September 01, 2024
KCNA Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN)

For Global Independence and Genuine International Justice

Date: 25/08/2024 | Source: Ministry of Foreign Affairs (EN) | Read original version at source

Forty-nine years have passed since our Republic waged a righteous struggle to frustrate arbitrariness and high-handedness of the imperialist forces and safeguard sovereignty and prosperity of developing countries at the forefront of the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM), upholding the banner of independence against imperialism, and peace and friendship.

At the NAM Ministerial Meeting held in Lima, the capital city of Peru on August 25, 1975, our Republic became a full member state of the NAM. Since then, our Republic has long made strenuous efforts to develop the NAM and realize a genuine international justice.

President Kim Il Sung had always paid deep attention to the NAM, the powerful revolutionary force against imperialism, reflecting the tendency of the times toward independence. He wisely led our Republic to make sure that we strengthen unity and cooperation with the non-aligned countries and strive at the forefront for the victory of common cause against imperialism by joining the Movement.

President Kim Il Sung clarified scientifically and theoretically the mission and essence of the NAM as well as policy and ways to be followed by the Movement in his historic conclusion: “For the Development of the Non-Aligned Movement” published in June, 1986 and in other immortal classical works. He also personally met a lot of heads of state and political figures of developing countries and guided them along the road of common struggle against imperialism, thus performing immortal feats in the growth and development of the NAM.

During the harsh period when the imperialists indulged themselves in interference and aggression clamoring about the collapse of anti-imperialist independent force, Chairman Kim Jong Il , with his remarkable ideological and theoretical wisdom and outstanding leadership, put forth a wise line that the NAM countries should all unite firmly under the banner of independence and establish a new international order based on independence, equality, justice and impartiality, and energetically led the struggle for its implementation.

He, with immortal Songun leadership, consolidated an invincible military strength to smash the frantic military provocation maneuvers of anti-DPRK hostile forces including the U.S. imperialists and fulfill our country’s mission and role as the fortress of anti-imperialist front. These are particularly significant contributions made by the Chairman in accomplishing the cause of global independence.

The revolutionary cause of President Kim Il Sung and Chairman Kim Jong Il is being brilliantly carried forward by the outstanding leadership and great revolutionary practice of respected Comrade Kim Jong Un . He has solemnly declared that our Republic will regard anti-imperialist independence as its immutable and consistent number one national policy, realize international justice based on respect for sovereignty, non-interference in internal affairs, equality and mutual benefit and establish a new international order, a master plan to accelerate the accomplishment of the cause of global independence.

Today, aggression, interference, subordination and inequality by the imperialists are rampant and the sovereignty of sovereign states are being seriously threatened. It is our invariable stand to maintain the ideal of the NAM and firmly guarantee world peace and security by strengthening mutual trust, cooperation and unity with the NAM countries and by resolutely struggling to defend genuine international justice in the international arena.

The DPRK will continue to attach importance to enhancing the role of the NAM which aspires to anti-imperialist independence and will fully play the role of pioneer in establishing a new international order on the basis of the ideals of independence, peace and friendship.

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