July 26, 2024
KCNA Pyongyang Times

Great Socialist Wealth Born of Devoted Service for People's Wellbeing Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un attends commissioning ceremony of Kangdong Greenhouse Complex

Date: 16/03/2024 | Source: Pyongyang Times | Read original version at source

A world-leading vegetable production complex has been successfully built and inaugurated in the Kangdong area of Pyongyang, the capital city of the DPRK, at a stirring time when a new world of socialist cultural efflorescence and a new era of grandiose changes–the Korean people's long-cherished ideal–is being brought under the guidance of the great Party Central Committee.

The Kangdong Greenhouse Complex, where vegetable production is put on an advanced intelligent and intensive footing with its modernity, culture and practicality surely guaranteed, is a monumental edifice born of the political idea of believing in the people as in Heaven and the spirit of making selfless, devoted efforts for the good of the people of the Workers' Party of Korea that spares nothing in promoting the rights, interests and wellbeing of the people, regarding it as the most important state affair, and a model entity representing the country's rapid development.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un unveiled a far-reaching plan for building a number of modern greenhouse farms in different parts of the country, even made sure that important military bases were dismantled for greenhouse farms, and has put his heart and soul into their construction. He unfolded a blueprint for building a large-scale greenhouse farm in the Kangdong area at the Sixth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the WPK and energetically guided the whole process of the building project.

The service personnel of the Korean People's Army, who responded with single-minded loyalty to the special order of the Party Central Committee, successfully built a new-generation greenhouse complex whose size and production capacity are much bigger than the Ryonpho Greenhouse Farm, public buildings and terraced dwelling houses harmonizing with the surrounding natural landscape in a matter of one year with their strong offensive spirit and mettle of Korean-style creation, thus presenting a fairyland-like "greenhouse town", "farm town" in a suburb of the capital.

The spectacular complex with modern greenhouses of peculiar styles, including cylindrical greenhouse for vegetable cultivation and dome-shaped glass hydroponic greenhouse, will produce and supply various kinds of vegetables to the citizens of Pyongyang.

A commissioning ceremony of the Kangdong Greenhouse Complex was held with splendor on March 15.

Kim Jong Un, general secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea and president of the State Affairs of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, attended the ceremony together with leading cadres of the Party and the government.

The venue of the event, where the birth of the large-scale greenhouse vegetable production base would be declared to add another brilliant page to the new era of comprehensive national rejuvenation being dynamically opened up by the WPK, a great motherly party which takes warm care of the people's happiness and destiny, was full of great emotion and joy of the participants.

All the participants were waiting for the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, a great leader and artist of epochal changes who glorifies the country where the people's desire is realized as an ideal one under socialism, as befitting its prestige and status as a power, with his untiring efforts and devotion.

When Kim Jong Un and his beloved daughter arrived at the venue of the ceremony amid the playing of welcome music, all the participants broke into stormy cheers of "Hurrah!"

All the participants enthusiastically cheered, looking up to Kim Jong Un, the pioneer of great change and the great artist of creation.

Present at the ceremony were Premier Kim Tok Hun, member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the WPK Central Committee, and secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK, officials of armed forces organs, ministries, national agencies and Pyongyang Municipality, soldier-builders and officials and employees of the Kangdong Greenhouse Complex and Pyongyangites.

The national anthem of the DPRK was played.

Ri Il Hwan, member of the Political Bureau and secretary of the Central Committee of the WPK, made a commissioning speech.

The speaker said the complex, the third proud creation in the history of building modern greenhouse farms in the new era ushered in by the Party, has been successfully built in a matter of one year and its significant inauguration would be declared. He continued that the completion of its building project and the start of full-scale vegetable production, which will greatly contribute to bettering the capital citizens' diet, constitute another successful fruition of the gigantic creative struggle which the Party determined to do and has put big efforts to for the good of the people, and an inspiring event that convinces them of bigger and new successes this year when the whole country makes leaps forward for development and change.

He stressed that the commissioning of the complex vividly represents the boundless pride of creating new things in our own way confidently to the envy of others and a substantial change that has reached the people, not by lip service and wishful thinking but as a reality, and at the moment, not in the distant future.

Upon authorization by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, the speaker extended warm thanks and congratulations to the service personnel and all other builders who successfully built the greenhouse complex as a people's asset adding lustre to our era and fully demonstrated the absolute advantages and inexhaustible vitality of Korean-style creation with the steadfast spirit of devotedly implementing the Party's resolutions and through indomitable and strenuous struggle.

He recalled that the General Secretary, who had always cherished and matured the idea of supplying fresh vegetables to the citizens of the capital city all the year round, along with building 50 000 flats in the city, as important plans in his mind, had proposed and energetically led the construction of a greenhouse complex for the citizens of Pyongyang since he opened up a bright prospect for building modern greenhouse farms in different parts of the country. The Kangdong Greenhouse Complex is a precious socialist asset born of the warm sincerity and wise leadership of the General Secretary, who devotes his all to promoting the people's well-being, he stressed.

He said that the modern, advanced, convenient and unique greenhouses and over one thousand houses at the complex are associated with the devoted efforts made by the soldier-builders who dedicated their pure conscience and efforts to every process and every part of construction displaying the invincible might of the Korean People's Army, rooted in their absolute loyalty to the leader, and by the families of service personnel who added to militant enthusiasm of the officers and men working day and night at the construction site both in the hot summertime and in the cold wintertime.

The speaker referred to the intense loyalty and devoted efforts made by the scientists and technicians who studied and introduced an intelligent integrated production system for creatively controlling the production environment and process and various new technologies in conformity with the actual conditions of our country by continuing tireless inquiries with extraordinary creative spirit, citizens who carried out river improvement and landscaping, and officials and working people of ministries, national agencies and relevant units who provided planned materials and equipment in a responsible manner.

He said that our own way and strength are a fundamental guarantee for building structures, rare to be found in other parts of the world, at will and that when all the people work hard in the high spirit displayed in this greenhouse complex construction, the day when the whole country prospers and the people enjoy an affluent and civilized life would be brought earlier. He ardently called upon all the people to make firm and courageous advance toward a new great victory in 2024 that will witness another change and progress and toward eternal prosperity of the beloved country.

Kim Jong Un made a speech encouraging the service personnel of the KPA who successfully built the Kangdong Greenhouse Complex to realize another cherished desire of the Party.

The following is the speech:


"Dear officers and men of the air force units,

"Teaching staff and cadets of military academies at different levels,

"You have taken much trouble indeed.

"As we see today, you have built in a matter of a year this advanced and splendid asset at a miraculous speed. I cannot find enough words to express my gratitude to you and my happiness.

"The traces of your hard-fought struggle in this transformed Kangdong area have already disappeared.

"However, your staunch revolutionary spirit, outstanding wisdom and strenuous efforts buried under this creation will live as a model for the coming generations, I believe.

"Seeing it, everyone will say that something has been created from nothing.

"You have set up a large creation as a present for the people in the place that bears the imprints of your military service and militant feats.

"Whereas all the challenges and difficulties facing the state are our army’s primary targets for annihilation, the accomplishing of the cherished desires of our Party and people is its first goal to attain.

"This is the invariable essential nature of our army.

"Heroic officers and men of our army who are always thoroughgoing and powerful in defending the state and the people and legendary and almighty in creating the wealth of the country and the happiness of the people,

"As it has always been with you, you are just given the priceless honour of leading the effort to effect a world of transformation in the coming years, a world which our ideals and our style of creative struggle will surely lead to.

"Officers and men,

"Let us continue to advance and achieve victory, singing the song of creators under the uplifted banner of defenders.

"Availing myself of this opportunity, I, on behalf of our Party and government, once again extend thanks to our laudable and heroic army.

"Thank you."

When he finished the speech, stormy cheers of "Hurrah!" raised by all the participants resounded across the sky of March.

All the soldier-builders, who received the deepest trust and the highest honor from the great Party Central Committee, were filled with enthusiasm to add lustre to the noble prestige of the ever-victorious heroic army and genuine people's army at the outposts of the sacred struggle for accelerating the comprehensive development of our thriving nation by steadily giving full play to the fighting spirit and creative mettle displayed in the construction of the Kangdong Greenhouse Complex.

Kim Jong Un cut the tape for commissioning of the complex.

Fireworks were set off to the sky above the venue filled with surging excitement as a witness to a touching scene to be recorded in the great journey of devotion for the people.

Kim Jong Un waved back to the soldier-builders and other people.

The great persons of guidance, together with cadres of the Party, the government and the military, went round the complex.

Kim Jong Un visited greenhouses of different types to learn in detail about the advanced technical devices for cultivating greenhouse vegetables introduced for the first time in the country, their economic efficiency and technical features.

He expressed great satisfaction over the highly intensive, optimized and intelligent production processes to be operated by our own efforts and technology with an eye to the world.

He said that a new sphere and realm of greenhouse vegetable production has been pioneered thanks to the completion of the land- and labour-saving greenhouse complex which guarantees radical increase in productivity in comparison with the conventional cultivation method while providing the growth environment of various kinds of tasty and nutritious vegetables in a scientific and balanced way. He added that the eye-opening transformation in the Kangdong area is an epitome of the worthwhile struggle of creation of our own style getting intense in the spirit of self-reliance and self-existence.

To expand the proud successes and experience gained in the construction of the greenhouse complex, which will serve as another great engine for improving the people's living standards, is a sacred undertaking for further enriching and beautifully cultivating the new socialist life, he said, giving instructions on accelerating large-scale modern greenhouse farm construction on a nationwide scale and surely turning vegetable production into an innovative industry.

He looked round the houses built for the working people who would enjoy a worthwhile working life at the complex, and wished them happy future.

The commissioning of the Kangdong Greenhouse Complex constitutes a significant occasion for adding to the confidence in and optimism for a new great victory being brought about by the Workers' Party of Korea, whose unquestioned mission is to achieve the prosperity of the country and promote the people's well-being, and for injecting fresh vitality to the grand advance all the people make in the Korean-style mode of struggle and way of creation for the future of a highly civilized powerful country.

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