March 12, 2025

DPRK Premier Takes Oath at Twelfth Session of 14th SPA

Date: 24/01/2025 | Source: (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, January 24 (KCNA) -- At the Twelfth Session of the 14th Supreme People's Assembly of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Premier Pak Thae Song took an oath, on behalf of the members of the Cabinet, to remain faithful to the constitution of the Republic and live up to the expectations of the Party and the people with absolute devotion.

The Cabinet, the administrative executive organ of the supreme power of the Republic, will hold fast to the lines and policies of the Workers' Party of Korea as its lifeline to establish the Party's unified leadership system more firmly in economic work and conduct economic operation and command for the implementation of the Party's decisions in a responsible and dynamic way, and thus faithfully discharge its heavy mission and duty to the last in the struggle for the growth and development of the overall national economy and the improvement of the people's living standards, the premier said, adding:

The Cabinet members will do their utmost to uphold Comrade Kim Jong Un 's high intention and grand plan for state building with their high ability and pure conscience, bearing deep in mind the boundless loyalty to the people and the spirit of unconditionally serving the people.

This year to be specially recorded in the DPRK's history of development, the Cabinet will hold fast to it as the main task to bring about a new phase in the national economic development and make a clear advance in the improvement of the people's living standards by propelling more vigorously the implementation of the major policy-oriented tasks, adopted and accelerated by the Party Congress, to successfully complete the Five-Year Plan while pushing forward with the preparations for the next stage of development in a substantial way.

I will see to it that all the Cabinet members unconditionally carry out the enormous tasks facing the economic sector at present, stir up a drive for increased production and economy across the country and make fresh innovations, bold creation and vigorous progress in all fields of the national economy.

The Cabinet members will establish a system and method for controlling the overall economy in a unified way in conformity with the economic structure and specific conditions of the country and definitely put the overall economic work under the unified guidance and strategic management of the state by further strengthening the Cabinet-responsibility system and Cabinet-centered system.

The Cabinet will make sure that all sectors and units thoroughly overcome the old-fashioned work attitude and style and establish the innovative work style of actively solving any problems from the standpoint of the state and the patriotic attitude and in close mutual cooperation.

It will put the dignity of the prestigious Party and state and the safeguard of the ties of kinship and single-minded unity between the Party and the people before anything else in designing, organizing and executing all the work and thus defend the absolute authority of Comrade Kim Jong Un and the WPK in every way.

He made a solemn pledge before Comrade Kim Jong Un and the WPK Central Committee, the respected deputies and all the people to discharge his important duty as the Cabinet premier in a responsible manner with actual achievements by thoroughly establishing the trait of settling all problems accurately, perfectly and substantially as intended by the Party, deeply mindful of his heavy mission responsible for the country's economic work. -0- (2025.01.24.)

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