July 23, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

It Is Necessary to Heighten Vigilance against NATO's Expansion into Asia-Pacific: International Affairs Analyst of DPRK

Date: 02/06/2023 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Jong Kyong Chol, an international affairs analyst of the DPRK, released the following article "It is necessary to heighten vigilance against NATO's moves to extend its sphere of influence to the Asia-Pacific region" on June 2:

Recently, NATO Secretary General let out a load of rubbish about the DPRK's military reconnaissance satellite launch. Lashing out at its projected military satellite launch using ballistic missile technology, he said that it escalates tensions and poses a serious threat to the security of the relevant region and others.

The DPRK's military reconnaissance satellite launch is just a self-defensive measure to cope with the ever more undisguised military threats by the U.S. and its vassal forces in the Asia-Pacific region. It has nothing to do with NATO across the continent and ocean.

If NATO feels concerned about the DPRK's military reconnaissance satellite launch, it is just a clear revelation of its sinister intention to find itself in the Asia-Pacific region under the pretext of the non-existent "threat from north Korea".

This is not the first time for the NATO Secretary General to recklessly poke his nose into the issue of the Korean peninsula and say this and that about the exercise of the legitimate right to self-defence by a sovereign state.

The extremely interventionist and provocative remarks of the NATO Secretary General are by no means unrelated to the latest moves of NATO which is making repeated appearance in the Asia-Pacific region beyond its operation sphere to stir up concern about conflict and dispute.

The "war chariot" NATO is dashing toward the Asia-Pacific region, not content with bringing a war calamity to Ukraine at the end of its ceaseless eastward advance. Such moves provoke vigilance of regional countries.

In April and June last year, NATO dispatched the chairman of its Military Commission to south Korea and Japan respectively to hold confabs on further strengthening partnership and military cooperation. At the end of June, NATO invited Japan, Australia, New Zealand and south Korea to the summit held in Madrid for the first time, in which it called for closer cooperation with its fellow countries in the Indo-Pacific region.

The NATO  Secretary General, who made junkets to south Korea and Japan at the outset of this year six years after his last visit, called for united counteraction of the "democratic" countries against the threat by the "authoritarian" countries, asserting that things happening in the region are important to Europe and NATO, and vice versa.

This is a formal statement that NATO will interfere in the issues arising in the Asia-Pacific region in contingency, clearly showing what NATO seeks in its advance toward the region that gets more and more frequent in recent years.

As unanimously commented by the international community, NATO is accelerating its advance toward the region. This is aimed to expand its operation sphere in the light of the present structure of international relations inching close to a "new Cold War", thus turning itself into "global NATO" serving the U.S. strategy for world domination.

NATO, which should have disappeared along with the end of the Cold War, is getting frantic with military intervention in the Asia-Pacific region at the U.S. beck and call. This fact is arousing strong vigilance of regional countries and the international community.

As proven by historical facts, all the places the NATO forces set their blood-tainted jackboots on under the berets of "human rights, democracy and peace" were surely torn by internal dispute, war and mass killings.

More serious is the fact that there exist in the region some dishonest forces seeking to catch a fish in the troubled waters of their geopolitical confrontation with the rivals by inviting NATO.

Its typical evidence, including the recently accelerated establishment of missions between NATO, Japan and south Korea and a joint cyber drill, constitutes a danger signal that the military collusion between the aggressor forces in the Atlantic and the Pacific has entered the stage of full-scale implementation.

NATO, the very one that caused the outbreak of a large-scale regional war on the European continent, is bringing a fresh war crisis to the Asia-Pacific region. This should not be overlooked.

The Asia-Pacific region is not NATO's war playground.

The countries in the region should not forget the history of distress they underwent due to outsiders. And they should see through the extremely dangerous moves of the "war chariot" NATO crazily dashing to the region and the catastrophic consequences to be entailed by it, and maximize their vigilance over it.

Unless NATO stops its moves for war, the independent countries in the Asia-Pacific region will take their action to deter the war threat with their powerful might.

If NATO continues attempting to violate the sovereignty and security interests of the DPRK, the latter will regard it as the foe to be dealt with like the U.S.

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