July 27, 2024
KCNA Uriminzokkiri (En)

Rodong Sinmun Calls on Officials to Display Party and Revolutionary Spirit and Devotion

Date: 28/01/2023 | Source: Uriminzokkiri (En) | Read original version at source

Pyongyang, January 27 (KCNA) -- The present reality calls upon all the people to accelerate the advance towards the new era for the overall development of socialist construction with redoubled fighting spirit. In particular, it requires all officials to turn out in the struggle for implementing the Party's decisions with the Party and revolutionary spirit and devotion as never before, says Rodong Sinmun in an editorial on Friday.

Today when we have to bring about a new change and development of Korean-style socialism, our officials, the core of the Party and leading personnel of the revolution, assume important and heavy responsibility, the editorial says, and goes on:

The dignity and authority of the Party Central Committee and the realization of the Party's plan depend on the role of officials and the advance and development of the state and the improvement of the people's living standard are guaranteed by the responsibility and devotion of officials.

Officials should give full play to the Party and revolutionary spirit and devotion. This is an important requirement for making a remarkable step forward in developing their own sectors and units and implementing the Party's decisions.

Only officials with boundless loyalty and devotion to the revolution can display the high political consciousness of correctly grasping the essence of the Party's policies and thinking according to it, the high practical ability of finding out the trick and the correct solution for implementing the Party's decisions and the stubborn power of implementing the Party's decisions even though the sky falls down.

Officials' high Party and revolutionary spirit and their great devotion inspire the masses with enthusiasm for struggle and patriotism.

All officials should carry out the Party's decisions in a steadfast and reliable way by displaying high Party and revolutionary spirit and devotion and thus glorify this significant year with proud achievements.

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