo Jong, Vice-Department Director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, on Sunday issued the following press statement titled "Misjudgment, Conjecture, Obstinacy and Arrogance Will Invite Irretrievable Misfortune":

What disgraceful result is engendered, if someone is engrossed in antagonism and confrontation hysteria?

A vivid scene was shown by the military gangsters of the Republic of Korea through practical action.

On January 6, the Joint Chiefs of Staff of the Republic of Korea announced that the Korean People's Army launched artillery firing in the southwestern waters for two consecutive days of January 5 and 6.

The military gangsters claimed that the north fired more than 60 shells from the northwest of Yonphyong Island from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. on January 6 and the shells dropped in the sea buffer zone north of the "northern limit line" in the West Sea.

They warned seriously that shelling in a no-hostility zone is an act of threatening peace and escalating tension on the Korean peninsula, and strongly demanded an immediate stop. If the north threatens the people of the Republic of Korea through continuous artillery firing in the no-hostility zone, the army of the Republic of Korea will take due military measures and overwhelmingly respond to it on the principle of "promptly, strongly and to the end", they added.

Media of the Republic of Korea make a fuss, carrying all at once the military gangsters' announcement in papers and screens.

It is needless to mention how the people of the Republic of Korea are shocked.

It seems now that the KPA must have been branded as a "provoker" and "chief criminal escalating tensions".

However, the KPA did not fire even a single shell into the relevant waters.

The military gangsters of the Republic of Korea quickly took the bait we threw.

We conducted a deceptive operation in order to assess the real detecting ability of the military gangsters of the Republic of Korea engrossed in bravo and blind bravery while crying for "precision tracking and monitoring" and "striking origin" whenever an opportunity presents itself and give a burning shame to them who will certainly make far-fetched assertions.

The KPA watched the reaction of the military gangsters of the Republic of Korea while detonating blasting powder simulating the sound of 130-millimeter coastal artillery 60 times.

The result was clear as we expected.

They misjudged the blasting sound as the sound of gunfire and conjectured it as a provocation. And they even made a false and impudent statement that the shells dropped in the sea buffer zone north of the "northern limit line" in the West Sea.

The ridiculous behavior of these puppets in military uniform is nothing new today.

When a bird flock appeared in the sky above the West Sea before, they mistook it for our plane and made a sortie of a fighter. They also insisted that a latrine door on a hill was a "north drone that made a southward invasion". They are none other than the military gangsters of the Republic of Korea.

As they had such records, the group of gangsters had no choice but to swallow the bait we threw this time.

I cannot but say that the people of the Republic of Korea are very pitiful as they entrust "security" to such blind persons and offer huge taxes collected with blood.

It is better ten times to entrust "security" to a dog with a developed sense of hearing and smell.

If an unexpected case occurs due to misjudgment, conjecture, obstinacy and arrogance of such ignorant military gangsters, think what danger will be exposed to Seoul where more than 10 million people are crowding.

There is a saying that a coward was frightened by his own shadow.

The enemy might behave stupidly for the sake of pride misjudging the thundering roar in the northern sky in the future as artillery fire of the KPA.

I make myself clear once again that the safety catch of trigger of the KPA had already been slipped.

As already declared, the KPA will launch an immediate military strike if the enemy makes even a slight provocation.

The military gangsters should bear in mind that they can "die instantly and forcefully and end" if they continue to resort to the so-called principle of counteraction such as "promptly, strongly and to the end" often touted by them.

Misjudgment, conjecture, obstinacy and arrogance will invite irretrievable misfortune.

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