July 07, 2024
KCNA Naenara (En)

Great Significance of Regional Development of 20×10 Policy

Date: 03/07/2024 | Source: Naenara (En) | Read original version at source

The Regional Development 20×10 Policy, which has been clarified as a fundamental line of the Party and state thanks to the historic choice and important decision of the Workers' Party of Korea, is dynamically being implemented. It is a gigantic revolutionary programme in view of its dramatic significance.

According to the policy, the Party directly undertakes and orderly executes the construction of modern regional industry factories in 20 counties every year as an unerring policy task so as to upgrade the basic material and cultural living standards of the people in all cities and counties, or across the country, within ten years.

The dramatic significance of the policy lies in the fact that another brilliant historic task will be carried out in the effort for realizing the long-cherished desires of our Party to provide the people with better material and cultural life – affluent and civilized– as early as possible.

As an era of comprehensive development of socialism is being ushered in, to bridge the gap in the standard of living between the citizens of the capital and the local people comes to the fore as a pressing task, which brooks no further delay, and a century-long desire of the locals.

The desire of the local people is that of our Party. It is the immutable principles of our Party that there are neither people distant from nor near to it and that there should be no backward area in their livelihood. Our Party, which thoroughly orients and subordinates all the affairs of state governance to the realization of the people's ideal and century-long desires, has adopted the Regional Development 20×10 Policy to boost the basic material and cultural standards of living of the locals, who make up the overwhelming majority of the country’s population, in order to break these age-old fetters.

It is the core of the new regional development policy that everyone born on this land, whether they live in the capital, in the provinces, in the towns or in the mountainous villages, should lead an affluent and civilized life alike under the socialist policy of the state and this should be realized without fail. The practical significance and revolutionary strength of the policy lies in the fact that dynamic efforts would be made nationwide to develop regional industries directly related to the people’s livelihood in order to bring about a substantial turn in solving the food, clothing and housing problems of the locals, the people throughout the country, within the shortest possible time, thus realizing their desire into a stark reality and fulfilling the Party’s desire.

The policy is of great significance as it helps to bring about a radical change in the efforts to ensure a simultaneous, balanced and rapid development of the whole country, facilitating the overall national rejuvenation.

To open up a new phase of development of regional industries along with the rural development is a historic struggle for putting an end to the unbalanced and atypical development whereby progress and backwardness coexist, and building a society that develops evenly by decisively bridging the differences between regions, between the capital and provinces, and between urban and rural areas.

When the Party’s policy on the development of regional industries is implemented to the letter to promote the characteristic development of each regional economy and create a trend of competitive development, a turning point will come in regional development with all cities and counties turned into strategic bases of a highly civilized and prosperous socialist state. In turn, this will lead to a remarkable transformation in a stark reality, a simultaneous, balanced and rapid development across the country, which has been visualized with faith and optimism from a generation to the next on the journey of socialist construction.

Jo Chol Jin

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