July 27, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

U.S. Military Aid to Ukraine Is Simply Hallucination: Vice Foreign Minister of DPRK

Date: 24/04/2024 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Im Chon Il, Vice Foreign Minister of the DPRK in charge of Russian affairs, released the following press statement on April 24.

Recently, the U.S. Congress reportedly passed a bill on offering additional military aids to Ukraine, worth more than US$ 60 billion.

Hence, it can be said that the U.S. large-scale additional military aid package to Ukraine debated long in the U.S. political camp has now become a matter of time in reality.

Media of the U.S. and other Western countries are widely advertising that Washington’s such decision will add fresh strength to Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s “invasion.”

The recent bipartisan support for the passage of the military aid bill for Ukraine through the U.S. House of Representatives clearly proved once again that the U.S. remains unchanged in its ulterior purpose to inflict a strategic defeat upon Russia at any cost by continuously egging Ukraine on, despite the latter’s serious defeats on the battlefield.

A great irony is the fact that more than one third of the US$ 60 billion aid fund will be spent in the U.S. mainland for supplying new weapons and ammunitions to the U.S. forces.

Thus it has been fully revealed once again that lurking behind a “helping hand” of the U.S. touting military assistance to Ukraine is the sly and sinister intention to use the Ukrainian crisis as an opportunity for fattening up its munitions monopolies and for tightening its grip on Ukraine to make the puppet Zelenskiy clique henchmen pave the path for carrying out its strategy for deterring Russia.

It is by no means fortuitous that experts comment that the U.S. benefits most from the Ukraine crisis and the Biden administration is making enormous profits while feasting on “blood-mixed wine.”

Russian political figures, being fully confident of victory, ridicule the passage of the new military aid bill as the one for making the U.S. richer but reducing Ukraine to greater piles of ashes, saying although the U.S. lavishes tens of billions of dollars on security assistance to Kiev, satisfying the wild greed of munitions tycoons, Russia will surely emerge victorious.

The U.S. transfuses blood to the Zelenskiy regime to prolong its existence at stake but this can never change the dreadful fate awaiting the puppets on their deathbeds.

The Ukrainian battlefields have long been a “graveyard” of various weaponry bragged about by the U.S. and the NATO.

However, Zelenskiy has gone mad enough to express his will to continue the “death-defying resistance” against Russia to the end, making deep bows to his American master for its decision on new military aid. This cannot but be seen as a hysteria of a “Don Quixote in the 21 st century”, utterly ignorant of his opponent.

Zelenskiy appears to be a “star” acting his part well according to the script written by the U.S., rather than a president of a country.

I affirm that the U.S. legislative military aid package is simply a hallucination for buoying up for a moment the Zelenskiy clique gripped with fear resulting from its ever-worsening position on the battlefield and making it tilt at windmills.

The pro-U.S. lackeys are bound to meet death and ruin for having completely sold off its people and all valuables of the country to become cannon fodder for their master, unable to judge what is right and what is wrong.

Any U.S. military aid can never block the advance of the heroic Russian army and people all out for a sacred war of justice for safeguarding the sovereign rights and security of their country.

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