July 23, 2024

Normal Troop Dispatch Is Prelude to Reinvasion: KCNA Commentary

Date: 23/07/2024 | Source: KCNA.kp (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, July 23 (KCNA) -- Japan is zealously trying to realize its wild ambition for overseas aggression one by one.

Shortly ago, the Japanese reactionaries concluded a "reciprocal access agreement" with the Philippines, the keynote of which is to allow the deployment of armed forces in each other's territory.

This is aimed at further expanding the scope of overseas advance of Japan's "Self-Defence Forces" under the signboard of "peace" and "prosperity" so as to realize the old dream of the "Greater East Asia Co-Prosperity Sphere" at any cost.

As recognized by the public at home and abroad, the present constitution of Japan strictly banning military activities abroad has already become a mere scrap of paper.

In order to recover from its defeat in the past war of aggression, Japan has persistently resorted to the scheme for realizing its military deployment overseas after adopting it as an indispensable element and a national policy while being engrossed in the revanchist reinvasion moves.

It has already laid such legal grounds as "law on military dispatch overseas", "law to deal with contingencies in surrounding areas", "law on special measures against terrorism" and "security legislation" for legitimating the SDF's participation in military actions overseas accompanied by the use of armed forces.

The SDF opened up the way to overseas advance gradually and tactfully under the pretext of "peace-keeping" and "anti-terrorism". Now, it has gone the lengths of creating conditions for openly extending its tentacles of aggression to different parts of the world.

What merits a serious attention is that the descendants of samurais are perpetrating the dispatch of troops to overseas in close combination with the dangerous joint military drills which can lead to a war of aggression any moment.

This year alone, the SDF has been hell bent on mastering war capabilities while staging a series of military drills with the U.S., Australia and other countries in waters around China, Hawaii and other parts of the world.

As regards the conclusion of the recent "agreement", Japan is scheming to make the SDF join on a full scale the joint military exercises between the U.S. and the Philippines which are being conducted every year around the Philippines.

It is the crafty intention of Japan to paralyze the international community's vigilance and concern over the militarists and create "immunity" by putting the dispatch of troops to overseas on a normal and regular footing through frequent overseas advance of the SDF and overseas military drills under various pretexts and then launch reinvasion at any cost.

Now, whether the SDF with full war-conducting capabilities opts for overseas aggression or not is never a matter of possibility. It remains only a matter of time and place.

The international community should further heighten vigilance against the Japanese reactionaries' reinvasion moves as they inflicted huge damage on mankind in the last century. -0-

www.kcna.kp (Juche113.7.23.)

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