March 11, 2025
KCNA Voice of Korea (EN)

Report on 5th Enlarged Plenary Meeting of 8th CC, WPK

Date: 11/06/2022 | Source: Voice of Korea (EN) | Read original version at source

The Fifth Enlarged Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea was held at the conference room of the headquarters of the Party Central Committee between June 8 and 10, Juche 111(2022).

The meeting made an intermediate review of the implementation of the major Party and state policies for 2022 which is of key importance in carrying out the decisions of the Eighth Party Congress, adopted the orientation of work and policy of struggle for the second half of the year and discussed plans of practical action to promote the important state affairs powerfully and correctly.

The respected Kim Jong Un, General Secretary of the Workers' Party of Korea, was present at the meeting.

Present at the meeting were members of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK, members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee and members and alternate members of the Party Central Committee.

Also on hand as observers were officials of the departments of the Party Central Committee and senior officials of ministries, national agencies, provincial-level leading organs, cities, counties and major industrial establishments.

The executive was made up of members of the Political Bureau of the Party Central Committee.

The Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK authorized Kim Jong Un to preside over the meeting.

Kim Jong Un mentioned the purpose and importance of the convocation of the plenary meeting.

He said important experiences and lessons have been accumulated in the whole of the state affairs, firmly maintaining the orientation of struggle and persistently overcoming a lot of difficult problems and crisis to carry out the tasks presented at the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee in the first half of the year.

He also said the serious situation accompanied only with the grave public health crisis demands us correctly see through the present national crisis and actively take foresighted measures to cope with the future unexpected trials.

He emphasized that the purpose and importance of the convocation of the current plenary meeting lie in encouraging and expanding the positive achievements made in the struggle of the first half of the year to implement the policies of the Party and the state for 2022 assigned by the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee, overcoming the shortcomings, providing a scientific and timely guarantee for finishing the gigantic tasks for this year and awakening and inspiring the whole Party and the entire people once again.

The following agenda items were brought up for discussion at the plenary meeting.

1. Organizational Issue

2. On Making an Intermediate Review of the Implementation of the Major Party and State Policies for 2022 and Taking Measures

3. On Tasks for Controlling the Present Emergency Anti-Epidemic Situation and Building the Anti-Epidemic Capacity of the State

4. On Revising and Supplementing Some Contests of the Party Rules and Their Expounder

The plenary meeting passed the agenda items presented with unanimous approval.

The organizational issue was discussed as the first agenda item.

Members and alternate members of the Central Committee of the WPK were recalled and by-elected.

Members and alternate members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK were recalled and by-elected.

Secretaries of the Central Committee of the WPK were dismissed and elected.

Members of the Central Military Commission of the WPK were recalled and by-elected.

Department Directors of the Central Committee of the WPK were dismissed and appointed.

The Chairman and a member of the Central Inspection Commission of the WPK recalled and by-elected.

Some cadres of the government organs were dismissed and appointed.

The plenary meeting deliberated and approved the plan of disposition of some commanding officers of the armed forces organs suggested by the Central Military Commission of the WPK.

The meeting discussed the second agenda item "On Making an Intermediate Review of the Implementation of the Major Party and State Policies for 2022 and Taking Measures".

Kim Tok Hun, Member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and Vice-President of the State Affairs Commission and Premier of the Cabinet of the Democratic People's Republic of Korea, made a report on the state affairs in the first half of the year for implementing the economic policy assigned by the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee to the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

He enumerated data to mention the successes and shortcomings in the implementation of the economic policy of the Party.

Ri Chol Man, Department Director of the Central Committee of the WPK, reported this year's farming to the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee.

The Party Central Committee listened to and analyzed the reports before estimating them.

Kim Jong Un made a concluding speech on the second agenda item.

He first touched on the achievements of progress got in the state political activities and management, the state development and control of crisis during the past six months.

In the first half of the year our ideology-, system- and state-first spirit was enhanced and the single-minded unity of the Party, the state and the people were further strengthened on a number of political occasions and thus the irresistible force of socialism of Juche was clearly demonstrated all over the world.

A historic progress was made in providing a guarantee for the state security and laying a foundation of confidence as a result that responsible and essential measures concerned were taken and stubborn struggle waged in the rapidly-changing international political situation and the safe circumstances of the Korean peninsula which has got tense.

In the economic field many units increase production and the whole of the economy shows tendency of rise as a result of their tense efforts to implement the decisions of the plenary meeting of the Party Central Committee on boosting the overall production and providing a firm guarantee to carrying out the five-year plan.

The success which can be importantly estimated as regards the implementation of the state economic policy is the sure maintenance of stability and speed of development in the unexpected emergency anti-epidemic situation.

In the construction sector, the construction of modern streets and several production bases to provide the people with better living conditions and environment this year, too, in the wake of last year, is powerfully promoted and major construction projects are nearing completion.

Wonderful successes have been made in the work to rebuild major industrial bases of the state on a modern footing and create a model in the development of the local industry as decided at the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee.

The agricultural sector put efforts into the wheat and barley farming and powerfully accelerated the campaign to prevent the drought damage and the spring farming at the same time, thus showing the new ideological viewpoint and great work attitude of implementing the Party policies.

Kim Jong Un said the firm belief of the entire people in the leadership ability and policy of the Party has been further consolidated and it is a precious political achievement incomparable with any material wealth. He clarified the will of the Party Central Committee to lead all the state affairs to victory and thus powerfully pull faster development in all fields.

The concluding speech pointed out the deviations that occurred in the course of implementing the Party and state policies in the first half of the year and their causes and mentioned ways and Party measures to overcome them.

Kim Jong Un made clear the necessity to provide a new veer in the economic guidance and management on the occasion of the plenary meeting and clarified the tasks to thoroughly implement the economic policy of the Party and state in the second half of the year.

The concluding speech indicated the orientation of struggle of the basic industrial fields such as the metallurgical, chemical, electric power and coal industries in the second half of the year and practical measures in detail.

It raised the farming and the production of consumer goods as the most urgent of the economic tasks this year.

It also presented militant tasks to finish the major construction projects planned in the construction field this year unconditionally, multiply and consecutively and thus demonstrate the mettle of Korean-style socialism all over the world.

It importantly mentioned the issue for the Cabinet, provinces, cities and counties to carry out the first-year task for the rural housing construction which started in real earnest from this year so that the agricultural workers can substantially feel the validity and vitality of the Party's programme on the socialist rural construction, the issue on regarding science and technology as the lifeline of the economic development and concentrating the state efforts on rapidly fostering the strength of science, and on innovating the economic management decisively.

Kim Jong Un specially emphasized that it is necessary to have correct viewpoint of education at present.

The concluding speech underscored the importance of the role of the literature and art and the press in powerfully encouraging the all-people advance this year fraught with the unprecedentedly harsh trials and making all the fronts of socialist construction seethe with the revolutionary spirit of implementing the Party policies, and presented the orientation of struggle.

Kim Jong Un underlined the need to keep directing great efforts to strengthening the national defence capacity.

He made clear once again that the right of self-defence is precisely the issue of defending the national rights and the principle of struggle of power for power and frontal outcome which cannot be conceded even an inch in defending our national rights. And he put forward militant tasks to be promoted by the armed forces of the Republic and the national defence research sector powerfully.

The concluding speech clarified the principles and strategic and tactical directions to be maintained in the struggle against the enemy and the field of external affairs.

It made a strict analysis and review of the struggle against the anti-socialist and non-socialist practices in the first half of the year and referred to the principled issues arising in constantly intensifying the struggle.

It also presented the directions of work to enhance the responsibility and role of all levels of party organizations and officials, raise their ability as an organizer and give the Party guidance to the economic work in a substantial way and thus achieve remarkable successes.

Kim Jong Un said it is necessary to display the strong will and make strenuous efforts to usher in a new phase of state development full of vigour, regarding the unheard-of grim and arduous period as an opportunity when they become stronger and more seasoned, and do their best to carry out all the affairs this year correctly at the planned speed of development.

Winding up the concluding speech, he stressed the need to successfully carrying out the assignments this significant year by concentrating all efforts on the implementation of the national economic plan, bearing in mind that it is just the loyalty to and devoted service for the Party and the people.

The plenary meeting also discussed the third agenda item "On Tasks for Controlling the Present Emergency Anti-Epidemic Situation and Building the Anti-Epidemic Capacity of the State".

Kim Jong Un made a report which manifested the strategic and tactical policies to finally remove the crisis of malignant pandemic, recover the stability and powerfully speed up the work of fostering the anti-epidemic capacity of the state and its ability to cope with the crisis.

He touched on the intention of dealing with the anti-epidemic issue as a separate agenda item at the current plenary meeting though the issue on the emergency anti-epidemic work has been discussed at major Party meetings several times since the outbreak of the worldwide malignant epidemic.

He said the state anti-epidemic work has entered a new stage of enforcing the blockade and the struggle of extermination at the same time from the stage of blockade-oriented anti-epidemic work through a sudden serious crisis, and continued:

The urgent task facing our Party and state in the present situation is to rapidly eliminate the shortcomings and evil practices latent in the anti-epidemic work and take decisive measures for strengthening the anti-epidemic capacity of the country.

It is necessary to correctly see through the whole anti-epidemic work of the state and adopt and enforce more deepened and developed anti-epidemic policy so as to firmly guarantee the socialist construction and the safe operation of the state and provide the people with reliable anti-epidemic environment.

Kim Jong Un pointed out the necessity and urgency to strengthen the foundation for the public health of the country and build the anti-epidemic capacity. He underscored the need to make a profound analysis and review of the evil practices and shortcomings that occurred in all the fields during the greatest emergency anti-epidemic period in the light of criticism and development and do the work of readjusting and reinforcing the work system of the state to cope with the anti-epidemic crisis in a more scientific and revolutionary way.

He presented important tasks and ways to be thoroughly implemented by the Cabinet, the emergency anti-epidemic sector, the public health sector, and judicial and procuratorial organs, public security and state security bodies so as to finally remove the crisis of pandemic and recover the stability in the anti-epidemic work.

He importantly pointed out the need to overcome the immediate anti-epidemic crisis with success and powerfully push ahead with the work to build the anti-epidemic capacity of the state at the same time.

The anti-epidemic capacity of the state we aim is the whole of the consolidated work system and order, technical force, material foundation and potentiality that can deter, control and remove any public health crisis of the country on our own initiative and in a stable way, he added.

Kim Jong Un presented an immediate goal and prospective target to lay firm material and technical foundations for strengthening the anti-epidemic capacity of the state and the detailed ways to hit them.

He ardently called for organizing and doing the emergency anti-epidemic work in a scrupulous, skilful and substantial way with confidence and courage and powerfully speeding up the work to build the anti-epidemic capacity of the country and its capacity to cope with the crisis and thus thoroughly defending the health and well-being of the precious people.

Every section made a study and held a consultative meeting to adopt scientific measures for thoroughly carrying out the tasks of struggle for 2022 assigned by the Fourth Plenary Meeting of the Eighth Party Central Committee on the basis of the idea and spirit of the crucial concluding speech and report of Kim Jong Un.

The sectional studies and consultative meetings were guided by the Presidium members and members of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK.

Tasks reflected on the draft decision were deeply studied and discussed and constructive plans actively raised at the studies and consultative meetings held, divided into nine sections, amid the serious and dynamic viewpoint and extraordinary enthusiasm of the participants.

Jo Yong Won, Member of the Presidium of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the WPK and Secretary for Organizational Affairs of the Party Central Committee, reported the opinions gathered from the group for drawing up the draft decision to the plenary meeting.

The plenary meeting made a final examination of the opinions and adopted the decision on the second agenda item "On Regulating Some Tasks of the Major Party and State Policies for 2022" and the decision on the third agenda item "On Taking Decisive Measures to Extraordinarily Strengthen the Anti-Epidemic Capacity of the State" with unanimous approval.

The plenary meeting discussed the fourth agenda item "On Revising and Supplementing Some Contents of the Party Rules and Their Expounder".

The members of the central leadership body of the Party unanimously recognized that the contents concerned presented to the deliberation are of important significance in further strengthening the militancy and leadership ability of the Party and consolidating the organizational and ideological basis.

The decision concerned was passed with unanimous approval at the meeting.

Kim Jong Un concluded the plenary meeting.

He said the progressive and innovative plans drawn up at the current enlarged plenary meeting represent the full self-confidence, high courage and firm will of the members of the central leadership body of the Party who have bravely turned out as demanded by the Party and the revolution without any slightest hesitation in the unprecedentedly national crisis. And he sent his greetings of militant encouragement to the members of the central leadership body of the Party and through them, to the organizations and members of the whole Party.

The important tasks facing us today are the supreme order given by the people to the Party and the government, he said and expressed the expectation and belief that all the members of the central leadership body of the Party would heavily accept their duty for the Party and revolution, for the country and people and stand in the van of the advancing ranks to win a great victory on the two fronts of the socialist construction and the anti-epidemic campaign.

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