July 27, 2024
KCNA Uriminzokkiri (En)

KCNA Reports on Dedication and Feats of Patriotic Young People

Date: 09/08/2022 | Source: Uriminzokkiri (En) | Read original version at source

The Korean Central News Agency (KCNA) released a detailed report on August 6 to mark the 45th anniversary of the start of the youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement at farms.

The movement was organized and launched under the leadership of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il, and it is intensified at a new higher stage under the wise leadership of the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un. The movement was waged by young people who made collective advance into the countryside. It has displayed a great vitality for 45 years in implementing the Party's agricultural policy and in carrying out the three revolutions.

The detailed report says:

The movement of the youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement at farms, a socialist mass movement and a mighty collective innovation movement of the young vanguard, is a patriotic movement of loyalty, which has fully demonstrated the revolutionary ideological and moral traits and spirit of our young people since it started.

At the 12th Plenary Meeting of the 5th Party Central Committee in October, Juche 65 (1976), the President said that young people possessed of agricultural science and technology should work in the countryside in order to do farm work in a sci-tech way as required by the Juche farming methods, and took revolutionary relevant measures.

In August 1977, students of the graduating class at the then Sinanju Girls' Senior Middle School in Anju City made collective advance into the countryside and formed the first youth subworkteam in our country.

The President sent a letter of thanks of love and trust to the members of the first youth subworkteam on August 7, and kindled the torch of a mass movement for following their example was waged. With this as a momentum the youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement at farms to be specially recorded in the history of the Juche-based youth movement and the history of the socialist countryside development began.

Following the members of the first youth subworkteam, students of the graduating class at the then Unha Senior Middle School in Yangdok County volunteered to work at the then Unha Cooperative Farm, which gained momentum a hot wind of volunteering to work at farms among the young people across the country.

In January 1978, 129 students of the graduating class at the then Chongsan Senior Middle School in Kangso County became members of the youth subworkteam of the then Chongsan Cooperative Farm, and in 1978, graduates of many senior middle schools volunteered to work at the socialist countryside and organized hundreds of youth subworkteams and waged a vigorous collective innovation movement.

The number of youth subworkteams and youth workteams reached 2 009 in 1979, 2 899 in 1980, and 3 397 in 1981.

Following the 1980s, the fighting traits of the youths demonstrating the resourcefulness and gallantry in the agricultural front that our Party always attaches importance gained momentum in the 1990s, too.

Many volunteers to the countryside went to major thrust area of socialist construction, with a resolution to make a dash for the bright future in the spirit of "straight forward" implanted by the respected General Secretary Kim Jong Un. As a result, the number of the youth subworkteam and youth workteam members reached over 57 200 throughout the country in 2014.

The hot wind of collective volunteering of patriotic youths is further raised after the historic Eighth Congress of the Workers' Party of Korea.

The members of the youth subworkteams and the youth workteams who advanced into the agricultural front true to the intention of the Party fully demonstrated the might of collectivism and the vitality of mass movement in implementing the Juche farming methods.

Keeping in their youthful mind President Kim Il Sung's teachings that "Rice Means Socialism", the young people made barren soils fertile despite unfavorable conditions and devoted their sincerity to fields to have a rich harvest.

Amid the brisk youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement, a beautiful trait of donating increased grain to the country was fully displayed among youths.

The youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement in the countryside is recording a clear trace in the history of the Juche-based youth movement as the movement of innovation and progress of bringing up youths to be pillars of implementing the Party's agricultural policy along with the three revolutions--ideological, technological and cultural.

Chairman Kim Jong Il attached importance to the role of the youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement in strengthening the rural position and accelerating the three revolutions, saw to it that the movement for winning the title of model youth workteam and model youth subworkteam, a new higher-stage youth movement, was waged as a part of the Three-Revolution Red Flag Movement in March 1982.

Youth subworkteams and youth workteams have dynamically conducted the movement for winning the title of model youth workteam and model youth subworkteam by placing main emphasis on defending and shining the immortal leadership exploits of our Party and preparing youths to be rural revolutionaries boundlessly faithful to the Party and strong in ideology and spirit.

With this movement being strengthened, great progress was witnessed in the accomplishing the rural technical and cultural revolution.

The number of youth subworkteam members enrolled in the study-while-working educational system is increasing, and many youths have been possessed of the qualifications for agricultural and stockbreeding engineers and assistant engineers to make a big contribution to the accomplishment of rural technical revolution.

The respected Comrade Kim Jong Un make clear the idea that the overall development of our-style socialism is in essence a new revolution in ideological, technological and cultural spheres, and has put on a stage of upswing the movement for winning the title of model youth workteam and model youth subworkteam which promotes the transformation of the countryside into the one that meets the requirements of the three revolutions.

Up to now, at least 690 units have been awarded the title of model youth subworkteam (workteam), 670-odd units the title of twice model youth subworkteam (workteam) and over 220 units the title of thrice model youth subworkteam (workteam) throughout the country. And many units received the title of twice and thrice Three-Revolution Red Flag.

Many youth subworkteam and youth workteam members have grown to be genuine rural revolutionaries, having the honor of being members of the Workers' Party of Korea, labor heroes, winners of Kim Il Sung Youth Honor Prize and Kim Jong Il Youth Honor Prize, recipients of state orders and deputies to the Supreme People's Assembly and the local people's assembly.

The vanguard role of the youths and revolutionary significance of the youth subworkteam and youth workteam movement are further emphasized in today's historic struggle for the rapid development of socialist countryside.

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