On January 25, 1946, a week after the founding of the Democratic Youth League of Korea, Comrade Kim Il Sung , leader of the new Korea, gave a lecture to students in Pyongyang.
At that time, some students in the city, taken in by reactionaries, were doubtful about the line of building a new, democratic Korea.
That day Kim Il Sung came to the venue of the lecture to awaken the students politically and ideologically so as to arouse them to the building of a new country.
The lecture hall was crowded with students from different schools in the city. After a while, Kim Il Sung came to the rostrum, warmly acknowledging the enthusiastic cheers of the students. Then he, in a resonant voice, said in the following vein:
I am like any of you; I went to school when I was young; I studied both in Korea and China; when fighting against the Japanese, I always carried books and studied; therefore, I can say that I was a student in the past and am still a student like you as I still continue to learn; today I’d like to tell you from this point of view.
His lecture completely grasped the minds of the students from the outset.
When Korea was liberated on August 15, 1945 from the Japanese military occupation, all hues of people tried to cut their figure as patriots or revolutionaries. As Kim Il Sung , the legendary hero who had held one million-strong Japanese army under his thumb, spoke so modestly, the students were greatly moved. Explaining the situation of the liberated country and its immediate tasks, he stressed: Although liberation has been achieved, we have yet to build a completely independent and sovereign state; this heavy responsibility falls on our shoulders; therefore, all the students should learn advanced ideas, political theories and social sciences a lot, and have a deep interest in politics, a correct understanding of reality and a correct view of the political situation.
His friendly and plain words clarifying their mission and duty appealed to the enterprising students. He finished his lecture, expressing his firm belief that all the students would become true builders of a new Korea.
The story about the extraordinary political finesse of Kim Il Sung , who stirred up the hearts of students with a short lecture, politically awakened them and encouraged them to redouble their efforts for the work of the DYL, is told up to now.
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