July 08, 2024

We Will Love Socialism Forever “Minju Joson” Nov. 28, 2023

Date: 29/11/2023 | Source: DPRK Media | Read original version at source

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said as follows:

“Our people absolutely support and trust Korean-style socialism and are devoting their blood and sweat to protecting and realizing the socialist paradise, which is the foundation of life and the home of happiness. Herein lies the fundamental secret of the Korean-style socialism, winning victory after victory.”

On the day of the meaningful elections of deputies to provincial (municipal), city (district), and county people’s assemblies, the voices filled with boundless pride and self-assurance of the people who exercise their political rights as masters of the country in every nook and cranny of the country resounded continuously.

“In every election, our hearts are filled with thankful thoughts about the socialist system and enthusiasm for further consolidating the true people’s government, of which the working people are the masters. We will actively participate in the elections to consolidate our revolutionary power and show the true form of Korean-style socialism centred on the popular masses.”

“Where else in the world can you find such dignified and happy people as our people, who enjoy an independent and creative life to the fullest as masters of the country and the government with the right to vote and be elected by all citizens? Truly, our socialist system is the best in the world.”

In the international political arena, elections are held in every country.

But in no country, as in ours, do all the people greet the elections of deputies to provincial (municipal), city (district), and county people’s assemblies of all levels with great pride and joy as the fruit of a high level of political enthusiasm and proud labor.

Why is this? It is because the belief is firmly rooted in the hearts of our people that the people-centred Korean-style socialism is the world and the paradise of people, which can neither be given nor taken over this whole world and that socialism is victory if defended and death if abandoned.

No other people in the world love their system and life as fervently as our people do.

Socialism is the life and livelihood of our people. The enemy forces are playing all kinds of tricks to block the progress of the DPRK, the bastion of socialism, but this land is unwavering.

The trust in the Party and belief in socialism are firmly rooted in the hearts of our people, who live with the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who thinks of the people first and foremost as the father of the great socialist family.

On one occasion, in the presence of activists, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that the song “This Land’s masters say “is a good one and that the song contains the content of why the People’s Army soldiers, workers, peasants, and scientists should defend our socialism. The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un’s conviction and attachment to the socialism of Juche, the greatest patriotic heritage of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il and the true independent demands and aspirations of our people, are truly penetrating and intense.

The socialism of Juche,

Looking back, for the first time in its 5,000-year history, socialism in the world, in which the people are the masters, was established on this land under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung, and our people have lived in affluence that the world has never known or heard of through the most people-oriented measures.

Our people have been running fearlessly toward the tomorrow of a prosperous and strong country even though the gale of the ordeal was rough because of the fiery love and devotion of Chairman Kim Jong Il, who took the train to the last moment of his revolutionary life to protect the destiny of the people.

What was it that the people felt keenly in their hearts during those days?

It was that Korean-style socialism centered on the popular masses, which is the unique world of the people.

The last ten-odd years of our struggle with the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un at the forefront of the revolution have been the days when our people were keenly aware of how warm this system of socialism is.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un has solidified our socialist fatherland into a country that respects the people like heaven and serves all the people.

How much labor and hardship has the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un devoted to making our socialist fatherland, the greatest patriotic legacy of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, a true people’s country that will shine throughout the world?

If we listen quietly, we can still hear the blasting sound that announced the start of the second-stage 10,000 flats construction project in the Hwasong area and a new street in the Sopho area in February.

The echoes did not only shake the earth in February.

The thunderous sound that once again proclaimed to the whole world that our society is a socialist system centered on the masses, in which the people are the masters of the country and all the people are served, stirred up a whirlwind of intense passion in the hearts of the people.

While hearing the magnificent blast, our people’s eyes filled with tears as they recalled the speech delivered by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un -un at the groundbreaking ceremony for the 2023 Project to Build 10,000 Flats in Pyongyang in March two years ago.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said that the large-scale housing construction project being undertaken by the Party and the country is not for economic gain but is a noble work to ensure that the wealth of the country and the results of the creative labor of the working masses will directly benefit the wellbeing of the working people themselves.

How much were all the people and service personnel inspired by his speech, which appealed that there is nothing more proud, happy, and the greatest in the world, to pour their sweat and passion into the construction of the ideal street and that let us vigorously implement the resolutions set forth by the 8th WPK Congress for a more beautiful and magnificent tomorrow in our capital city, for our parents, brothers and sisters and children to enjoy a new civilization in it.

For our fathers, mothers, brothers, and children to create and enjoy a new civilization to the fullest,

The more I think about it, word by word, the more my whole body is filled with the conviction and joy that these modern and monumental creations built in every corner of the land of our country are ours and the people’s for ourselves, our beloved parents and brothers, children, and our neighbors.

Our thoughts become infinitely deeper in the face of a vibrant reality that makes the hearts of ten million people beat with boundless enthusiasm.

What exactly is socialism?

When we repeatedly think about the profound aspirations and numerous reasons reflected in the words “socialism,” the night when the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un revealed himself to the people in order to heal their impending misfortune and to ensure that there would be not a single shadow on their faces, and the road of his continuous on-site leadership campaign tearfully appear before our eyes.

Recalling in tears the muddy road in Taechong-ri of Unpha County that the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un visited, the extremely dangerous road that he went to the pharmacy during the maximum emergency quarantine period, and the footprints of devotion that he carved in the tideland rice paddies submerged in seawater in such a dangerous place that the water-filled dyke might break at any moment last August, the people of the whole country felt the great happiness of living under the loving care of the greatest father.

How can we possibly know of the heart and toil of Comrade Kim Jong Un to make our socialism, the house of happiness and bright sunshine built by President Kim Il Sung and protected by Chairman Kim Jong Il, a more splendid place for the people to live?

We can see the love of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un not only from the bright appearance of the children who put their hopes and dreams into the “Sonamu” schoolbag containing the “Mindulle” notebook and “Haebaragi” school things at the baby home and orphanage, primary and middle Schools where the nobility of socialism is filled with but also from the appearance of old people who had no one to take care of them, enjoy singing the song “Though Time Passes by” at the care home for the aged.

The Unha Scientists Street, the Wisong Scientists Residential District, the Mirae Scientists Street, the Ryomyong Street, the Jangchon Vegetable Farm in Sadong District, and Jungphyong Greenhouse Farm in the Northern part that even people in Samjiyon City and cities envy, an island village in the West Sea.

Who were the residents of all the residences built in just a few years by the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un’s love for the people?

They were teachers, scientists, researchers, laborers, farm workers, and other ordinary people.

“Where are these good years? I was crushed by the loss of my home and wondered what to do, but how much better is the system that has given us a new home that is even better than that one…”

“Our home of socialism in the bosom of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un is the best in the world.”

These sincere voices in the tears of the people of Rason Municipality and the northern district of the North Hamgyong Provincial several years ago are still echoing today.

A few days ago, the news that the working class of the Ryongyang Mine and their families had taken up residence in new modern houses built following the respected Comrade Kim JongUn’s grand vision to transform the Komdok area into a national model mountain city and mining city also delighted the people of the country.

At a time when numerous refugees and flood victims around the world are spending hard days in the open due to the lack of a pocketbook that pays them deep attention, how meaningful and profound is the celebration of the entry into a new home spreading everywhere in the region? How can we be so indifferent to the reality of this land where people everywhere are crying out that this is our home and that our socialist home is the best, shouting cheers for the Workers’ Party and socialism.?

If we were to name everything we see anywhere in this land, everything that reaches our ears and lungs, it would probably be socialism.

The true form of our socialist system is to be found everywhere: in the houses, day-care centers, kindergartens, clinics, and hospitals in the mountains and lonely island villages and in the corners of the lives of ordinary workers, peasants, and intellectuals.

How grateful we are for our socialist system! Apart from the Korean-style socialism that takes full responsibility for the destiny and future of each family and each person in this land, and pays attention to them and makes them bloom, how can we think about the high dignity and glory of our people, their joyful life and beautiful tomorrow?

A country where ordinary people live in palatial new houses without paying a penny; a country where the symphony of creation and construction for the people’s happiness resounds endlessly amid so many trials and tribulations; a country where ten million people form one large family, help and guide each other, and advance with firm conviction toward a new hill of hope, cannot be found anywhere on this earth.

That is precisely why.

It is precisely for this reason that all the people and service personnel are more firmly united around the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, confidently looking ahead to the bright future of our rich, strong, and prosperous country and marching vigorously toward the new victory of the revolution, facing the many challenges.

Here, we are determined to defend the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un and respect his ideology and achievements with all our hearts, and here is the firmness of our socialist family and its future of wealth, strength, prosperity, and brightness.

All the people and service personnel,

Let us write the great history of our country with sincere blood and sweat, with a patriotic zeal to make our precious socialist family, which has been preserved from generation to generation, flourish magnificently in the world with our own hands.

As descendants born in a country of self-reliance, let us exert our spirit of self-development, the banner of our revolution, even higher and build our socialist fatherland with our strength, passion, and hands more beautifully and wonderfully as a living place that the whole world will envy.

The people will follow the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un, who continues on the path of patriotic devotion to make the time when all the people were optimistic about the future and sang the song “We Are the Happiest in the World” with faith in President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, a reality of today, not a moment in the history.

We will love our socialism forever!

Let our country of socialism, the warm bosom of Comrade Kim Jong Un, and the beautiful people-centered garden shine forever! (End)

Home Office Reporter Sin Hyok Chol

Home Office Reporter Sin Hyok Chol

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