September 01, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

Mass Media of Various Countries Praise Revolutionary Life and Exploits of Comrade Kim Jong Il

Date: 13/02/2020 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Mass media of various countries highly praised the sacred revolutionary life and exploits of the great leader Comrade Kim Jong Il , the peerlessly great man and great politician, on the occasion of the Day of Shining Star.

Saying that the birth of Leader Kim Jong Il was a historic event of great significance for the destiny and development of not only the Korean people but also the progressive peoples of the world, the Russian internet homepage Grifon-Personal carried the following article.

The Leader Kim Jong Il was born as a son of guerillas on Mt. Paektu in the period when the Korean revolutionaries, under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung , were waging an armed struggle to end the Japanese military occupation and to liberate the fatherland.

Through his outstanding ideological and theoretical activities, he systematized the Juche Idea created by President Kim Il Sung in a comprehensive manner. He made a great contribution to achieving the cause of global independence through his energetic external activities.

The most brilliant of his exploits is that he opened a way for disintegrating the old global political structure centered on the great powers and firmly defended the peace and security on the Korean peninsula by dint of his unique Songun politics.

“Public Lens”, an organ of the Uganda National Resistance Movement stated as follows.

On the occasion of his birth anniversary, the international society is looking back with deep emotion on the immortal exploits performed by His Excellency Kim Jong Il for the era and history.

His Excellency Kim Jong Il is an outstanding politician and great ideological theorist who is boundlessly admired across the world.

He added luster to the Juche Idea as an eternal guiding ideology of Korea and a guiding idea in the era of independence, and he proved the scientific accuracy and truth of socialism and the inevitability of its victory by making public a large number of works.

This ideological and theoretical wealth provided by His Excellency Kim Jong Il is the most precious asset that he had left for the Korean people and the progressive peoples.

The Bulgarian newspaper Iskra said that the whole life of Comrade Kim Jong Il is a noble and devoted life during which he dedicated all of himself for the good of people, and he turned the Workers’ Party of Korea into a genuine motherly Party serving for the popular masses by inheriting the revolutionary cause of Comrade Kim Il Sung .

The Egyptian newspaper Al Nashir carried the following article.

His Excellency Kim Jong Il devoted all his life to the accomplishment of the cause for world peace.

He led the building of a new peaceful world devoid of aggression and war under an uplifted banner of anti-imperialist independence.

His Excellency Kim Jong Il was the peerlessly great man who was charmingly respected by everyone, transcending the ideology, political views, nationality, and faith.

Those who met him couldn’t hold back their admiration for his wise and scientific viewpoint and his noble personality.

His Excellency Kim Jong Il is a great saint who provided a blue sky of peace to the humankind by leading to victory the confrontation with imperialism by upholding the treasured sword of Songun.

His exploits accumulated for the cause of global peace will be etched forever in the history of humankind.

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