July 08, 2024

Let’s Execute This Year’s Fighting Tasks Completely, Without Leaving a Single Thing Undone “Minju Joson “Nev. 30, 2023

Date: 01/12/2023 | Source: DPRK Media | Read original version at source

This year’s gigantic struggle, which began with renewed confidence and expectations under the leadership of the great Party Central Committee, is now just about to reach the finish line.

All sectors and units have been boldly waging offensive struggles throughout the year to achieve the goals of this year’s struggle, bringing positive results.

In order to amplify the valuable achievements made in the midst of repeated trials and difficulties, and to make this significant year shine proudly as a year of great transformation and change that will mark a significant milestone in the path of development of the Republic, all sectors and units must execute the fighting tasks of this year’s struggle most perfectly, without leaving a single thing undone.

Comrade Kim Jong Un said as follows;

“If the political agenda presented from time to time is carried out precisely according to the standards demanded by the Party and within the time frame set by the Party, our pace of progress will be much faster and the people’s lives will be transformed.”

This year, too, we faced a series of severe difficulties on our way forward, but our people, upholding the decisions of the Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Plenary Meetings of the Central Committee of the Party, demonstrated a steadfast revolutionary spirit and fighting spirit, and made substantial progress and development in all aspects of socialist construction. This year’s irrigation construction goals have been basically achieved, remarkable progress has been made in achieving grain production goals, and housing construction is moving ahead strongly as planned. Growth continues in all areas of economic construction, the heyday of the leap forward in strengthening national defense, and bright prospects for improving people’s lives are opening up.

The results achieved so far while overcoming the trials and difficulties faced by all sectors and units are valuable, but what is even more important is that for the remainder of the year, we must go through each and every one of this year’s fighting tasks assigned to our sectors and units and carry them out flawlessly. Whether or not our efforts, which have been advancing strongly and single-mindedly holding aloft the decision of the Party’s Central Committee’s Plenary Meetings, will lead to a decisive guarantee for the completion of the Five-Year Plan depends on our struggles during the remaining period.

If we are to make 2023, a year of spectacular events, a year of proud triumph, all sectors and units must carry out this year’s fighting tasks most perfectly, without a single omission.

The perfect execution of this year’s fighting tasks is essential for the continuous development of the next stage of the grand struggle. Only by precisely carrying out the fighting tasks of this year will we be able to dynamically and confidently advance the work of the following year and successfully achieve the goals set forth by the Party Congress.

Whether it is to take a giant step forward from the first start of next year or to build a strong springboard for the overall development of Korean-style socialism, there must not be a single pending issue in the implementation of this year’s fighting tasks. When the fighting tasks of this year are carried out perfectly, Korean-style socialism will advance tirelessly with vigor and vitality, and a new era of a revived and powerful nation will be ushered in.

All officials and workers must exert their unconditional spirit of execution, their inspiring power and concentration to a higher level, risking life and death in the execution of this year’s fighting tasks.

It is important to reaffirm our deep awareness of the importance of this year’s fighting tasks.

We must bear in mind that the high spirit of unconditionality, thoroughness, and precision in the execution of this year’s fighting tasks is not merely a matter of economic practice, but a serious political struggle to protect the authority of the Party Central Committee in all its aspects and a grand war for creation that will demonstrate our potential and make the people’s happiness flourish. .

We must keep in mind that how we carry out this year’s fighting tasks will determine whether or not the precious achievements we have painstakingly and strenuously built with our loyal and patriotic sweat and blood and the struggles of the past two years for the implementation of the Five-Year Plan, will lead to success. We must always be aware that if we relax and fail to execute the fighting tasks steadily and efficiently just because we have entered the final stage, it will delay the path to making our country stronger and more prosperous, and to realizing the beautiful dreams and ideals of the people.

It is also important to reconfirm the specific status of enforcement for this year’s fighting tasks and to take strong measures to address them.

All sectors and units must examine each and every one of this year’s fighting tasks, which were established based thoroughly on the ideas and spirit of the Sixth, Seventh, and Eighth Plenary Meetings of the Party Central Committee, strictly examine their execution status, and make firm rearrangements accordingly. They must take proactive measures to steadily execute each of the fighting tasks set at the beginning of the year, while reconfirming item by item which provisions have not been accomplished, what the causes are, and what solutions are needed and accurately identify problems and shortfalls, especially those that have been overlooked, and take immediate and appropriate measures.

They must once again analyze and summarize the results, experiences, and lessons learned from the past struggles and take practical measures to execute fighting tasks based on more appropriate methods.

Each sector and unit must flawlessly execute this year’s fighting tasks assigned to them to the level desired by the Party.

Formally executing this year’s fighting tasks just because the deadline for implementing the plan is approaching and because conditions and the environment are difficult, is clearly a serious act of deceiving the Party and the state and of trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the the people. The most complete and flawless execution at the level desired by the Party is a position that all sectors and units should thoroughly adhere to in the execution of this year’s fighting tasks.

All sectors and units, both in organizing the execution of the goals of this year’s struggle and in setting up one creation, must be perfect and flawless so that the people can feel it on their skin, at the level desired by the Party. They must constantly check whether this year’s fighting tasks are being executed at the level desired by the Party, and constantly take measures to ensure complete and flawless execution without the slightest shortcoming. They must thoroughly eradicate the phenomenon of talking big in production and construction, a wrong way of working that prioritizes only quantitative growth and ignores quality.

They must thoroughly guard against producing products whose quality is not guaranteed while claiming to reduce costs, achieve domestic production of raw materials and materials, and recycle resources. Even if we make one product, we must make a product that the people like. They must ensure that there is absolutely no phenomenon of temporizing while pretexting various unfavorable conditions for readjustment and reinforcement, although they put their efforts into current production.

The perfect execution of this year’s fighting tasks depends critically on the role of officials.

All officials must be prepared to take full responsibility for the work of their sector and unit to the Party, and execute this year’s fighting tasks substantially and completely. They must mobilize the masses to carry out this year’s fighting tasks with strong political activities and revolutionary ideological offensives, and maximize their collective wisdom and creativity.

Officials must calmly analyze and summarize their work from various angles, such as what they have missed in a day’s work, whether they are working superficially on the pretext of difficult conditions, whether they have turned their faces away from what they must do, and what are the important keys to a breakthrough and find a solution and tenaciously put it into practice.

Let us all carry out this year’s fighting tasks flawlessly, without missing a single thing, and let us make the meaningful year 2023 shine as a year of great transformation and change that will mark a significant milestone in the path of development of the Republic.

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