July 08, 2024

Party Organizations Should Effectively Summarize This Year’s Projects “Rodong Sinmun” Nov. 29, 2023

Date: 30/11/2023 | Source: DPRK Media | Read original version at source

The time has come to sum up in front of the Party the struggles of this year, which have been carried out tirelessly with ceaseless miracles and great deeds in accordance with the glorious course of progress and leaps forward indicated by the Center of th Party.

Party organizations at all levels should substantially review this year’s projects and prepare a new springboard for development to further expand the achievements made.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un said the following.

“We must greatly encourage, expand, and develop the victories and achievements won through blood and sweat, and prevent painful lessons from being repeated.”

It is an important demand to make in-depth analysis and summary of the projects of one’s own sectors and units, and to take development-oriented measures in order to take great strides in innovation and progress.

This year our people, under the wise leadership of the Center of the Party, launched a solemn march to pave the way for the nation’s prosperity. Through the all-people’s struggle to carry out the decisions of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Plenary Meetings of the Central Committee of the Workers’ Party of Korea, all sectors and units have made great strides forward.

While there have been great achievements, there are also problems that must be corrected.

In order to keep the enthusiasm of this year’s impetus alive and to carry on the struggle for the overall development of socialist construction even more vigorously, the Party organizations should deeply analyze and summarize the achievements, experiences, and lessons learned. Only by looking back at the projects of their own sectors and units from a developmental standpoint, taking lessons from the achievements, and taking positive measures to overcome them, can they aim for new innovation, bold creation, and continuous progress, and drive forward with conviction and confidence to achieve higher goals in the coming year.

A substantial summary is a springboard for new development.

The Party organizations must check the projects of its own sectors and units in general, three-dimensionally, and in detail, and accurately analyze and summarize the achievements and experiences, as well as the inherent regrets and lessons learned, in order to build a springboard for new development and a stepping stone to greater victory.

We must thoroughly ensure the scientific nature of this year’s projects in the summary.

It is a matter that our Party consistently emphasizes that all projects should be carried out in accordance with scientific principles on a scientific basis. Only by proceeding with the summary of this year’s projects in a scientific manner can we accurately identify achievements and experiences, regrets and lessons learned, and accurately set goals for next year.

We should grasp and analyze the status of implementation of the Party’s decisions in our own sectors and units comprehensively, concretely, and in detail this year, and summarize them accordingly. Instead of basing ourselves on general data and statistics, we should go deep into the masses, listen to their voices, and make a fair evaluation of this year’s projects based on figures and facts.

We should thoroughly overcome the phenomenon of being caught up in subjective views and making vague or exaggerated analyses and evaluations of achievements, experiences, regrets, and lessons learned. In particular, we must accurately and spectacularly ascertain whether this year’s projects were carried out in a direction that mobilized and concentrated the enthusiasm of the masses and the potential of the unit, and whether the results achieved were not just numbers on paper, but significant progress that supports forward development.

A substantive review of this year’s projects should be conducted.

A substantive review is an important space for stimulating the awareness, dedication, and creativity of the masses. When the review of this year’s projects is carried out practically, the spontaneous enthusiasm and creativity of the masses for the implementation of the Party’s decisions will be further enhanced.

The status of implementation of Party decisions should be accurately summarized by unit, by subject, and individually based on actual data, and positive, innovative, and advanced things should be introduced and accompanied by political and material evaluations to match them. The summary must be promoted in such a way that exemplary units and members are actively promoted, positive facts, valuable achievements, and experiences are generalized, and lagging units and members are given due impetus and serious lessons are drawn. We must avoid the phenomenon of unclear application of rewards and punishments, and the verbalization of evaluations with conditions and pretexts. In particular, we must thoroughly overcome averagism, which diminishes the pride and sense of honor of advanced units and their members and allows slackers and dropouts to dwell.

The summary of this year’s projects should serve as an opportunity to further raise the level of vigilance and inspiration.

The tasks of struggle to carry out the decisions of the 8th Congress of the Workers’ Party of Korea are enormous, and only when all officials, Party members, and workers are inspired and inspired a hundredfold will the great march of the whole people be further accelerated.

We must make all officials, Party members, and workers reawaken a sense of responsibility for the tasks they have undertaken and sum up in the direction of cultivating new conviction and resolve. The masses must be made clearly aware that the struggle is not over just because this year’s projects have ended, but that the final line is a new starting line from which we will continue to innovate and move forward. In order to make this year’s project review another space for political projects that will arouse the spirit of the masses, we should explore and apply legal theories that are suited to the actual situation of the unit concerned. Through the summary of projects, we should ensure that the spirit of everyone running with a heavy burden on their shoulders to carry out the Party’s decisions is thoroughly established in their own sectors and units. The tendency to be satisfied with small achievements and to be proud of oneself should be eliminated, and more vigorous efforts should be made to push forward with the implementation of the next year’s goals. In particular, the reviewof the projects should serve as an opportunity to eliminate passivity, self-preservation, defeatism, and other old and outdated ideas, perspectives, and work styles.

The summary of this year’s projects should be a process of in-depth study of the tasks and methods to be carried out next year in our own sectors and units.

Rather than merely analyzing and summarizing achievements and regrets, we should search for new, feasible, and bold tasks based on the experiences and lessons learned. In particular, the summary should be conducted in such a way that all members participating in the summary should proactively search for and seize work that will substantially contribute to the development of units, sectors, and even the nation, based on the demands of Party policy.

Party organizations at all levels should analyze and summarize in depth the achievements, experiences, and lessons learned from this year’s projects, and by undertaking substantial projects to take development-oriented measures, they should firmly build a springboard for new progress and development.

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