September 26, 2024

Committees Formed and Meetings Held in Memory of President Kim Il Sung in Many Countries

Date: 12/09/2024 | Source: KASS (EN) | Read original version at source

Memorial Committees were formed in Russia, Mexico, Thailand, UK, Kyrgyzstan, Finland, Norway, Denmark, Italy, South Africa, Romania, Pakistan, Mongolia and Brazil during the period from June 25 to July 5 on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the President’s demise.

Participated in the meetings for forming the committees were figures of the political parties and friendship organizations and members of the Juche idea study groups in relevant countries.

The meetings selected chairmen and vice-chairmen of the committees, decided the memorial period and discussed the matters of organizing political and cultural functions including seminars, photo and book exhibitions, film shows, tree-planting ceremonies related to the glorious revolutionary career and immortal exploits of the President, the eternal leader of the DPRK people and the outstanding leader of the world revolution.

Meetings in memory of the President were held in Russia, Kyrgyzstan, Denmark, Austria, Mongolia, Finland, Norway, Venezuela, Nepal, Ethiopia, South Africa and Tanzania on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the President’s demise.

Messages to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un were adopted in the joint meeting held in Nepal and the meeting held in Denmark.

On the other hand, members of the memorial committee composed of delegates of the political party and the social organization in Belarus visited the DPRK embassy in Belarus to give the ambassador the message to the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un with respect on the occasion of the 30th anniversary of the President’s demise.

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