July 27, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

Sea of Apple Trees at Foot of Chol Pass

Date: 02/06/2023 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

The Chol Pass stands in Kosan, Kangwon Province in the eastern part of our country. It is a historic pass crossed over and over again by Chairman Kim Jong Il on his long-arduous journey to defend the country.

Right at the foot of this pass sits the Kosan Combined Fruit Farm, a large-scale fruit production base that brings happiness and joy to our people as one of socialist fairylands.

The fruit farm is permeated with the devoted efforts of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who has always kept his mind on providing our people with fresh fruits.

It was 10 years from now on June 3, 2013 when respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited the Kosan Fruit Farm (at that time) being renovated for capacity expansion.

The farm is important in that Chairman Kim Jong Il paid special attention to it and it is directly linked with our people’s livelihood, he stressed. He also expressed satisfaction over the unprecedented innovations made by the workers who removed large amounts of earth, leveled and rezoned over 2,200 jongbo of land, planted fruit trees in orchards spanning tens of hundreds of jongbo, built 2,000-odd dwelling houses and 90-odd production and public service buildings, and paved more than 120 kilometers of road.

Looking at the load of fruit on the 5-year old short apple trees in the farm, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that it is like looking at trees sinking into the ground heavy-laden with apples on a fruitful autumn day. He continued as follows in a meaningful way:

Once the Kosan Fruit Farm is turned into a large-scale fruit production base, we’d be able to produce tens of thousands of fruit every year. When the farm expands its capacity and is covered in apples, the new beautiful scenery called the “sea of apple trees at the foot of Chol Pass” will be unfolded.

A year thereafter in July 2014, respected Comrade Kim Jong Un revisited the farm. For a long time, he admired the vast sea of fruits stretching for as far as the eye could see, and warmly said that an earthly paradise for the people has been created at the foot of Chol Pass marked with the vivid traces of Chairman Kim Jong Il .

In September 2016, he visited the farm yet again that had produced a rare bumper crop of apples. He expressed his satisfaction, saying that it is a grand sight to see the foot of Chol Pass painted red with apples hanging heavily from every branch and that nowhere in the world can we find such splendor.

He also gave special thanks in the name of the Party Central Committee to the officials and staff of the farm who brought about the rich harvest.

The sea of apple trees at the foot of Chol Pass is a new term of the era coined by the ardent love for the people cherished by respected Comrade Kim Jong Un who is determined to make them live in affluence with nothing to envy in the world.

Today, the Kosan Combined Fruit Farm and other fruit production bases across the country are waging a campaign to produce more fruits for the people true to the intentions of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un to make our people enjoy full benefits of socialism.

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