August 31, 2024
KCNA Sports DPRK (En)

Leader underlines importance of education through revolutionary relics

Date: 26/07/2024 | Source: Sports DPRK (En) | Read original version at source

Ithappened on August 23 Juche 112(2023), when the respected Comrade Kim JongUn visited the Kumsong Tractor Factory and dropped in the hall for education throughrevolutionary relics.

Whilecarefully seeing photos of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman KimJong Il, historic relics and materials displayed in several rooms with deepemotion, he stopped in front of his photos taken at the factory six years ago.

Then,he suddenly turned his eyes upon a lecturer and said that she was the one whohad given explanations of the factory’s history.

Sayingto his entourage that she had given explanations that day when he looked roundthe hall in November 2017, he praised her for being engaged in the sector ofthe administration of revolutionary relics for a long time.

Thelecturer said in a tearful voice that she had thought it would be impossiblefor her to meet the General Secretary again since she already passed thepension age, but her lifelong wish to meet him again finally came true.

Givingher a friendly look, the respected Comrade Kim Jong Un suddenly askedher if she was training a reserve lecturer.

Whenshe offered him an affirmative reply, he said that it is important forindustrial establishments to train reserve operators, and training lecturersfor such halls is as important as that, adding that factories and enterprises shoulddo well the work of educating theiremployees in the Party’s leadership exploits permeated in their workplacesbefore production and business activities. He underlined the need for Partyorganizations to refurbish and keep well such bases for ideological educationas the hall dedicated to education with revolutionary relics and the roomdedicated to the history of their units and conduct education through them on aregular basis and in a constant way.

Hisinstructions were precious guidelines to be adhered to without fail in theeducation through revolutionary relics and in enlisting the spiritual strengthof masses and contained an important issue in the Party’s ideological work.

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