A national photo exhibition, “By strengthening our revolutionary armed forces into an invincible army”, was opened with due ceremony at the People's Palace of Culture on February 3 to mark the 83rd birth anniversary of Chairman Kim Jong Il .
On display there are photos showing the revolutionary exploits of Chairman Kim Jong Il who firmly defended the dignity and sovereignty of the country and people, and of the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un who is ushering in the golden age of strengthening the Juche-oriented revolutionary armed forces.
There are photos dealing with the noble life of Kim Jong Il who further developed the Korean People's Army into an invincible army since he started his leadership over the revolutionary armed forces.
Some of those photos show the devoted efforts of the peerlessly great man who made a ceaseless journey to the front for defending the country and laid a solid foundation for the development of the Juche-based defence industry with his firm faith that the victory of the socialist cause and the happiness of the people are guaranteed by the powerful arms.
The photos reflect the personality of Kim Jong Il as a great man who trained the People's Army as a shock brigade in socialist construction and creator of the people's happiness and took warm care of the soldiers’ life.
They also show the personality of Kim Jong Un as the heaven-sent great man who is guaranteeing the security of the country and its people and the future of everlasting prosperity with his independent decision and steadfast will to defend the sovereignty and interests of the country.
There are also photos proving that the DPRK could become a full-fledged military power thanks to the leadership of the great brilliant commander who developed the armed forces of the DPRK into elite combat ranks with matchless military muscle.
Present at the opening ceremony were Ju Chang Il, department director of the Central Committee of the Workers' Party of Korea, Kim Su Gil, chief secretary of the Pyongyang Municipal Committee of the WPK, Kim Myong Hun, vice-premier of the Cabinet, officials concerned and working people in Pyongyang.
Minister of Culture Sung Jong Gyu made an opening address.
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